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any other ways to make .map a .bsp?


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A ramp has to be no more than 45 degrees and a stair has to be not taller than 18 game units.



You have to add an info_player_intermission to let people decide which team they want to join.


For FFA, Team FFA, Duel and Jedi master put info_player_deathmatch where you want people to spawn. You can use more of it.


For CTF use the team_ things.


For CTY the ysalimary is item_ysalimary and I'm not sure the spawn points are the same as for CTF or for the others.


Place weapons and ammo where you want. There is a very good thread somewhere here about tips for MP mappers, and it is sticky I'm sure. It can be Tips for SP mappers also I don't remember MP tips were in their own thread or not.

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