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If u were unsatisfied with SWGB/CC (or simply want another SW RTS) click here

Crazy_dog no.3

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

Yeah but it was less balanced, and had fewer options. Like it or not, u must admit that GB has more strategic options.


ya, but i prefer the 3D camera. and i hated the unit stacking (units humping eachother) in gb. i liked the point system of force commander more than 'gather resources to win game' of gb. tactic>strategic IMO

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Rogue 15, you may find this hard to believe, but I wholely agree with you.


I loved the command point system, and I loved the way that combat and movement was carried in that game.


Sure it wasn't much, but at it's core, it was one frickin awesome game.


My $0.02.

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