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BSP Error: "Lightmaps exceed max memory"


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The level compiled as it usually does, then after the final countdown in the light process I got this error message:


"Lightmaps exceed max memory (8403296 > 8388608)"


Needless to say, after waiting nearly seven hours for the stupid thing to compile, I wasn't the least bit impressed.


Anyway I can fix this?


I'm using SOF2Map by the way. I don't get this error with Q3Map2 (I get the annoying "nullpolyshader" error instead).

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I had the same problem a while back, heres a link to the thread about it:


I did manage to solve it eventually, I had to delete all the lights and redo them all, took ages but it did compile fine after that. The thread suggests there are other less drastic measures before redoing all the lights.

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Cheers for the link Kengo.


Originally posted by Emon

1. You need to increase the size of the lightgrid. I forget how, since I no longer need to since Q3Map2 does it automatically.


I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that, it doubles the compile time. I can't be bothered with Q3Map2, I've tried everything that I've been able to find that will fix it but it does no good. I'll just sod it and use SOF2Map instead.

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That "nullpolyshader" error bothers me a lot more really. If you could just fix that, you wouldn't have the lighting problem and you could just use Q3map2. It's alos an error that can happen in SOF2MAP. It would be pretty f*cked up if you got that error later on in your mapping process.


Does anybody know what exactly causes that error? Maybe someone should contact Raven about it.

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There is no other way unless you increase the lightgrid or massivly reduce the amount of lights. You should go to the Q3Map2 support form and ask about it. Ydnar actively posts there, he wrote Q3Map2, so he'll know what to do. I've already taken the liberty to go and post for you. I'll let you know if I find anything out.



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I've been using the latest version of Q3Map2. This error also persists with a couple of older versions.


The level loads OK, but most of the textures appear as solid white or as black with white grids on it. The error message "nullployshader" actually appears in-game in the top left of the screen multiple times as textures are loaded.


There are a few terrain patch areas in the game, but the error occurs all over the map.

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I resorted to altering the gridsize and using SOF2Map again. No luck. I get the exact same error message, so the gridsize has nothing to do with the memory. Which is a tad annoying to say the least.


I can't compile my level, unless I find a way around it, it's not going to get released.

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I get it from both custom and Raven ones.


I think I may have found the problem.


My Q3Map2 BAT file says -fs_basepath "C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData"...


I can't help thinking that that should be -fs_basepath "C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData\base"...


Think that could be it?

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Compiler works a lot faster without Radiant in the background. It's also quicker to fire up a compile that way.


I was wrong about the basepath thing anyway. I tried it with a test map and it worked better with the basepath as "gamedata" than "gamedata\base".


I also tried the brush cleanup, it got rid of lots of invalid planes and such, but didn't do anything to stop the error.

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I don't know if this has been said before, but most MP maps that also have this problem have used multiple directories for custom textures and multiple shader file.


When Shadriss and I were working on DoTF .v2 I made sure I put every single custom texture in one directory and one shader file. And that map does work in SP. And I compiled it with Q3map2.


I don't know how you structured your pk3, but this may be a solution. It looks to me that Raven might have also done this, because some textures appear in multiple texture directories.


So if everything else doesn't work, try that. It will be a hell of a lot of work.

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Oh yeah, and if you used non-custom textures from different texture directories, that might be a problem as well. Maybe the SP engine doesn't like using 3 or 4 different texture directories and shaders for SP maps.


All the Raven maps probably used only one Texture dir and shader file. You might have to copy some stuff over to your own texture directory even if it's not custom.

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You could be right, but it doesn'y explain why I don't get the error in SOF2Map.


I tried compiling with Q3Map2 directly from GTKRadiant (it uses different extensions to my BAT). Instead of this error, the level refused to load and a dialogue box came up saying "SV_SetBrushModel: NULL".


I just can't win. I've worked long and hard on this level, it's just shaping up to be really good and it looks like I'm going to have to scrap it.

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I've just written a new BAT based on the command lines in the GTKRadiaint porject settings window. Can somebody who knows more about Q3Map2's extensions tell me whether it looks right or not?


@echo off

"C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData\Radiant\q3map2.exe" -v -fs_basepath "C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData" -fs_game base -game jk2 -meta C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData\base\maps\crasher1.map

"C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData\Radiant\q3map2.exe" -fs_basepath "C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData" -fs_game base -game jk2 -vis -saveprt C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData\base\maps\crasher1.map

"C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData\Radiant\q3map2.exe" -v -fs_basepath "C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData" -fs_game base -game jk2 -light -fast -filter -super 2 C:\Games\Jedi2\GameData\base\maps\crasher1.map


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Ahhh... I may have found the cause to the shader error. According to the log, the compiler is taking in 2 "shaderlist.txt" files. I'm confused because I've already been over the folders and PK3s time and time again looking for a duplicate shaderlist and have not yet found one. There must be one somewhere there.

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