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It's a scary world...


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It's a scary world we live in. Out here where i am (Southern NY), we're into a good sized snow storm.


I was sitting here, writing a final essay for class, when I saw a huge white flash through the window, brighter than anything I've seen in a long time. A split second later, I heard a booming sound. It didnt sound anything like any thunder I've ever heard. It sounded more like an explosion. It kept rumbling away, before tapering off.


Now, normally this wouldnt be anything to think about, except the magnitude of this thunder (which I eventually concluded it to be) combined with the flash made me think, at first, that it was some sort of nuclear attack. I live within 50 miles of Indian Point (a nuclear power plant), and it's been cited as a prime target of terrorists.


I know I was being paranoid and all, but just the same... It's a scary world... I'm not used to being under the gun. Now I know how people who lived during the height of the Cold War felt.


I dont like it.

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Very sad, isn't it?


The paranoia you've experienced is felt by others, whether or not they're near a target for terrorism.


This is what the world has come to...





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I live even closer to Indian Point, so how do you think I feel?


The world we live in isn't our parents' world, that's for sure. They didn't have to deal with the fear of being nuked or attacked or anything like that. All the wars happened off of American soil. Now they're bringing terror right home.


'Tis a very scary world indeed.

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