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Flying Beastie

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Alright folks, let's hear a round of applause to FOX's programming department.


R.I.P. Firefly, Oct 2002 - Dec 2002


See here, then go over here to hope in the face of impossibility.


Once again, round of applause for FOX, for (A) consigning an untried new show to the Timeslot of Death (8pm Fridays), and (B) NOT AIRING IT FOR TWO WEEKS IN A ROW!!!



Ultimately though, at about three months, it had a respectable run for an intelligent SF series, most of which are either aborted or forcibly turned into pointless self-service for big-name stars (Sorbo, I'm looking at you).



Tell me again why I want to be a writer?

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shouldn't it tell you something about your viewing choices if all of yoru shows get cancelled after a couple seasons? ;)



that sucks man, just like how ABC iced Sportsnight after it won a best new comedy award, they make stupid WB viewer based decisions all the time :(

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