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Christmas Holiday Getaway!


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Christmas at my house is usually hectic. My sibling comes home and starts arguements, and everyone of course blame me for them. And then there is the activities that I am to partake. Everyone is always running around doing this, that, or some other damned thing. I still love Christmas though. :)

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Christmas at my house is usually hectic. My sibling comes home and starts arguements, and everyone of course blame me for them. And then there is the activities that I am to partake. Everyone is always running around doing this, that, or some other damned thing. I still love Christmas though. :)


is there poking involved? :naughty::jab:


I'm staying home, as always. My grandfather is ocming, tahts it.



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I am not going anywhere far for Christmas. I am going to my grandma's place on Christmas Eve. and going to my cousin's place for Christmas. My grandma's house is about 45 minutes away and my cousin is about an hour and a half away. Which I am not really thrilled about.:( I just want to stay home and open presents.:)

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