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My friends cousin met Hayden!


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well first off just lemme say that it was almost impossible to belive when i heard it but just listen :p


my friend Andrews cousin Adam, has a good friend taht lives in Toronto. i forget what he does, but he gets to meet stars, etc. so Adam went to Toronto with him. Adams friend got a phone call and i guess it was Hayden Christiansen! he wanted to know if he wanted to hang out and drink some beers. sooooo Adam and his friend went to Hayden's house in Toronto, and chilled out with him! they drank some booze and got drunk with hayden!! isnt that amazing?!?! i couldnt belive it, i thought that was so kool. oh, and the best part is that Adam took some pictures of him with Anakin!! heh, so once they get developed ill be sure to get my friend to send em over to me and ill scan em on and post some pics....:D


pretty kool stuff eh?

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no id ont think he lives there, hes just got like a little house there that he stays in when he is in Toronto ya kno? hes prolly got all sorts of homes in different parts of the world where he goes. but ya, ill post pics and stuff once he gets em


and i love near toronto to, ya kno where London is? thats where i live, wut bout u?

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