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New code of conduct for saberists

Sir Brass

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

You'll never make me bow!


It's your choice. Just like it's your choice to pay taxes or not hurt people because you choose to go against the general norm of society.


I'll do a test tonight: On every duel server I visit, I won't bow. I'll go to the best place for dueling in that map and await my opponent, but I'll just stand there with my saber on - not bowing.


If I get kicked once for this rude behaviour, I'll believe you...

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I've never been kicked from a duel server for not bowing. I always get kicked from FFA servers for generally raping. My only crime is humiliating the admin...THAT, is a joke. Cjais, don't compare JKO to Human society, please...it's just pathetic.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

Cjais, don't compare JKO to Human society, please...it's just pathetic.


And would you be so good as to explain why?


Whenever there's a group of people, norms develop - a mini society is already born in this community with accepted rules etc.


Notice I'm not speaking about the JKO (the game itself), but rather the community around it. In that community, the accepted norm is bowing, for one.


BTW: I just did some playing: No one cared whether I bowed or not, but if I were to attack them as soon as they spawned in the duel, I'd be badmouthed out of the server.


Does it surprise anyone here?

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Originally posted by Cjais

And would you be so good as to explain why?


Whenever there's a group of people, norms develop - a mini society is already born in this community with accepted rules etc.


Notice I'm not speaking about the JKO (the game itself), but rather the community around it. In that community, the accepted norm is bowing, for one.



It's not an accepted norm...it's a joke. This isn't an rpg, quit and wait around until SWG if you can't handle it. This is a first person shooter. The competition makes this game what it is, not the petty noob antics that you refer to. Yes, they are noob antics. Go to any high profile server (there are only about 4-5 left) and you won't see morons walking around w/ their sabers off bowing every 5 seconds.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

Go to any high profile server (there are only about 4-5 left)


Thank you for proving my point.


Listen, I don't endorse bowing, I too feel it's a bit pointless - but it's the way it is. It is the norm. So what if you and your elitist friends don't bow, you're not the norm.

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Originally posted by Unnamed Jed1

\bind x say Hi my name is <whatever> what is your name?


UJ: Hi my name is <whatever> what is your name?


Padawan: Hello, I'm...


Padawan was sabered by UJ

The elite type killer claims yet another victim.



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1)Do Not Chat Kill.


--> A guy puts up the typing-box in the middle of a crazy FFA and gets killed. After that we get the good 'ol "LAMERLAMERLAMERBITCHLAMER!!!" and a chance to vote to kick the poor bastard who happened to kill Mr. Honorable.


2)Do Not Saber Down Kill.


--> Yeah... run by and get pushed/pulled down the void? Or perhaps a missile in your back? That happens way too often...


4)Do not Disrupt Duels.


--> = When in a FFA, do not attack anyone who is fighting someone else at the moment? :rolleyes:



Ok, I know what you are saying, Crusada, but these rules are very hard to uphold. There are 2 problems:


1) people who bitch and moan about everything that could even remotely be considered as not totally "honorable" according to their own Code.


2) People who think it is okay to behave like jerks when they're online (typekilling, trash talking etc.)


I prefer to live by my own Code of Conduct:


Don't be an ass


EDIT: oops, forgot the 3rd problem: People who are just...DUMB! (=typing while fighting etc.)

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Obviously if someone is in the middle of a huge FFA and stops to type, then its his fault. Use your brain, I'm talking about people who go off to the side, away from the fight to say something, and some lil bastard comes up and slashed him.


If the person's saber is down and they're just watching a duel or something, don't shoot/slash them. It's easy.


Don't disrupt duels by running in the middle of them, distracting them, and being a pain in the ass.


They are easy to uphold. a few admins around playing can easily see this happening and give the person a warning. If they do ti again, they are kicked. It's really that simple. I don't see why people have to make a big deal of all these rules. The 4 simple rules will make playing JK2 a lot better for everyone.

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Yeah..as I said: don't be an ass. That's it. If you still have problems, you are probably dumb.


Not trying to insult anyone, but I find it odd that people can't behave online.


If someone is facing the wall in some remote corner of the map with his chat-icon up, do you *really* have to kill him/her?



Use your brain
. Don't be an ass. :)
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