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ah yes how did he propose...


we went on this cruise around the harbor to look at the christmas lights....um there is a thread around here somewhere...


Well that was my anniversary (3 years) present to him, the cruise. Anyways we got there early and was able to sit up in the wheel house of the boat...which is more like the top level of the boat and we got a booth. Well this family wanted to share our booth so we said "sure". Meanwhile I had no idea he wanted to propose. So we were trapped in the booth! Well....these poor kids who looked no more than 5 were having fun at first, but it was late 8pm -10pm cruise. Well they got bored and started screaming that they wanted to go home. The mom didn't even walk them around the boat..and laughed it off. So for the last hour we swore that we would WAIT to take our baby on a late cruise like that!! Hello...well then the cruise was over....still no ring. It started pouring rain down and we made our way to the car. When in the car I asked him about my "present" I wanted it. I didn't know it was the ring. He said "are you sure you want it now???" I'm like DUH!!! I want my present! I waited all night and nothing! Well reluctantly he made me close my eyes...took off my promise ring and put the engagement ring on and proceeded to ask me (of course he was crying so was I so I couldn't really tell you wat all he said ;) ) . I was kinda teasing him and saying well....your supposed to get down on one knee. So he tried to do that in my little Corrolla. It was sweet. It wasn't a glamourous way to ask ...and it wasn't the way he had planned it but he said he couldn't do it on the boat, and didn't want it to wait any longer. He said he was scared to death he was going to loose the ring cuz it had been in his pocket all night. And here I was wondering why he was acting so strange about holding my hand and stuff. hee hee.




edited::: The baby is due March 12!!! I can't wait! When you guys have children please respect the mom to be. Its more work than it looks! As far as being pregnant. You get sick, tired, uncomfortable, you can't party, you get all fat and awkward. But its supposed to be the most specialist time! uh huh. ;)

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Well congrats STTCT! :)



Originally posted by STTCT

edited::: The baby is due March 12!!! I can't wait! When you guys have children please respect the mom to be. Its more work than it looks! As far as being pregnant. You get sick, tired, uncomfortable, you can't party, you get all fat and awkward. But its supposed to be the most specialist time! uh huh. ;)


Well, I kind of, sort of know how it feels like to have a baby in your life :o. I have a sister who will turn three in a couple weeks which means out of the terrible twos phase! :D

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Whoops, I think I'm a little late but...



C o n g r a t s

S T T C T !





Originally posted by Imperial Sardaukar

Well, I kind of, sort of know how it feels like to have a baby in your life :o. I have a sister who will turn three in a couple weeks which means out of the terrible twos phase! :D


Yeah, I have a little sister that will turn 3 on Jan 6th :)

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