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!i!3DSMAX MD3 Plugin Problem!i!


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Ok I installed 3sdmax r3 and the pop n' fresh md3 quake 3 importer/exporter plugins and its doing some very crazy things;


First when I go to import it asks me how many frames i want to import and has no button in which to continue.


Second when i click the 'x' to close this "Frames" window that popped up it says "incorrect file format" and doesn't import the file (Gee go figure.)


This is begining to piss me off and I'm running out of patience/ideas any suggestions? maybe a better md3 plugin?

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I usually type in frame 0 when importing and click the x to close the box.


If the import failed it might be a corrupt file or different version? but i doubt it has to do with versions.


Have you tried to open the file with raven's .md3 viewer? If the file can be opened then it's probably the frame thingy.

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