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Ping Discrimination


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Stop discriminate people with high pings. Clans, listen to it. When you kick someone with high ping from ur tryout - it's not smart. Cuz the most nice players have 56K. I noticed that the most of players that play JKII have DSL, and only a few 56K. But the statistic is that more than 60% of all internet users on the Earth have 56K or such connection. But why are so few people play online in JKII with 56K? That's because of a ping discrimination. When U kick a player with 56K - he will hate this game and will never play it again.


What am I trying to say?

Clans, that begin tryouts - don't set your server for low ping only mode, because there are many nice players with 56K modems. Much much more than DSL players (I have 56K and I can easely beat DSL players). If you want to add to your clan a really good player - look for them at 56K! It's true. I know many guys with 56K that can beat clan leaders easely.

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Originally posted by id7

I noticed that the most of players that play JKII have DSL, and only a few 56K. But the statistic is that more than 60% of all internet users on the Earth have 56K or such connection. But why are so few people play online in JKII with 56K? That's because of a ping discrimination. When U kick a player with 56K - he will hate this game and will never play it again.

Most people on the internet don't play 3D video games, they want the connection for web surfing, chat, or maybe even just to play board games. That's why 60% of internet users have dial-up.


Most of the people I know only have DSL/Cable connections because they play 3D games. Anyways, don't go yelling discrimination because I very seldom see HPWs (high pingers) get kicked from servers, but you being an HPW probably see it more often than I. If that's the case, join a DarkSide with DarkStats server, they won't kick you because of your ping.


Originally posted by id7

What am I trying to say?

Clans, that begin tryouts - don't set your server for low ping only mode, because there are many nice players with 56K modems.

The reason why people kick HPWs out of games is because it lags the whole room down, but there are always servers out there who will welcome them. In most areas (that I know of) DSL/cable is only like $25 a month.



Originally posted by id7

Much much more than DSL players (I have 56K and I can easely beat DSL players). If you want to add to your clan a really good player - look for them at 56K! It's true. I know many guys with 56K that can beat clan leaders easely.

There are very, VERY few exceptions with HPWs being able to compete with an LPB (low pinger). Of course it's not all ping, but fact is, high pings are a handicap none-the-less & since I've been playing online (which is since the beginning) I have only played 1 HPW, maybe 2 that was a worthy opponent.


With most servers I join, I usually win once I get my frame of mind right. That's why I usually only play on DarkSide with DarkStat servers, they're the best places to find a worthy opponent, so I recommend you going there if you think you're hot to trot man. Everything is ranked there, everytime you win or lose it goes on the stats.

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*sigh* I'll say it again for everyone. Dail-up SUCKS!


I didn't like the ping filters either. I couldn't have fun. So I don't play JO anymore. Not that I ever bought the game, which I'm thankful for because it would have been a waste of my money anyway, unfortunately, but that's the way it is where I live in this rural area where you can't even get cable tv, let alone broadband of any other kind like dsl. And don't say satellite because that's not good for gaming. Last I checked. Rather pricey anyway. :p

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Originally posted by id7

Stop discriminate people with high pings. Clans, listen to it. When you kick someone with high ping from ur tryout - it's not smart. Cuz the most nice players have 56K. I noticed that the most of players that play JKII have DSL, and only a few 56K. But the statistic is that more than 60% of all internet users on the Earth have 56K or such connection. But why are so few people play online in JKII with 56K? That's because of a ping discrimination. When U kick a player with 56K - he will hate this game and will never play it again.


What am I trying to say?

Clans, that begin tryouts - don't set your server for low ping only mode, because there are many nice players with 56K modems. Much much more than DSL players (I have 56K and I can easely beat DSL players). If you want to add to your clan a really good player - look for them at 56K! It's true. I know many guys with 56K that can beat clan leaders easely.


And my answer



Bantha Fodder

Registered: Oct 2002

Posts: 9


To clarify, if it was one year ago, I would have agreed, however today it's a world of cable/DSL/ADSL etc. People with high pings and low conns SHOULD expect to get kicked off because most of the time they are ruining it for everyone else, especially if they are managing to use the high ping to their advantage, like for instance, I was in a game where a guy with 500 ping managed to kill a lot due to the fact that nobody could hit him, and his hits worked perfectly. Not that you could see him do the hits, it was like "clipping style".


About the better people being on lower conns.....maaaybe, but JK2 isn't that kind of a game really, so...nope...don't agree there either.

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Originally posted by Emon

^ What he said.


Also, it's HPB, High Ping Bastard, and LPB, Low Ping Bastard.

No, I said HPW & I meant HPW. If you look in gamespy 3d filtering, the default definition for an LPB is under 100 ping & the default definition of an HPW is over 400.


Considering GameSpy would more than likely not abbreviate for words like bastard, chances are LPB doesn't stand for that. It's just that no one is really sure what it stands for, so everyone stereotypes that it stands for that. Same as LoL, it originally stood for Lots of Laughs, but you always see it standing for Laughing Out Loud on TV or wherever. Anyways, to each their own on abbreviations. I'm just saying, I said HPW & that's what I meant.

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56k sucks.I know I have it,but 56kers,tell you something you'll have nothing but to accept:don't play 3d games.Use bots,like them or not.If not,quit playing.


Once I was playing(on 56k,of course),and in ns_streets.I ran,suddenly,"Connection Interrupted".However,I could see the chat clearly and saw it as soon as they typed it.Then,guess what?

In my screen,it showed my character still on ground,with the infamous,humongous 2 words.On the top-right part,


KoTS_TahuNuva28A has fell to his death.



And the next thing,


"Error:Server disconnected"


Never play with a 56k again unless you're playing with a close server with cable.


I mean no offense,to anyone.

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As I said. People with 56K don't play mostly because of discrimination. But people listen! Don't stop online playing just because of 56K! I have 56K, but people invite me in their clans even with that! The last clan I was in was MIF, but now it's dead Just because leaders stop playing JO :( Too bad. It was a progressive clan. My nickname was {MIF}Orion there.

Another thing. There was 1 time when I was on a server with 8 players and there were no lags! How can it be? Or the server is fast?

About DSL. I don't have such services in my city. But there is a LAN internet (10+ Mbps) service here. I will go there and ask prices.


So, fight the ping discrimination and Happy New Year!


P.S. I joined dark side after MIF gone... It was a great tragedy for me... So now I am freaky bad evil dark jedi (FBEDJ lol)

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Originally posted by id7

But there is a LAN internet (10+ Mbps) service here.


No such thing exists. A LAN is a Local Area Network, it's for networking on homes, offices and schools. The current standard for copper LAN Ethernet is 100 Mbps, some people have older stuff (like me) and are stuck at 10 Mbps, and newer facilities go up to 1000 Mbps. This is in no way any kind of internet connection.

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Originally posted by id7

Client computer connects to an internet server with LAN... :rolleyes:


That doesn't matter. Even if the server is on a LAN, the pipe from that system to your machine will not be the 10 Mbps. A T1 line is 1.5 Mbps, and that costs a lot of money, and isn't even availiable to homes in most all cases (offices or businesses or schools usually). The chances of a 10 Mbps home service existing is extremely slim, and the chances of it being remotly affordable are even more slim.

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No offense but I dont think you do.


There are lots of companies like YIPES that offer differing levels of pure Ethernet connections straight to your house. The benefits are being part of an all IP network where there are no protocol changes, thus no data overhead (from SDH to ATM, etc etc). Billing is done through data consumtion and not through bandwidth, which, is an idiotic measure that is only used BC of the archaic and dominant telephony infrastructure that was build to carry analog signals. SDH/SONET was also a horrible concetption for data purposes and ATM not only is horribly expensive to implement but has wayy too much overhead.


I actually built a network that uses 28Ghz LMDS radio bands and has pure ethernet network layout until the regional POP, where you have to convert to an SDH protocol in order to interconnect to the other carriers. Depending on the client you can offer 10, 100 or even 1G ethernet using the LMDS radios. Similar services are also available in lower bandwidths but connection speeds are lower by consequence.


Most pure IP networks will have their own proprietary lines in order to avoig protocol overlays such as IP(ethernet) over SDH or even the horrible IP over PSTN. In our case it was LMDS frequencies, in the case of YIPES it was a hybrid coax/optiocal network they bought from TV companies. :D

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Just wanted to clarify that id7 may have been right when he said there was an operator in his area that offered a 10mbps ethernet connection (even though he called it LAN). Although yes the coverage of these operators and their area of operation is minimal when compared to more classical conections. So when you said "no such things exists as an internet connection" it was not exeactly 100% on the money... I guess I'm being redundant on an offtopic tangent anyways. :)

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Originally posted by Emon

No, HPB and LPB stand exactly for what I said. The reason GameSpy doesn't show that is because they don't want the word bastard everywhere.


Have you ever taken it to consideration that no one really gives a hell? I mean, seriously, it's useless.

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Have you taken into consideration that maybe no one gives a hell about what you say? I thought he might find my post informative. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Why are you making a big deal about it? If you don't like my posts, don't read them or just ignore. I have the same privledges to post my opinion as anyone else does.

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A lot of people here thinks they know what they're talking about, but it's kind of funny to see a lot of people taking a side on a discussion they know nothing about.


There may be reasons why you want to kick a 56k player, such a him suddenly bouncing from one position in the map to another, or simply standing still in a place because he lagged out, but in NO WAY he will slow down your server. The good thing about UDP/IP (the protocol that most FPS games use) is that it's ASYNCHRONOUS. What this means is that it doesn't wait for the data, it will simply keep on running and updating everyone with a fast connection regardless of what the other players connections are. UDP, in other words, makes the client's ping something not to worry about, as it WON'T BE SLOWING THE SERVER DOWN IN ANY WAY.


Programs make to kick low pingers are something I trully and deeply hate, and I have DSL, so it's not about me being kicked off. Such programs will in no way help speed up your server, they will just help spread the ignorance behind such concept.


If you don't believe my words just find some documentation on the UDP protocol and why a low pinger won't be slowing your server down,


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