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Two Questions.

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  • Besides e-mail, how do masters and padawans keep in touch? Any way that they agree on or what?
  • If I wanted to join, would I need to go into apprenticeship even though I've been around since the very beginning back when Massassi was still hosted by Jedi Nights (This also includes forums, when they got 'em)? After the very large influx of people started to show up here from Quake III and other FPS's and the forums were integrated into LucasForums I sort of decided I didn't really enjoy posting here anymore, the community wasn't very... nice and communityish? :p

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Well, you see Ki-adi, the rules are the rules, and they must be abided by , even if you've been here since '97. However, if you wanted to join, you are more then welcome, and you would be accepted in the community.



Padawans keep in touch with their masters in Emails, Pm's, Messenger services, the Boards, etc. You name it, they use it.;)

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Re-taught by the younger generation. Interesting... :rolleyes:


I believe that Morris Code uses Dots and Dashes. Only thing I know in it is S.O.S. Dot-Dot-Dot ... Dash-Dash-Dash ... Dot-Dot-Dot.


Does the Jedi Council skin pack contain a skin of Ki-Adi-Mundi? If it doesn't, I've seen one before that is pretty good. But it should contain one, even if Ki-Adi-Mundi is the only Jedi Knight on the council.

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Originally posted by Ki-Adi-Mundi

Re-taught by the younger generation. Interesting... :rolleyes:


Excuse me? Who are you calling younger generation? I think you need to take a closer look at my reg date and yours........watch what you say from now on. We don't take kindly to discriminaiton of any kind......

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I meant nothing derogatory or condescending by that statement. Notice the roll eyes? Perhaps the :p would have been a better choice. I take the LFJA seriously, and I'm thinking about applying for an apprenticeship. I'm just not sure if I want to make a commintment and have the responsibility. And I don't have JO installed currently and can't see getting much fun out of it if I did, being on Dial-up. Granted, I don't have to have it installed, but it would probably provide much more to the LFJA experience.

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Originally posted by Ki-Adi-Mundi

Heh, seeing your Gandalf icon made me think of that line from LotR spoken between Merry and Pippin in the Two Towers, about meddling in the affiars of wizards and how they are quick to anger. :p




"Why dont you just jump down the hole and rid us of your stupidity,Pippin?"


No,really. I mean it.



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Originally posted by obi-wan13

That's Pippin, you dolt.



Anyway, it looks like Ki-adi is looking for a master. Any availible teacher around here interested?


I said Pippin,you blunderfool










Damn that "edited by Tyrion" thing..

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  • 3 weeks later...

All you really need is two tin cans and a good piece of string. Cut a whole in the cans and feed the string through the whole and use a good knot to tie it off. Depending on the length of string you will get good distance communtication. This connection is much better than obi-wan13's modem, so don't knock it. :p

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Semaphore is about the best I can do just now...:violin: A couple of signals once every two days (best I can manage these days).


Lets see, If I stand on the Eastern shoreline of Australia and signal in an easterly direction.......


*Flash-flash-flash* You getting any of this Reb? Reb? *Frown, scratch head. FLASH-FLASH-FLASH* Oh I see, batteries are flat...

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