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Zabrak <=> Devaronian...


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Firstly it's ZaBrak right???


Second... ly... what's the deal with Zabraks? Someone told me on this forum that darth Maul is a Zabrak, then I read in Shadow Hunter (book about Maul :D) that he's a devaronian and then I read here in the forums that you won't be able to play a devaronian... (btw before you start pointing out the prolly obvious, Jan Gaarni didn't know this one for sure either :D)

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I've never seen a picture of a Devaronian, but the description of it could suggest that the male was similar to the Zabrak male, in terms of having horns on its head. Thats about all my info on them said. That, and that they are very docil, non-aggresive creatures with smooth, hairless skin.


The female is far from a Zabrak in appearance, even to a male Devaronian.

They are covered in calico fur and do not have horns. They are aggressive by nature, and tend to dominate their culture. It is believed that they are descended from a race of primates that lived in the mountains of Devaron, their homeworld, and that their horns were a genetic mutation that proved useful in fending off predatory brids. Devaronians are carnivores and in general, have an efficient metabolism, consuming nearly every bit of food they eat. The unusual blood of the Devaronians was silver-based, giving it a blackish color not unlike tarnish when exposed to oxygen. This means that they don't go to the toilet as often as other races. Devaronians were one of the first races to discover the secrets to space travel and develop stardrives.



Maul is a Zabrak, there is no doubt in my mind about that. :)

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Originally posted by irulual

What I am saying is, there are obvious differences between the Zab and the Dev. In my personal opinion, I would love to play a Devaronian though, it's much too bad. :(


I'm still not sure whether Maul is a Zabrak or a Devaronian... Shadow Hunter being a 'Lucas Books' book which clearly states Maul is a devaronian :D

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Yes, there actually is one in the episode 4 cantina scene. He does a funny shifty eye thing, unfortunately they only show him for like two seconds and the species doesn't appear in any of the other movies. But, simply put, Maul bears no resemblance to the Devaronians.


Interesting thought. If your wife was a psychotic furball, woouldn't you do anything in your power to leave the planet? (See Jan's post above)

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Yes, there actually is one in the episode 4 cantina scene.

Hmmm, I must pop in the movie in the near future then ... like right now. :D

No, not now, time to play some Day of Defeat. :p

Interesting thought. If your wife was a psychotic furball, woouldn't you do anything in your power to leave the planet? (See Jan's post above)



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Okay, so browsing the various Galaxies sites, I found a preview that actually has a picture of a Devaronian. I am quite baffled, but it's there. Here is the link. It might take some time to load and you will need QuickTime.




Hopefully we will find out why this is. It does describe different races of the Zabrak, perhaps he is correct, or perhaps this is simply an oversight. Maybe even an NPC? Who knows, just thought I would show everyone.

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Ah, yes, NOW I know what species it is. LOL


About halfway thru the movie (alittle more actually) you see one blowing a kiss at the camera, with 2 promenant horns. Looks more like the devil himself than the Zabrak does. :)


And my memory is clearer of the movies after that trailer. In the canteena scene you will see one also a brief second as he glares at the camera accompanied by laughter. :)


Further more, I remember seeing one in The Essential Guide to Characters. Plus in A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, and also in the game Star Wars Rebellion. :)


The reason why I didn't look up in there was because I thought it was a newer period thing, and the writer had screwed something up. Of course, he had done so to. Majorly. :p


Thanks for the reminder, guys. :)

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The explanation on the official SWG site:




Native Language Zabraki

Average Height 1.6 to 1.9 meters

Zabrak are humanoids with prominent vestigial horns and well-developed mental willpower. The species is divided into a number of different races, each exhibiting different horn patterns. Zabrak are also fond of intricate facial tattoos designed to reflect their individual personalities.

Zabrak were one of the earliest spacefaring species and they have explored large sections of the galaxy. Their homeworld of Iridonia is a frighteningly harsh planet, which has led many Zabrak to settle on other worlds, including Talus and Corellia . The Zabrak also maintain eight colonies throughout the Mid Rim region of space, and most Zabrak actually identify themselves by their colony first and foremost. All members of the species speak Zabraki and Basic, but they may adopt local languages as well.


As fitting their pioneer spirit, Zabrak are viewed as independent and strong-willed. Iridonia and the major colonies have steadfastly resisted Imperial control, although some individual Zabrak have become servants of the Empire. In response to general Zabrak defiance, the Empire is in the process of garrisoning the Zabrak colony worlds and Imperializing the species' companies. This has forced many Zabrak back into the spacelanes.


Zabrak are proud, strong, and confident beings. They believe that nothing is truly impossible and will strive to prove skeptics wrong at every turn. Some Zabrak carry themselves with an air of superiority, and they frequently discuss the achievements of their species and home colonies with a pride that can border on arrogance. As warriors or adventures, Zabrak tend to be dedicated, intense, and extremely focused.


Zabrak are still considered among the galaxy's most prominent explorers, but their personalities, survival instincts, and incredible willpower also make Zabrak well-suited to nearly any adventuring profession.


as far as i know.... irodian and zabrak are the same.. devarodian... not.


my 2 cents


-Wraith 8-

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Just keep pumping good information into my head. Maybe we'll get lucky and someone from LucasArts will read some of these posts and add some of these species, Ie. Devaronians, to the game. *crosses fingers hoping*


Squibs? Please oh great and powerful LucasArts guys?:D

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