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Zabrak <=> Devaronian...


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Then, we could always copy, paste and forward it to someone via e-mail. Of course, who would do such a thing? :angel:


Seriously though, why wouldn't the devs come here to see what the customers want? If I were, I would. That way you release something that is more appealing, especially since you are taking the ideas directly from the consumer. At least, that would make sense, to me.......but who am I? Just lowly Bantha Fodder.

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These forums are just a bit over 1 year old.. with "these forums" i mean the Lucasforums.


Before the merge of all forums.. they were seperate forums.... Each site (fan site) had his own forums.

and they were all the great owner of CrisC3Po i believe.

together with his admins he merged all forums into the Lucas forums (cause all the games are made by lucasarts)

but that does not mean that these forums are a part of Lucas Arts.


they are not :D

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