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To the Cowboy Bebop fans out there...


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I know that there are at least a couple of you here on the forums that enjoy the anime series "Cowboy Bebop". I received the final two DVDs for Christmas, and I finished the final episode tonight. (Yes, Artoo and Jatt13, you can borrow them. :p ) I was curious to see if anyone else has watched the whole series as well, and what their thoughts were. Heck, even if you've just watched a couple episodes, tell us what you thought. Spoilers are welcome, just give warning to those who don't want the ending spoiled.

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The series is one of the most stylishly done I've ever seen and I've seen quite a bit of anime. The fact that the voice actor for Faye Valentine, one of my favorite characters, is Megumi Hayashibara, one of my all time favorite seiyuu and singers is a plus. :)


Spike is the classic anti-hero with the level-headed Jet backing him up. Their interactions with each other were funny enough but add Faye into the mix and it gets downright giggly.


Oh yeah, and Ein 0wnz. :p

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The last DVD was the best. Anime doesn't normally catch me emotionally, but it did this time.













don't look now...














Goodness. When Ed and Ein left, I was thunderstruck. That's just not supposed to happen, ya know? That reunion between Julia and Spike was intense, too.

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you can use the spoiler tags you know. :p


Anyway, this is a really good series, because it's so... artsy. It has teh action, but it's not superficial, it has a deep storyline to it throughtout the series.


Also the muzak kicks serious booty. :D

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Cowboy Bebob is one of my favorite serries out there. I havent had achance to watch the whole thing but out of what I have watched I love it! The serries has such style and grace...each episode flows so smoothly in and of itself and when taken in as part of the whole serries.


The story, charachters, action and music each bring an element to this show and make it a true masterpiece.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah, i love cowboy bebop. thanx again, jediduo, for letting me borrow them. that really sucks, thought that that's all there is/ i want more! here's something i found ineresting and funny. it's not really a spoiler, but since it tells a little a/b the last episode:



when jet goes to that old indian guy to find spike, it goes to an overhead view of his tepee/tent thing. if you look in the top, or the upper-right corner (or somewhere around there), you see something you wouldn't expect an old indian without electricity to have.. THE OLD GUY HAS A PLAYSTATION! wtf?



i foung that pretty humorous when i saw it. i also find it funny that ein can hack faster than ed. :D


oh, and what are these point things about? i haven't been on for a while since i've been busy, so i don't know.


EDIT -- Ok, i just read the announcements, so i know a/b the store.

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Ein, as seen in my newest avatar :D, is a

data dog. And as such is capable of high-tech interactions...I think he is still a biological dog, but just had modifications, not sure.



The episode he first appears in is a good one and it explains all about him.


Oh, and I ordered the 6th session off of BestBuy.com & got it shipped right to me :) now if only they'd release the movie (yes, there is a movie...it's set between some of the episodes...I forget which)

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the movie has been out in Japan, but they haven't shipped it over here yet...there's a big deal with the fans wanting the same voice actors, which I agree with...really just waiting on them to do/finish (not sure) the dubbing...



oooo, found an article...not sure if it's acurate, though: Link


will search for more info :D


edit: Here is an up-to-date article..it does kinda give away what it's about Link


so any who want to keep guessing about the story, it comes out in Ny & LA on April 4th, 2003 & expands to other cities after that...also, they got the original voice talents to do the movie (YAY!)

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it looks pretty good, but it's rated R. that sucks. that means i won't be able to see it in theaters. also, my parents probably wouldn't let me see it if it comes out on video. the only thing that let me watch the dvd episodes was that they had no rating and i watched them when my parents weren't around. although... if you get it, jediduo, i can just borrow it from you and my parents won't need to know the rating! ;)


oh, and who's elaktra? :confused:

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Wait a minute.... If this movie is set in between episodes, whatever happened to Julia? I don't want no elektra!


Oh, Jatt, I'm going to get on ebay and see if there is a DVD I can get from Japan. If so, I'll let you borrow it.


Someone give me a basic synopsis of Evangelion and Slayers, please.

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I love the series.


one of my favorite anime series out there.


to bad it was so short. i think there were 26 episodes. and every one of them was fantastic.



the movie Knocking on Heaven's Door for those who haven't seen it, try to get a hold of it. i guarantee you'll love it. its top notch. :D

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