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Realistic-looking terrains


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use GTK gensurf. this creates some really good looking terrain composed of triangles.to use it, go to the plugins section on GTK radiant. select Gensurf and floor, wall or ceiling. when the menu pops up select a type of terrain. valley, hill and what not. theres also a "from bitmap" option that uses heightmaps. im not so good about heightmaps but i can tell you that it uses pictures in shades of white to black to determine the height of the terrain

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The best thing to do is get GTK radiant. In the plugings section it has GENSURF. Its a pretty neat little program that Emon pointed me to.

For your terrain, you need to make a heightmap. This is an 8 bit Grayscale BMP file. The darker the shade of gray, the lower the terrain, and the lighter, the higher. Its always best to start out with a middle gray color for a base.

make sure the file is 33 pixels or 65 pixels too! I don't know why,but its what I was told.


Type in "Heightmap" in a GOOGLE search, and you'll find some examples .


Now , open up GTK radiant and go to plugins.

Next, select Gensurf and then Ground Surface.

here are the tabs and settings/ explanations for them




under game, make sure Quake 3 is selected

under Orientation, click ground surface

under Waveform, click from bitmap

leave the other settings alone......


" Extents"


This is where you plot your terrain on the editor grid. Its jsut like Geometry class, x y -X and -y .


The divisions section is basically how in depth your terrain will be. Terrain is all triangular brushes, so the greater the divisions, the greater amount of trinagles, hence, the greater amount of detail!


your divisions should be divisible by your corresponding extents as well for the terrain to be done effectivlely. so X division should be able to go into each x extent evenly. This goes the same for Y.


* note*


Terrain is very framerate intense, so try not to go too overboard. You can actually get a really nice sized terrain with a good amount of detail in game and not ahve much problems.


leave the rest of the tags in extents be.





this is where you find your heightmap. It doesn['t ahve to be in any kind of directory specific to jedi Outcast. its all good

Next, go down to the map color section, and make it looks like this.


Map color 0 to 0

Map color 255 to 2048


Don't ask me on th number, i was told to do it this way.



* Fix Points*


I have no F'n clue what this box does at all. I have never used it or figured it out. i guess you can jsut look at your terrain move around with it.



* Texture*


make sure it looks like this...this is my texture setting for Imperial Brewery, you can use any texture you wish


Surface Hoth/snow_01

Other System/caulk

Steep leave this blank


make sure use detail brush box is selected too!


now, hit preview and you'll be able to see your terrain...in a greenish grid setting.


finally, hit OK and watch it load in radiant!!!!









I do have some screenshots of my forest bunker built into the terrain i can e-mail you if you like.


If you have any other questions, E-mail me at Uptheirons@earthlink.net, and i can get back to you faster.....

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This Nem's thing is actually for Half-Life, but if it's just exporting the basic MAP file with only the architecture, Radiant might be able to read it. Similar to how I like to plug my maps into QERadiant so that I can use the smart_train, then remove everything but that train and merge it into GTKRadiant again...


GenSurf is great, it's easy and built into GTKRadiant as a plugin. This is a good one to use.


EasyGen is made exclusivly for Q3, and will make the metashaders (they make it so you can blend texture together, like a smooth transition of grass to rock) and the MAP file of the terrain for you. However, some people haven't gotten the metashaders to work right in JO. They SHOULD work, because they work fine in SoF2. Perhaps it will work with Q3Map2, I don't know if anyone has tried that yet.


Another option for metashaders would be to make the terrain the old fashioned way, all by hand, as shown in the Q3TA terrain guide that comes with GTKRadiant. It'll be tough, but it might work better.


Ydnar also says there are better ways to do terrain in Q3Map2 besides the traditional stuff... I think pong shaded lightmaps is part of it.

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At the very least, the maker of EasyGen knows of Q3Map2's existence, he switched his auto-generated shaders from using TcMod in the shaders to TcGen, on ydnar's suggestion.


Unlike GTKRad and Q3Map2, there isn't any source for EasyGen available, but what it does is not completely impossible without EasyGen, EasyGen does it better, is all.


If you were sick, you could get GTK's SDK and develop your own plug-in, but, you'd have to be sick.


In discussion of 'terrain', you'll notice this is an issue Quake3 Mappers frequently come up against 'light-mapping' terrain and whatnot. What they're worried about is bot-navigation. Since in JK2, we manually make bot nav files, we don't worry about this, fyi.

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Er, no, there's no way that could work with UT2K3, it's a totally different engine.


JO, SoF2, Q3A, Q3TA, F.A.K.K.2, Alice, MoH:AA, RtCW, EF and maybe a few others all run on the Q3 engine. Half-Life runs on a modified Quake I engine, so as long as the MAP format is the same as it is in Radiant, it will load the geometry (entities wouldn't work well). The MAP format for all the Quake games is probably nearly identicle.

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I'd like to hear which people like better--EasyGen or this Nem's or Gtk's Gensurf...



I started using EasyGen , then went to Gensurf. The only reason I changed was the Gensurf was that its in Radiant as a plugin.


the only thing I don't like was that my snowy terain looked rocky, so i used a Yavin texture and made a great looking forest....


Other than that, Gensurf gave me a great looking landscape, and i'll use it again.

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No, I mean Snow on the ground.


And No, EFX files are not the way to go. He has 32+ in his big big map. I have already ported some coded snow for AOTC as a client side render only, so it doesn't cause lag.




Q3Map2 has a number of shader keywords that enhance the appearance of terrain to make it look more natural. The pic I linked to uses a 'sand' texture combined with some kind of Q3map_alphamod keyword (could be q3map_alphagen, though) to place sand on surfaces facing upwards, (or whichever way you like)


This was done, from what I can see, on RR2Do2's suggestion that this could be used to effectively add snow to a scene, that is, snow on the ground.

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