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Immortality. Would you take it?


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Originally posted by matt-windu

Well, ask yourself this question:

would you rather hang out with a (a)bunch of pansies, or a (b)group of guys that caused a lotta trouble?


I'd say (a), provided they were humorous, great people. No, I'm not kidding myself - what has guys that cause trouble to do with this argument? No, I wouldn't want to hang out with guys that brought themself into trouble, and dragged me with them. That's just stupid IMHO.


The absense of death would create a void of happiness so unmeasurable that not even the largest candy bar or best video game can satisfy.


Right. So there's got to be this element of risk in our lives for them to be fun?


Let me tell you one thing first: You being content or happy about something only has something to do with certain places being activated in your brain. If I was immortal, I'd still feel content/happy after eating food. Or eating candy. Or having sex. It's the way it works.


Consider this: A baby can be happy, no? We can see it on it's face, we can test it on its brain. However, I seriously doubt it has any idea of death at all. That's not to say it thinks it's immortal - it doesnt think about it at all.


Same thing about teenagers really. They don't go around every day thinking they might die tomorrow. Most have not yet experienced death, other than something that struck their grand parents because they were too old. Kids know that death exists, but they just don't think it's something that could happen to them. Bit of an exaggeration, but I hope you get my point: That you can be happy, even euphorious, and not care about death.

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Those things don't keep you happy forever. I'm aware the biochemical causes for happiness, but I think we're becoming a little too scientific in this arguement, eh? Anyway, there is a point where those neural centers become desensitized or dulled (happens to people who take ecstacy)...after awhile, nothing will please or satisfy you.

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Originally posted by matt-windu



Those things don't keep you happy forever. I'm aware the biochemical causes for happiness, but I think we're becoming a little too scientific in this arguement, eh?


I know. Can't help it :(


Anyway, there is a point where those neural centers become desensitized or dulled (happens to people who take ecstacy)...after awhile, nothing will please or satisfy you.


True, true....


Which is the why the brain needs constant repair!


Your brain wouldn't last forever even if taken out of your body BTW.

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