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Space Question.

Deft Aklin

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As far when the game comes out, what kind of space travel are we looking at? Is there going to be travel and not combat? Will we be bale to purchase ships, but not fight in them? These seem like valid questions to me, as space travel is detrimental to Star Wars. Please let me know what you have heard. Thanks all.

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The FAQ gives only one answer:


2.08 How will I manage space travel between planets before the space expansion is released?


Players will have access to public transports that will shuttle them between planets. For a given leg of interplanetary travel, the answer is between 3 and 5 minutes or so. Of course, some trips take multiple legs. For intra-planetary travel, if a planet has more than one spaceport, it's a minute or less. As far as what to do, we hope to have mini-games drawn from the continuity that you can play while en route.



and that is all you can do in space when the game comes out.

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Originally posted by irulual

Fair enough, I wish they would at least let people purchase their own vessels, but I guess that would make it even more problematic when the make the space expansion. Thanks for the info.

No problem :D.. we at SWGalaxies.net Aim to please... tho i missed that last noobie when i tried to sniper him off the roof top :p :p :p Just kidding
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The FAQ is outdated these days though.


This is how space travel will be like:

You go to a computer stand, buy your ticket to your destination, go into the spaceport, wait for the transport to arrive (or board if it was already there) along with other people, if any.

When the transport arrives, no matter where people are going, they all board the same ship. After that there will be pretty much nothing to do but wait till you get to your destination. The legs are still there so for the first six months or so, it is going to be pretty boring I guess to travel from planet to planet. ;)


Expect this to change though when the Space Expansion comes out. ;)

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I wonder how you will get from planet to planet when your part of a faction. I mean, you'd think the factions have their own transports. If everyone was using public tranports, then I think the factions in this game will be seriosly 'messed up'. ;)

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

The FAQ is outdated these days though.


This is how space travel will be like:

You go to a computer stand, buy your ticket to your destination, go into the spaceport, wait for the transport to arrive (or board if it was already there) along with other people, if any.

When the transport arrives, no matter where people are going, they all board the same ship. After that there will be pretty much nothing to do but wait till you get to your destination. The legs are still there so for the first six months or so, it is going to be pretty boring I guess to travel from planet to planet. ;)


Expect this to change though when the Space Expansion comes out. ;)

i know that... but this FAQ has not changed that much over the time.


BTW i got a picture for that stand :D

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Hey, that's pretty cool when you look at from a consevative point of view... but isn't there going to be a problem with massive lines, or are there going to be multiple kiosks per space port? I mean there are going tobe thousands of people on each server, who is this possible problem going to be kept in check?


And I say the more time they give me to get credits for my ship the better, I'm talking one huge pay-out to modify my own ship.


Oh, and Waith, you didn't answer one of the questions, will we be able to design our own ships or not?

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Originally posted by bothanjedi

Hey, that's pretty cool when you look at from a consevative point of view... but isn't there going to be a problem with massive lines, or are there going to be multiple kiosks per space port? I mean there are going tobe thousands of people on each server, who is this possible problem going to be kept in check?


And I say the more time they give me to get credits for my ship the better, I'm talking one huge pay-out to modify my own ship.


Oh, and Waith, you didn't answer one of the questions, will we be able to design our own ships or not?

uhmmm there will most likely be more than one ... but i dont know for sure.


about your other question... its all pretty vague... i dont think from start off..no.... you most likely be able to BUILD your own ships.... but with pre made designs.... maybe in the future you will.

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Oh come on, what's more fun than a pick pocketing Squib with your cred stick? I think stealing should be allowed, but only with OOC approval. Obviously stealing would happen, but as long as OOC approval is required, then it should be alright. I don't know, maybe that's just me.

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Originally posted by irulual

Oh come on, what's more fun than a pick pocketing Squib with your cred stick? I think stealing should be allowed, but only with OOC approval. Obviously stealing would happen, but as long as OOC approval is required, then it should be alright. I don't know, maybe that's just me.

no.. after some thought i must agree with you.. we need stealing.. and wild zones
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They should have a disclaimer and set ground rules. Obviously, there wouldn't be any problems stealing if everyone wasn't always trying to do it. A character would not try and steal credits from Chewbacca for instance. Also, a wealthy character would probably not steal. If a valid IC reason for the theft did exist though, I would have no problem letting someone steal from me. I will survive. It is after all, just a game. Some people might feel that the loss of something might be detrimental, if that were the case, work something out with the character in question. This of course, is still just my opinion. Thanks for the back up on that Wraith. ;)

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Stealing can be worked out easy.


Have a machine set up just for picking if you wanna be able to steal or not. You walk up to the machine, choose that you wanna be able to steal but at the same time it means people that have chosen the same thing can steal from you. Of course if you never went to the machine to choose that you want to steal you are..pickpocket free, we will call it:)


This way if you have a machine you have to walk to, to select this, people wont turn that option on and off during or before a battle or at certen places..once you choose that option you are stuck with it untill you visit the machine again...Of course those machines will be placed at certain areas and I think far from any populated areas. To become pickpocket free all you have to do is visit the machine and choose to be so.

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Not a bad idea Corpocus, but as Joken said, we are getting way off topic. What were we talking about? ;)


Oh yah, I guess that we can only hope that the space expansion doesn't take too long. Long enough to be done right, but not so long as we all lose interest in the game. After all, Star Wars is a space faring adventure and I don't think transports will fly for too long.

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