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Academy Wars: Episode III "A Quest For Freedom" Official Battle Thread Sequal

Darth Groovy

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With a quiet hiss, the metal door slid open to reveal the tall and slender figure that waited patiently beyond. There was none of the blatant fear that would have emanated from any normal man standing before this particular door; instead, there was a profound sense of respect and loyalty surrounding the black robed figure as it strode with uncanny grace into the large chamber awaiting it. Yet this was no ordinary man, but rather, a Dark Lord of the Sith who had entered the presence of his master.


“You summoned me Master?” Darth Slayne asked after kneeling before the seated figure.

“Yes.” The Dark Emperor stated as he studied the Sith lord before him. “I have a task for you my loyal servant. One that I know you will not like.”

Darth Slayne paused for a brief moment, before cautiously replying. “I will do as you command my Master.”

“I have foreseen that you would.” Divine Spirit with an air of confidence. “As you may already know, the recent loss of the Maul clones has bolstered false courage on many worlds, and the pathetic Jedi have been quick to use this to their advantage. Already they have rallied several star systems to their cause. We cannot allow this to continue any further.”

“I agree, Master,” Slayne responded, “but the loss of the Maul clones has seriously set us back. Without them we cannot hope to crush this uprising before it plummets out of control. And the longer we delay, the more systems will break free of our grasp.”

“But we do have hope Lord Slayne.” The Dark Emperor gloated knowingly. “Even now they stumble blindly into a trap from which they will never recover.”

Darth Slayne looked up at his master as if trying to guess what he had in mind. “I sense that you will not reveal your plan until the moment is upon us.”

“You are correct Lord Slayne.” Divine stated dryly. “But you need not concern yourself with such matters yet.”

“As you wish Master.” Slayne replied humbly, his yellow-red eyes however still searched his masters face for any clue as to the nature of the mysterious plans.

“Your task at the moment is to put an end to the growing insurgence.” Divine commanded. “For this reason I am placing you in command of Zeta fleet.”

“Master!” Slayne said with a slight edge to his tone. “You know that I work best in the field of espionage. Commanding entire fleets is a task better suited to the likes of Shadow Angel.”

“I have other plans for Shadow Angel.” Divine sneered. “You forget your station Lord Slayne.”

“Forgive me Master. I have grown too accustomed to working alone and in the shadows.”

“I am aware of this.” Divine soothed. “And it is for this reason alone that I am placing this task upon you.”

“Master?” Darth Slayne enquired with a great deal of uncertainty.

“As a contingency against the failure of the Maul clones, I had ordered the secret construction of four prototype starships. You are to take command of Zeta fleet and rendezvous with them. You will then proceed to test the new ships capabilities in a manner that will stop all resistance in its tracks. I have chosen you for this task because you alone are best suited to keeping the fleet hidden until the last possible moment.”

“It shall be as you command my Master.” Slayne said without much enthusiasm.

“Fear not my loyal servant.” The Emperor said with cold reassurance. “Once your task is complete, the fleet will no longer be your concern, and you will be free to resume your usual duties.”

“I will crush the uprising quickly Master.”

“I am certain you will, Lord Slayne. I have foreseen it.”




The Jedi fleet responded quickly to the growing threat of another attack on Thedonias, and many ships were recalled from deep space duties to help defend the desert planet. When the Emperors capital ships arrived they were ready for them. Wave after wave of X-wing fighters launched from the hulking Calamari cruisers to engage the swarms of fast approaching Tie fighters. Before long the black curtain of space was ablaze with orange and green blaster cannon fire, speckled here and there with bright blossoms of flame signifying the abrupt end of many a brave pilots life.

And yet throughout the ferocious battle, the Emperor’s Star destroyers stayed back to provide protection to a small fleet of interdictor cruisers. Admiral Darklighter knew the implications of such ships; they were specifically designed to prevent ships from entering hyperspace.

“Something’s not right here.” Tidus Darklighter mused as he watched the tactical display of the battle unfolding in orbit. “They have just enough ships to try another invasion, yet I haven’t seen a single assault shuttle leave their hanger bays.”

“It’s a decoy.” Obi-wan13 stated calmly. “The Emperor’s sole purpose is to keep our fleet pinned down in one location.”

Tidus turned to face his long time friend, still amazed at how much Obi-wan had changed. “It doesn’t add up. Why waste so many lives for a mere decoy? What is the Sith academy up to?”

“I feel that we will find out soon enough.” Was all Obi-wan could say.




The lush jungle world of Anaktia loomed serenely against a nebular shrouded backdrop as Darth Slayne’s fleet came out of hyperspace well within range of turbo laser bombardment. Yet the Anaktian citizens felt safe in their cities that were more than adequately shielded against such conventional attacks.

Darth Slayne stood before the view port on the bridge of the Star Destroyer Retribution, and cast his hate filled gaze upon the planet below. He had been born on this very planet, so very long ago, and it was here that he had met Niah, his one time beloved. Here also was where his former life as the Jedi Knight Seth began. But Niah had betrayed him, as did the people on the planet below. So long ago…

Now he stood there and watched as the green flash of turbo laser fire impacted with the energy shield surrounding the capital city. And with cold detachment he watched as several defending fighters attempted to attack his ship. Ever so slowly a chilling smile formed on the Sith Lord’s lips. After all these years he would finally cleanse the filthy stain this place had left upon his memory. He would strike his home world a devastating blow.

“My lord!” The ships captain called out, breaking his train of thought. “The Anaktian’s have sent out a distress call. We are also receiving distress calls from the planets Rhumis prime, Kalthor and Arktuss. What are your orders?”

“Remote detonate the deep space comm relays and signal the starship Bombardier to make ready her attack.”

“Yes my lord.” The captain said before issuing orders to the crew.

Darth Slayne smiled once more. He had divided Zeta Fleet into four smaller fleets, that they may strike at four different worlds simultaneously. He had also ordered a large fleet to create a diversion in order to prevent the Jedi academy fleet from rushing to the rescue. Having enforced a strict communication silence between the four fleets, the signal to launch the attack came in the form of four planetary distress calls. And now the Emperors prototype weapons were to be brought to bear.

Within moments Slayne’s fleet had moved into a defensive position around a massive cylindrical shaped ship. All Tie fighter squadrons immediately vacated the vicinity of the behemoths bow which resembled some kind of huge open maw. Darth Slayne deliberately paused before finally giving the order to fire.

With an unimaginable force of concussion, a massive asteroid was shot from the front of the enormous ship on an unstoppable trajectory toward the surface of Anaktia. The common citizen on the planet still felt safe beneath their shield, blissfully unaware of the calamity that was about to befall them. Ten minutes later the massive asteroid struck the planet with terrible force.

All on the Retribution’s bridge was stunned silence. All eyes beheld the searing shockwave that engulfed the entire planet. And all in the fleet knew that all life on Anaktia was no more…

As though nothing at all had happened, Darth Slayne broke the pervasive silence. “Signal for all ships to make the jump to hyperspace captain. Let us regroup with the rest of the fleet at the arranged co-ordinates. And order the fleet around Thedonias to cease its attack and leave the system.”




The Dark Emperor, Divine Spirit sat upon his throne at that very moment and cackled with hideous laughter. He knew that across the galaxy all with even the smallest ability in the force would have felt the sudden end of all life on four entire worlds…





If anything in that was a little too much, just let me know and I'll see what I can do...

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!........." Groovy woke up screaming in his Nar Shadda hotel room to the sounds of angry neighbors yelling at him to shut up in various different languages. The stench from patio window and the feeling of a great disturbance in the force was a bit much for even him this morning as he rushed to the comode to hurl up last night's dinner of cheap Nar Shadda take out, knocking over empty bottles of blue milk along the way. A few minutes later Groovy pressed water to his face and gazed at his reflection on the hallow mirror, and new that it was no longer a nightmare but a reality. The mirror slowly swirled in a spiral and the vision of Tidus Darklighter appeared. Groovy hesitated and saw the look of bewilderment on Darky's face. "So you felt the disturbance then?" Groovy questioned. "Yes, as if millions of voices were in pain and ceased. "replied Darklighter in a soft voice as if it were a private conversation. Darklighter looked over his shoulder and then back at the screen; "Groovy, Obi is here..." Tidus exclaimed. Groovy paused for a bit and squinted. "The Hell?" Groovy said. Darklighter replied. "I'm sure it's him but something is wrong. Continue your present assignment, find Obi-wan13, keep it secret as planned." "But why should I continue looking for Obi if he's with you?" Groovy questioned. "The Dark side clouds everything at the moment Jedi Master Groovy, we cannot afford to let our defenses down to no one, not even ourselves." said Darklighter. "Understood", Groovy replied. "How is my decoy holding out?" Darky smiled at the question and calmly replied, he's holding out fine, but he needs singing lessons. Groovy I can't lie to you, if you get caught we are finished, and the same goes for your decoy. Your gonna have to expedite the mission and get back here ASAP. Things are under control now, but I feel I will need your assistance soon." Tidus Darklighter finished his sentence with an expression as serious as a heart attack. "Have you slept yet?" "No.." Groovy replied in discust, "Still cannot clear my mind sir, he finished as he looked down at the basin of the lavratory sink. "Perhaps when the mission is complete you will be more at ease... I must be going, I have to turn the Academy back over to Obi.....possibly, and Another battle to prepare for.... For the Academy Darth..." Tidus held up a hand and nodded. "For the Academy Tidus.." Darth placed his hand up to tidus's as the image swirled back into Darth's own reflection once again. Groovy gathered himself together. He would be checking out of the hotel today.




The birds flew and darted in and out of the sunlight as he got lost in the glitter or the reflections off the building surfcaces. For a moment Darth Groovy felt is if he was on Coruscant, remembering it's awsome wonder and creative architecture. He did anything he could to remove himself from the actual scene which happened to be the usual flock of morning birds hovering above one of Nar Shadda's mountainous garbage heaps. In parts like this, it was too expensive to have garbage shipped off the planet regualarly so heaps would pile until they got so high that a crew would have to be hired to remove it. The stench was still nausiating, but Groovy did his best and used his Jedi relaxation techniques taught to him by his old master. To Groovy he was enjoying a relaxing cafe breakfast in front of the Coruscant skyline. The actual cafe he sat at was not an unplescant site, but rather a crescent platform overlooking the mountains of garbage and beat up buildings that lay befor him. The cafe was too pricey for the poeple down below, and "real food" was only available at a higher price on this slum planet. A familiar voice echoed in the backround. "So I'm sitting at a bar and these two low life street theives come tearing into the place ranting and raving about a red and black tattooed spook who pulled the guns from their hands and threatened to kill them. All I could say to that was Jeezum Crow....." Groovy stood up and walked toward the voice smiling widely. "Theo Flott!, been a long time." The two embraced and slapped each other hard on the back at the same time, as would that of two very good friends. Theo was a dark skinned human, who wore his hair in a close fade. His tunic was made of a shiny lavander silk material and adorned with gold costume julery. His pants were shiny leather and he wore two gold handled blasters slung low on each hip. His face was smoothe and thin with a carefully trimmed mustache and goatee combo at the end. The two sat down at Groovy's table. "Haven't heard about anyone pulling that stunt since Mos Espa!" The waiter approached the table. "Groovy smiled and looked down for a moment. "That was a long time ago Theo." Theo took the liberty of ordering the drinks. "Yes I would like the Rodian ale streight up, and my friend would like the blue milk shaken, not stirred. Groovy smiled and chuckled for a bit. Theo continued his one sided conversation smirking at Groovy the entire time. "I still say you would have made a good bounty hunter with all them tricks you do, or a good smuggler. Well... Bounty Hunter anyway. I hear they made you a Jedi, member of the LucasForums Jedi Academy Council, ain't that something!" Theo chuckled as Groovy took big sips on his drink. "Speaking of which", Theo continued. "What brings a Jedi to a dump heap of a system like this one? I know you aren't trying to come down here and settle disputes," Theo Chuckled. "These folks don't like Jedi hanging around these parts." "I'm not here on Jedi business, theo. I'm looking for a man. Obi pulled out a holodisc and displayed a small 3D image of Obi-wan13 in his hand. The glanced at the image for a second and then looked up at Groovy with a bit of discust. "That's your boss".Theo replied, with a bit of rejection in his voice. "Yes, Groovy answered, what do you know about his warebouts"? "Only that he'd been captured. Look Groovy i'm sorry for your freind, but i'm a smuggler, not a bounty hunter. I can direct you to someone that knows them though. Only problem is, is that he's my boss too. And I still owe him plus 20% of the shipment you dropped above Oriden (See AW1) I'm up to 20,000 credits now, and this guy is gonna put a death mark on me if I don't come up with it. Only problem is I kinda lost my pilot license on suspision of stolen goods . That was after I dropped you and the shipment off on Oriden." "Look Theo I'm sorry that happened to you", Groovy replied. "The took a deap breath and smiled. "Man if they would have picked me up WITH the shipment, I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you right now", Theo continued. "I have a temporary permit that restricts me to this hell hole which means business is a little slow these days". Groovy looked Theo deep in the eyes and leaned in close. "Theo, if I help you with this debt today, can you help me find Obi-wan13?" Theo puased and looked up at Groovy. "There is something else isn't there? I am sorry about your freind, but I have problems too." Groovy nodded. "I put him in the situation he is in, and I cannot and will not rest until I get him out," Groovy said. "Does that mean anything to you." Theo leaned back and smiled. "yeah", Theo's voice got playfully louder. "Means we are back in business again." Groovy patted him on the back, as the two finished they're breakfast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The hustle and bustle of the previous threat from the Sith Academy had long since passed. An entire fleet had been stationed around Thedonias, but no attack made on the Academy’s planet. Four entire systems had been destroyed within a day. The Jedi Academy was full of sorrow, they had all felt the destruction that had taken place, and sadness and anger was in their hearts. Even though the Sith had ceased their attack, everyone was wide awake within the Academy, pacing backwards and forth, on the lookout for anything and everything that entered the outer realms of the planet’s atmosphere, in case the Sith returned. Darklighter strolled into the navigation facility, situated in the lower levels of the Academy. He walked through the automatic doors, and as they pulled aside, every head in the room turned to face him. He stared uneasily back at them, and Obi-wan turned round to look at him, and promptly ordered all the personnel.


“Get back to work!” he yelled at them. Darklighter walked forward tying the cuffs on his uniform, and gave a small smirk at Obi. He returned the favour. The navigation and security consisted of a tall, large room, very dark, only lit by the flickering of hundreds of computer screens with workmen operating them, each observing a different part of the planet. The entrance was on a higher level, and a small elevator carried people down to a large lower section, in front of a huge radar screen, at least 10 metres in width. Obi-wan stood in front of a console at the base of the elevator.


“Anything else?” Tidus called as he descended from the small lift.


“Nothing” Obi-wan replied solemnly, but with a sigh of relief, “Absolutely nothing. We haven’t picked up a single Sith spacecraft since they ‘seemingly’ left.” He turned to Darklighter. “I don’t understand. What are they playing at? Four star systems destroyed in one blow, and yet they leave us, their only real threat.” Obi slammed his fist against the side of the console. “I felt it. All the pain, a the suffering. I felt it.”


“We all did.” Tidus replied, and looked into Obi’s eyes. “They’ll pay for what they’ve done, in time. But right now, we have to make sure they don’t come back. We weren’t prepared for them before, but this time, we’ll be ready.”


As he said this, a small red blip appeared on the side of the radar on the console. There was an uproar in the room, and the security chief called to Obi-wan, “I need your order to fire, Sir.”


“Wait!!” Obi-wan called back. Without him there, they would have surely shot at anything that showed up on the computers. Darklighter walked forward to the communications advisor.


“Open a channel” he ordered, and the officer tapped away at the computer. In a few seconds, Jedi220’s voice came up over the sound channel.


“Hello? Is there anyone there?! Help please” His voice sounded desperate and weary over the intercom.


“Yes Jedi, what happened?” Obi-wan’s voice came in reply.


“It’s bad, Sir. Very bad. I was attacked.” Jedi replied, struggling to speak.


“I’ll meet you in the hanger bay” Obi-wan said as he signalled to Darklighter to follow him. Whatever had happened was surely to do with the Sith, Darklighter thought to himself. They walked through the main doors of the hanger, as 220 climbed from the cokpit and almost fell down the ladder that reached up to it from the ground. Darklighter and Obi-wan ran to him, bow lying on his back.


“Oh my god Jed…” Tidus looked at the numerous cuts and bruises through his suit, as the blood had already seeped right through his clothing. “What happened up there.”


“It was the Sith…they…shot at me as I was returning from collecting the resources from Nar Shaddaa…ARRGGHHH!…” he screamed. He could not move without it hurting. “Why did they retreat? Why were they leaving the planet?” Obi looked back at him sorrowfully. He could give no satisfied answer.


“I don’t know. I don’t have any answers.” He called over to a guard standing by the door. “Get this man down to the infirmary, on the double!” A few minutes later, Jed was carried away by medical personnel. Obi-wan turned back to the Admiral, and took a deep breath.


“There isn’t much we can do” he said with a solemn tone. “Keep a lookout. I’m going to my quarters. If nothing comes up in the next day, we can assume they’ve left for good. Get some sleep.” He gave a faint smile, and Darklighter chuckled at his remark.


“I don’t think I can sleep at a time like this.” He replied with a smirk on his face.


“I know I will” Obi yelled back, as he strolled out of the bay entrance doors. Darklighter stood and stared out of the hanger towards the blue sky. I have a bad feeling about this, he whispered to himself, and proceeded back down to the navigation facility.

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The guard burst through the infirmary doors with Jedi220 on a stretcher. The medics on call winced when they looked at him and hurried over.


"What happened to him?" asked one of the medics asa few 2-1B medical droids came over and gave surgical masks to everyone.


"Not sure, I didn't hear the exact story, I just saw him come out of his ship and collapse," replied the guard.


"B33, draw up 90 cc of bacta, B42, get some surgical instruments over here," yelled one of the medics.


The chaos in the emergency room was loud and disorienting for Jedi220.


"Get his charts up!"


"Get the surgical droid from the OR down here now!"


"Hold it! This Jedi's toting a biometric leg!"


A few droids were injecting bacta in his wounds and he flinched.


"Anyone going to give this guy some anesthesia?"


"Too critical, can't sedate him, we might not get him back."


Jedi220's heart monitor flatlined.


"Spast! He's dying on us here!"


"Get the paddles!"


A 2-1B medical droid brought out a defribrilator and gave it to one of the doctors.


"Wait, he's packin' an artificial leg here! We use that and he's gonna have more electricity in him then the power plant a few parsecs away!"


And as the medics debated how to save his life, Jedi220 seemed to drift off...

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The quiet calm of the Thedonian morning was shattered by the sound of a Corellian YT-2400 freighter soaring through the air towards the Jedi Academy.


“Unidentified freighter, you have 30 seconds to state your name, authorization code, and reason for being here, otherwise you will be fired upon.” A voice said over the comm.


“This is Raine Sunscorcher, authorization code whiskey tango foxtrot. I’m here to deliver some medical and military supplies, and then pick up some outgoing freight. After that, I’m gone.


“Alright, you’ve been cleared for landing on platform 49. Proceed there, and do not deviate from your course.”


After setting the “Blazing Phoenix” down on landing pad 49, Reb made his way along the walkway to an academy entrance. He stopped outside the door, and stood there motionless for a few moments, staring at his feet. He let out the breath he was holding, stepped forward and then entered as the door slid open for him.


Tidus Darklighter walked dazed through the hallways of the Academy. It was early, VERY early. He had awoken around 07:30, and had been unable to fall asleep again.

He had never been up before 08:00 hours in his life, and he was desperately searching for something to wake him up. As he stumbled drowsily past the guard station, he heard a somewhat cheery “Good morning Admiral Darklighter”.


“Morning…” he mumbled back, and continued on with his search for something loaded with stimulants.


“Admiral, something rather suspicious happened a little earlier this morning. An unknown vessel entered academy airspace without permission, came pretty much out of nowhere. After the attack yesterday I didn’t want to take any chances, so I turned the defenses online. When I contacted him he said his name was Raine Sunscorcher. Now, I’ve never heard of anyone with that name, and it’s not on the list, however, the authorization code he gave checked out so I let him in.”


Darklighter stopped, and then turned back to the young officer. “What was his reason?”


“Here to drop off and pick up supplies sir.”


“Odd, I haven’t been informed of any incoming supplies. Where did he land?” Tidus asked.


“Landing pad forty nine sir.” Darklighter nodded to the officer, and then made his way towards landing pad 49. It seemed his cup of “wake up” would have to wait…



Tidus Darklighter stepped through the door, and onto the walkway that lead to landing platform 49, noticing the Corellian freighter. He was even more confused now than before. It was one of the newer makes of the YT line, and as such was somewhat pricey. Who could the ship possibly belong to? “The pilot had said that he was here to pick up supplies, so where would he be?” Darklighter thought to himself as he turned and walked back into the academy. He made his way along the hallways, heading towards the nearest cargo bay. Tidus walked along a hallway, he heard some rustling coming from a room to his right, and his hand reflexively reached for the Lightsabre on his hip as he pressed his back against the wall. The room that the sound originated from was one used for storage and as such was full of crates of things they had been able to salvage from the original Academy. Darklighter heard more sounds of movement from inside the room, followed by a muffled but somewhat familiar sounding voice that said, “Damn, where could that be…” Darklighter moved silently towards the opening of the door, edging closer and closer. He put his hand just over the button to open the door, readied himself, and then pushed the button. As soon as the door was opened just wide enough he rushed in through it, to find himself staring at a dark, empty room. Darklighter felt something touch his shoulder, and turned his head to see a hand resting on it and instantly reacted. He grabbed the hand quickly executing a shoulder throw on whomever it belonged to. Both beings reached for their weapons, Tidus grabbing his Lightsabre from his hip, the other grabbing a blaster from his. They both aimed their weapons at the other’s hearts, Tidus’ Lightsabre hovering mere inches from his assailants chest, and the other had the barrel of his blaster pressing into Tidus’. They stayed like that for a few moments, one lying on the ground, the other standing, weapons trained, knowing that they both would die if one of them so much as twitched. The soft glow from Darklighter’s Lightsabre illuminated the dark room ever so slightly, but that was enough for him to see the face of the man lying before him, pressing a blaster into Darklighter’s chest.




“Hello Tidus,” Reb replied. Darklighter then turned off his Lightsabre and took a step back, and Reb slowly lowered his weapon and holstered it, then stood up.


“I… I don’t understand.” Darklighter said. “How?”


“I don’t understand it completely myself Darklighter, but I’ll at least try and explain.” Reb said, and then began telling the Darklighter the same story he had told to Talliusc.



“And here I am…” Reb said as he finished his story and looked at Darklighter who was now sitting on one of the crates in the storage area. Darklighter was still trying to take it all in. What happened to Reb was similar to Obi-Wan13, yet it had happened to Reb months earlier. What was the Force’s will here, what roles were the Jedi to play in its scheme for this war? He would surely have to meditate on this, and try to make sense of it all. Darklighter once again returned his focus to Reb, and his next short, simple question summed up everything, about Reb, about himself, the Jedi, and about this war.


“So what now?”


“I’m not entirely sure myself ” Reb answered. “Get some of my possessions that I came here for, perhaps talk to Obi-Wan13, and then I’ll be on my way.”


“You’re not going to stay?” Darklighter asked, surprised.


Reb shook his head and then replied, “No, I’m not. This is no longer my war. I don’t even know what I’m fighting for anymore, hell; I don’t even know who I am any more Tidus. I’m just going to do my best to find Kylaa, and then we’ll go somewhere safe. That’s the best I can come up with at the moment. I owe her that much at least.”


“So you’re just going to hide, is that it. Try and find some safe little corner of the galaxy to live out your days? Reb, that’s exactly why we’re fighting this war, because if we don’t stop Divine Spirit, there won’t BE anywhere safe to go. What happened to the Reb Starblazer I knew, the one who infiltrated the Sith ranks, the who was willing to give his life to end this war, the one who said that he wasn’t going to run away from who he was any longer?” Tidus exclaimed, his voice somewhat shaky.


Reb glared right at Darklighter and said in a cold, monotone voice that almost scared Tidus, “He’s dead.” Darklighter did his best not to seem shocked. “Reb Starblazer died in that Super Star Destroyer explosion over Thedonias. I am simply all that’s left.”


“But you were returned Reb. The Force sent you back to aid us in this war, sent you back as a reward, in order to give you a second chance to prove yourself.”


“Don’t speak to me of your precious Force Tidus!” Reb said, and then stomped his right foot on the floor, creating a loud resounding metallic thud. “Do you hear that? My right leg below the kneecap is no different from a droid’s now, a gift from your Force.” Reb slowly unwrapped the bandage covering the right side of his face. Tidus inhaled deeply as he saw what the bandage was covering. A large scar ran from Reb’s forehead down to about level with his nose, and his right eye was red-orange, a stark contrast to his left eye that was forest green, his natural colour. “My right eye is mechanical now, as I lost it when that machinery exploded in my face. I kept it the colour of my ‘Dark side’ eyes to remind me of the Force, every time I look in the mirror I’m reminded of everything it’s cost me. The Force gave me that scar, and the Force took my right eye and right leg from me. It sent me back here not as payment, but as punishment. I have to live the rest of my life like this, and live with a guilty conscience over what I’ve done. It sent me back here, powerless and alone. I’d have preferred hell Darklighter, I really would have. Your precious Force has betrayed me, and I hold no allegiance to it.” Reb finished, his hands shaking and clenched into fists at his sides. “I can’t help you Darklighter, not anymore. I’ve lost my faith and belief in myself, in this war, and the Force itself. I don’t know where I’m going to go Tidus, but I know I can’t stay here.”


“We can’t make you stay Reb, you’re free to leave at any time. But why do you want to go, why won’t you fight with us?”


“I didn’t say I won’t help you Darklighter, I said I CAN’T. I’ve lost my connection to the Force, no doubt another ‘gift’. I am of no help to you, look at me, I’m still getting used to being able to walk again, how am I supposed to fight a war?” Darklighter stopped, and suddenly realized Reb was right. That explained why he couldn’t sense Reb earlier, and didn’t immediately know who he was in the room. Normally every living thing had their own presence in the Force, whether they were Force sensitive or not. Reb didn’t. He was a void, a hole in the Force, as if someone had ripped a piece away from the very fabric of the Force itself.


“You could still help us, most of our troops aren’t Force sensitive. You could lead them, you could help somehow Reb. You don’t have to just walk away.” Darklighter said.


“And what, become a grunt? Rushing in head first to be destroyed. No thanks Tidus, I’ve seen what’s happened to the people at the front line, both ours and the Sith.”


“Is that it? Is that what the problem is, you’re scared of dying again Reb?”


“Not especially, I have no problem with dying Tidus. It’s what I’m dying FOR that bothers me, and I have no interest in dying for your cause again. We’re ALL going to die Darklighter. You know that, right? It’s just a matter of when, how, and where.”


“I know we’re all going to die eventually Reb, it’s just…”


“That’s not what I meant. Nothing good will come of this war Tidus, why can’t any of you see that!” Reb yelled as he slammed his fist down onto a durasteel crate, leaving a rather large dent in it. “This war will only bring death, destruction, and pain. It won’t end until both sides are decimated and there’s no one left to fight anymore. Neither side will give in to the other, Jedi and Sith are going to completely wipe each other out!” Reb said, and then looked Darklighter straight in the eye. “This war will kill us all Darklighter, every… single… last… one of us. I’ve played my part Tidus, and I’ve paid the price. I’ve already died once for your war, I hope you don’t expect me to do it again.”


“Reb, if that’s what it takes to stop them, then that’s how far I’m willing to go. If I have to give my life to stop the New Empire, if I have to give my life to make sure that people everywhere in the galaxy can live a life free of oppression and tyranny, if I have to give my life for what I know is RIGHT, then it’s a rather small price to pay Reb, and I’m willing to pay it.”


“And who are we to say what’s right Tidus? The Empire may be oppressive, but at least it’s simple. The Republic however, is so full of bureaucracy and red tape that nothing ever gets done, and if it actually does it’s already too late. How many poor and homeless do you see on the streets of the Republic’s richest and biggest cities, despite the fact that there’s more than enough money to go around. The Empire is evil, no doubt, but it’s not quite as bad as you Jedi make it out to be Tidus. I was there; I was a ruling part of it. I made sure to do what I could to help. People may not be treated very fairly, but at least they ARE taken care of. And even beyond that point Darklighter, it’s rather difficult to fight a war when you’re no better than the people you’re trying to stop. Despite what you think, I’m not some returning war hero, and I am not a martyr for your cause Darklighter. I’m a bloody murderer.”


“Reb, what are you talking about? We’re in the middle of a war, we’ve all been forced into doing things that we normally wouldn’t even consider, but these are strange and disturbing times. When you took out that Super Star Destroyer, it was a turning point, hell, if the Sith had not escaped we wouldn’t even still be fighting this war. Things change in times such as these, and we can’t be as completely moral as we’d like to be, this is a war we’re fighting after all. People die in a war Reb, we’re just trying to end it as soon as possible, so that MORE people don’t have to.” Darklighter said.


“Even if we’re at war Tidus why should that make a difference. How many people does it take Admiral, before it becomes wrong? A thousand? Fifty thousand? A million? There were over a million people on that ship Darklighter, and I am responsible for every single one of their deaths. I felt it through the Force, every being on that ship dying, all their souls being wrenched away from their bodies, their lives stolen from them because of me… all because of me. And no matter how much I try to justify it, no matter how much I try to believe what I did was right, no matter how much I try to move on, I still have more blood on my hands than I’ll ever be able to wash off. Could you live with that?”


Darklighter stared at the person before him, and he truly realized it wasn’t Reb, or at least not the one he knew. Before him he saw a man so full of spite, hatred, and malice, so irrevocably lost that there might be no way of finding him again. The once proud and powerful man had lost sight of everything he was fighting for, and in turn, had lost himself.


“Oh no, I know that look. Don’t you look at me like that Darklighter, don’t give me that look of pity. I may deserve your judgment, and I may deserve your hatred, but I haven’t yet earned your pity. Don’t you DARE pity me… not after what I’ve done.”


“Reb you know I don’t pity you, but I am your friend, and I’m worried for you. There’s nowhere safe out there anymore, especially if the Empire knows you’re alive. There won’t be anywhere you can hide, the Empire will hunt you down and kill you, particularly if they think you’re a threat to them. Stay here with us where it’s at least somewhat safe, don’t just run off again to wander the galaxy alone. ”


“I’ve been alone all my life Darklighter, this won’t be any different. I can take care of myself after all.”


“And what about Kylaa? What if you do find her, will you risk her life as well? Just by being with her you’ll unwittingly endanger her life too, are you sure you want to do that.” Kylaa had been a friend of Darklighter’s during her time at the academy, and he was beginning to see what she meant when she described Reb as “what happens when Human stubbornness meets Zabrak mental willpower, and then goes horribly wrong…”


“I’ll do everything in my power to protect Kylaa, you know that. And the farther I am away from this war, the better chance I have of protecting her Tidus. I know that being with me puts her life in danger, and she knows it too. That’s why I’ll let her make that choice, and I’ll stand by whatever she wants to do, leave or stay. But no matter what, I can only get her answer if I actually FIND her, and I can’t do that here.” Reb said as he began walking out of the room, and Darklighter followed after him.


“Reb, you must realize what you’re doing. You’re leaving one of the few safe havens left in the galaxy, and heading out ALONE. You, like the rest of us, are top priority on the empire’s hit list. Stay here, fight with us, and help us in this war. As a former high-ranking member of the Sith, you better than anyone know their plans and secrets, you’re a valuable asset to our cause. I can’t just let walk out that door and throw your life away Reb. We could put your knowledge to good use, use it end this war.” Darklighter said, as they were nearing the exit to landing pad forty-nine. Reb stopped, and turned around to face Darklighter.


“I have no desire to fight a war Darklighter, I just want to get on with my life. All my life I’ve been a machine, trained to be emotionless and deadly, all I’ve done is kill and destroy. Kylaa changed all that when she came along, showed me that there was more to life. I was never afraid to die before I met her, because I never had anything to live for. But she showed me that life was precious and valuable, not just my own, but all life. I don’t want to kill anyone Tidus, I will if I absolutely have to, but I don’t want to. Not anymore. If I stayed here and fought, how many more people will I have to kill Tidus? How many more lives will I have to wantonly destroy before this war comes to a close? The Force won’t answer me… can you?” Reb said and stood motionless, staring through Darklighter. Then he turned around and once again began walking towards the door, leaving Tidus standing alone to contemplate the last thing Reb had said. The sound of Tidus’ Comm unit beeping broke the silence.


“WHAT!” Tidus yelled into his Comm. “Sorry, what is it?”


“Sir, there’s a civilian craft approaching and I thought I’d check with you about it first.”


“Why is that? Does their code not check out?”


“Well, that’s partly why I’m checking with you now sir. No code was given, but they said that they know you, and they want to talk to you. Says her name is ‘Kylaa’…”


And Reb froze just meters from the door…

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eh...So much for the "I'll post it in the next couple of days." Damn server was down when I tried to post this almost A WEEK ago! Anyhow things are back on line and here it is without further delay (YEY!). WARNING! IT'S A LONG ONE!





Zeta fleet hung seemingly motionless against the void of space, the only visible movement was a multitude of TIE fighter squadrons on perimeter patrol. Yet these fighters were out in force for one reason only; to defend the four massive cylindrical shaped ships that were in turn surrounded by the main bulk of the fleet. Such was the state of alert that three innocent luxury liners had been destroyed as they passed through this remote sector of the galaxy without even being ordered to alter course.

Darth Slayne knelt before the holographic image of the Dark Emperor, not entirely pleased that he had been put in charge of the fleet.

“You have done well, Lord Slayne.” The Emperor crowed. “Even now many systems are unconditionally surrendering to us, for fear that they will be the next to be whipped out.”

“Fear can be a powerful motivation my master.” Slayne responded coldly.

“Yes.” The huge image of Divine Spirit smirked. “And it is fear that keeps the Jedi fleet around Thedonias. They are paralysed, Lord Slayne. They fear that they will fall next.”

“And yet the Foolish Jedi continue to stand against us.” Darth Slayne remarked with an odd sense of mirth. “They may try to use the attacks as a rallying point for further resistance, Master.”

“Yes, but they will only encounter hate from the very ones they seek to protect.” Divine said sagely. “Of the systems that haven’t surrendered, many now harbour feelings of discontent. They question the Jedi order’s ability to protect them. Many ask where the Jedi fleet was when the four planets were annihilated, while others disapprove of where the fleet is now.”

“They will appear to be selfishly protecting themselves.” Slayne concluded.

“An appearance that I wish to bolster, Lord Slayne.”

Slayne looked up at the transparent image of his master, sensing that a task for him had already been devised. “What would you have me do master?”

“I am releasing you from your duties with Zeta fleet, so that you may devise a way of turning the people against the Jedi. I have full faith in your creativity in such matters.”

“It shall be as you command, my master.”

The holographic image flickered out of existence and Slayne rose to his feet with a sense of purpose. Already the ideas were forming in his mind and he knew just the people to aid him in his endeavour…




The Girl ran for dear life as blaster bolts narrowly missed her by inches. Around her, people cried out and ducked for cover wherever they could find it. The girl knew that she stood out painfully obvious to her pursuers and that she had no hope of blending in with the crowd. She was a green skinned Twi’lek among a frightened mob of humans. Quickly the girl looked over her shoulder, knowing full well that such actions would only slow her down, but she had to know if her assailants were gaining on her. She was almost relieved to find that the clone troopers were still a fair way behind her. The girl knew that her luck would not hold for much longer.

As she looked back, she noticed one of the troopers collapse when a blaster bolt caught him in the chest. Another bolt of light hurtled toward them and almost hit another. She was glad to see that someone ahead of her was opening fire upon them. Perhaps her luck may just hold after all. The girl looked back in the direction she was running and almost ran straight into a swinging lightsaber. With a startled cry, she dropped to the ground and rolled clear of the humming weapon, even as it deflected several blaster bolts back toward the clone troopers. Once she was behind cover, she watched as the Jedi Knight calmly dispatched the remaining troopers.

“Thank you master Jedi!” The girl huffed with exhaustion as the tall man turned to regard her. “Thank you for saving my life!”

“You are safe now.” The man said while deactivating his green saber. “I had no knowledge that there were clone troopers on this planet. Why were they trying to kill you?”

The Twi’lek girl broke out in tears as she answered. “They came last night master Jedi, and took control of my home. They held my sister and I prisoner while they planned some sort of covert attack somewhere in the city. But I ruined it for them! I got away and now everyone will know they are here.”

The Jedi knew that the woman’s forced smile of defiance was tainted with strains of fear and desperation. “You were indeed brave my lady.” The man put a reassuring hand upon her shoulder. “But you must tell me if there are any others lurking about.”

“They are still holding my sister prisoner master Jedi!” she blurted with a renewed wave of tears. “They might kill her because I ran away!”

“Not if I have anything to do with it.” The Jedi said quietly. “Please, you must show me the way to your home before they have a chance to escape.”

It didn’t take them long to reach the Twi’lek woman’s home, and they quietly made for the front door.

“Stay close behind me at all times, my lady.” The Jedi master said as he opened the door and slipped into the house. “It’s too dangerous to just leave you outside.”

“I will.” The girl said with a hint of fear in her voice.

“Everything will be fine, you’ll see.” The Jedi whispered to reassure her.

The Jedi master reached out with the force, sensing that the only inhabitants were concentrated within the living room, and he quietly moved to stand at the door that stood between them. With a sudden blast the door was ripped from the wall and the Jedi was among the remaining clone troopers, his lightsaber deflecting blaster fire as he cut them down one by one. When all was finally quiet, he moved over to the bound and gagged Twi’lek prisoner and proceeded to free her. The very moment she was free, a door on the opposite side of the room opened and both women froze with panic.

Standing in the doorway was a black robed sith Lord, wielding a pair of angry red lightsabers. With deliberate menace, Darth Slayne took one step forward to greet the would-be heroic Jedi master. “And just what do we have here?” He snickered with cold hatred.

The Jedi spun to face this new threat and raised his waiting saber to a ready stance. Suddenly he cried out as a massive jolt of electricity tore into his back and he collapsed into a stunned heap on the floor. Behind him stood the Twi’lek girl, a look of pure malice was in her eyes, as she put away the stun rod that she held. “Did the poor Jedi fall down?” She said mockingly before planting a heavy kick into his ribs.

“Well done Ladies.” Slayne said with a chilling mirth evident in his yellow-red eyes. “The pair of you never cease to astound me!”

“The pleasure was ours.” The twins replied in unison.

“We have what we came for,” Slayne said while motioning to a pair of droids behind him, “it’s time we took our leave of this place.”

Before long, Darth Slayne and the Twi’lek twins, Miekah and Lianna boarded the Stygian Wraith followed by the two droids bearing the unconscious Jedi Master. Many hours had passed before the captive was finally released, never knowing that he had ever been captured by the Sith. By the time Slayne had blasted off into orbit, the Jedi knight was reporting to the public at how appalled he was to find top secret data that was to be withheld from the masses by the Jedi academy’s most trusted intelligence network.

Later that night the Jedi was mysteriously assassinated after making a galaxy wide broadcast…




Darth Groovy nearly chocked on his meal as he watched the holo-vid broadcast that night. He should have seen something like this coming, in light of recent events, but he had been too preoccupied lately.

“But surely the Jedi are here to protect us…” the image of the news reporter said before he was cut off by the figure he was interviewing.

“I had been led to believe that myself,” The Jedi master said with an air of sadness, “but I could not have been more wrong if I tried. But as the data-vid just showed, Admiral Darklighter and the late Obi-wan13 are ruling a group that is no better than the Sith. The New Empire may not be very just, but at least they don’t hide behind a mask of deception.”

“The data-vid does appear to hold some damning evidence.” The reporter said.

The holo-vid image flickered slightly as the scene changed to one resembling the council chamber of the Jedi Academy. The reporters voice announced over the image that this was stolen coverage of a Jedi meeting just before the attack on the four doomed planets. Darth Groovy looked more intently at the image and at the people seated in the chamber. There was no doubt about it. These were the leading Jedi council members, and he was seated among them. As he watched, the image of himself spoke in a voice that was clearly his own, but the words were not.

“And what of the four fleets heading toward the planets Anaktia, Rhumis prime, Kalthor and Arktuss? Should we make pretence of defending them?”

“Absolutely not!” The image of Darklighter replied. “The Emperor may have another of these asteroid launchers heading toward us. Recall the fleet so that it may create a perimeter around us. We will hold out against the Empire no matter how many useless worlds fall.”

“A wise decision Admiral!” One of the Jedi Masters chided in.

“Sounds like a good plan.” Groovy’s image said without much pity. “How are we going to cover up the fact that we did nothing to help them?”

“That’s easy enough to accomplish.” Darklighter boasted. “We will use the ships we captured from the Emperor during his last botched attempt at invasion. We will send them out quietly and then have them suddenly come out of hyperspace to attack us. Most weak minded civilians will buy that cover story without question.”

“Then it is settled.” Groovy replied, taking in the nods of agreement from the other Jedi Masters. “Let’s make a start before it’s too late.”

The image flicked back to the reporter once more. “For those of you who have just tuned in, that was the stolen coverage of the Jedi Council meeting before the destruction of the for planets. I would like to warn you that this next piece of footage contains actual violence and may offend some viewers.”

Once more the image flickered into a brief warning message before displaying an Imperial detention cell containing two occupants. Darth Groovy knew them to be the images of Obi-wan13 and his interrogator Darth Slayne.

“Why do you persist in pretending to be a noble cause?” The image of Slayne asked. “Surely you don’t think that the people will accept your lies for ever!”

“They will accept them as long as we keep feeding it to them!” The battered and bloody Obi-wan shouted. “The galaxy will never belong to your precious Emperor! It belongs to us!”

Darth Slayne gave the old man a backhand across his already puffed up face. “You are such a waste.” Slayne sneered. “Did you know that? Why fight us when you should ally with us. There need not be all this violence against the people. Violence that was started only because the Jedi order got greedy! We did not send out the first attacks, you did. And yet you claim it was us!”

“To hell with your alliances Sith Lord! You will not own the galaxy while we have a stake in it!”

“You sadden me Obi-wan.” Slayne said with a hint of regret. “I see now that while the Jedi still function, there will be no end to the destruction. The Emperor has decreed that if you are not with us, you are against us.”

“Such words of wisdom from the Emperor!” Obi-wan13 spat.

“And those who are against us,” Slayne scowled while igniting a red bladed lightsaber, “will die!”

With those words spoken, the holo-vid image displayed in full detail the beheading of Jedi Master Obi-wan13, before flicking back to the shocked expression of the reporter. “Once again I would like to apologize for the graphic nature of this broadcast.”

Then the image changed to that of a very popular news woman. “And that was a repeat of the interview held only an hour ago by…” She paused for a moment as if listening to someone. “This just in. The respected Jedi Master just seen in this interview has just been assassinated in public. More on this as it comes in.”

With a curse Darth Groovy switched off the holo-vid projector and headed toward the communications consol. This had Darth Slayne’s signature written all over it and it made him curse even louder. Things could well get out of hand for the Jedi academy…

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uh i guess i should start some more on my story.


darth rhall got out of his ship afew miles away from the jedi acadamy. he made his decision to come here quickly very quick he was going to make an assult on the acadamy by himself. he would only use stealth so as they wouldent see him then he would go in and assassinate obi-wan. he would not let this man humiliate him by escapeing from under his nose. "dammit how did he escape" rhall said to himself. rhall got out of his ship and use the force to make him run 4 times as fast as normal and he set out for the acadamy. there was a secret entrance about 100 yards away from the acadamy, it was a entrance that only the jedi knew about so they would likely not keep it guarded. he got there, opend it up, and droped 5 feet into the cargo hold. two guards were infront of him faceing away from him. thall killed them both without any thought. from the cargo hold was a series of dorms and then an elevator that led to the main entrance. the guards would most likely be no threat. he smiled as he silently made his way there



darklighter was looking after jedi220 with obi-wan when they both felt it, a desturbing yet familiar presence in the acadamy. "he has come. i was hopeing he wouldent. i curse this day when i would have to fight my own friend" obi-wan said "master you stay here i will stop him. you are too importent to louse" darklighter said. "be careful. now that white dragon has gone over to the darkside he is more powerful than ever" darklighter noded as he ran out of the room


"the guards and jedi were weaker than i thought" rhall thought as he cut another jedi in two. "STOP" a voice behind his yelled. rhall turned and blocked titus darklighters lightsaber with his own. "titus my old friend, you would attack me with my back turned? not very sporting are you." darklighter jumped back and got into a defencive pose. a fight between friends could only end in tears

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  • 3 weeks later...

Darklighter’s eyes gleamed with rage, but he remained relatively calm, as much as could be expected. Whitedragon then leapt into the air and struck down on Darklighter, as he rolled forward and blocked the short with his saber. Tidus swung at White, but he parried the attack and spun around to have his shot blocked again. Darklighter pushed White’s saber out the way and force pushed him twenty feet away.


“Why do you do this?!” Darklighter yelled as he walked towards White, lying on the ground, “It is futile…I don’t want to kill you my friend, but you force me to make that decision!” He then struck with an overhead swipe, which narrowly missed White as he rolled to the side out of harms reach. Jumping to his feet, he ran at Tidus’ back and lunged into him, as Tidus spun around and knocked him forward. He than ran as fast as he could towards White, his saber blazing high above his head, but before he could attack, White spun around and struck Darklighter on the shoulder. Yelling in pain he stumbled forward and fell to the ground, grabbing his shoulder and dropping his weapon.


“Ha ha ha!” Whitedragon cackled menacingly. “Futile, is it?! How ironic for you to be so sure…” he walked towards the disabled Darklighter, struggling to get away. He then lifted his saber high above his head. “Good bye, my friend”, and with a grin and closing his eyes, brought his saber down upon Darklighter. He thought he had killed the Admiral. Well, he thought wrong. As he opened his eyes, a figure stood there, blocking White’s saber with his own, stopping the attack from hitting Tidus.


“Get…away…now…” the figure said in a low and menacing voice. As he walked forward out of the dark, White saw who it was.


“Phantom?” he said, and then chuckled slightly, “the apprentice of this poor wretch dares to challenge me?!” Phantom’s eyes were low and sinister beneath his brow, as he looked upon Whitedragon with hate. With that, Phantom positioned himself into a defensive stance.


“You’ll be surprised…” he said with a smirk, as White ignited his saber and lunge at Phantom. He blocked the shot, and flung White’s saber around, blocking it again, then leaping above his head and surprising him on the other side. They continued fighting as Darklighter crawled and leant against a wall, and called Obi-wan over his comlink.


“Obi-wan! Come quickly!” he yelled in despair. At that moment White swung and hit Phantom in the face with his saber hilt, hurling him round and onto the floor. He ran to him and dangled his saber blade before Phantom’s face.


“And now…you will die…” he said, but at that moment, and blaster shot was fired just inches from White’s face and exploded on the wall. All heads turned to the direction from which it originated.


“Don’t move a muscle…” Obi-wan stood with half a dozen guards on either side of him. “Let him go White…” he ordered the Sith Lord. After a few brief seconds he retracted his saber and Phantom ran to his master.


“As you wish…” White said, and extinguished his saber. “Good to see you again, Master Obi-wan” he said with a smirk on his face.


“The feeling’s not mutual” came Obi’s cold reply. White continued to walk back towards the way from which he had come in.


“I’ll see you again…” he said as he leapt through the ventilation shaft, as shots were fired from the guards simultaneously.


“Shall we track him Sir?” came the voice of one of the guards. Obi-wan looked onwards with an empty expression.


“No…” he said at length, “we will be seeing him again.” At that moment, Obi-wan called to the guard to bring a medic, and joined Phantom in attending to the wounded Darklighter.




It was a few days later, and although his wound was bandaged and treated to, his shoulder still did not have full manoeuvrability. He had just left the infirmary, and was walking down the hallways of the Academy, bearing his dark Jedi outfit. As he walked past one of the hollow-vids stationed at the side of one of the hallways, he heard disturbing news that drew his attention…


“But surely the Jedi are here to protect us…” came the voice of the news reporter to the interviewee. He watched in silence at the shocking and appalling accusations made against the Academy.


“And that was a repeat of the interview held only an hour ago by…” She paused for a moment as if listening to someone. “This just in. The respected Jedi Master just seen in this interview has just been assassinated in public. More on this as it comes in.”


Darklighter could not believe his ears. Something was definitely not right here, and with an air of justice in his stance, he was determined to find the cause of it. Proceeding to his quarters, he put on his thick, long and black trench coat and fingerless gloves, before walking towards the hanger bay. He hung up his Jedi robes now. He looked like a rogue bounty hunter, but he wasn’t out for currency; he wanted the truth to be known. He approached the hanger bay. It was night now, and the stars twinkled above the mountainous peaks of a dark orange hue far off in the distance. As he entered the bay, a voice came from behind him. It was his old master.


“Tidus!” Obi-wan called to him. Darklighter stopped and slowly turned round to face him.


“You heard?” Darklighter said solemnly.


“Yes I heard…” Obi-wan said in reply, walking towards his former apprentice. “What are you intending to do?”


“I want to show these people that we are the righteous ones, not the Sith!” he turned and started walking to his ship again. Obi-wan followed.


“How many times have we done this Tidus?” On that note Darklighter stopped. He did not turn around, though. “How many times have I had to stop you from throwing yourself into danger? After 9 years, some lessons still have not been learned” his tone was not angry, but more of despair. “How many people have to die before you are happy, my friend?” Darklighter’s head dropped onto his chest.


“I will return…” he replied mumbling. “I just want to do what’s right.” He then proceeded to enter the coc-kpit and started up the engines. Within seconds the ship had taken off, and the fire of the engines was dimming into the blue night sky. Obi-wan shook his head and chuckled slightly.


“Enough of this, I’m going to bed…”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks ^_^ I'm a rogue Jed Knight slash Bounty Hunter person now...veeery mysterious o.O


Anywho, we gotta keep this thread alive. It's been over a month, and we haven't even reached page 2 :eek: Well, there's no pressure...just write stuff when you have time, though I have a feeling this one might be shorter than the other episodes. We'll get through it sooner or later;)

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I'll post something when I "recover", whenever someone could work something in with me recovering that'd me real swell lol :D


I'd like to work something with me ending up as a martyr of some sort XD

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here she is. i could have done a lot better with this but i just wanted to get this part of the story over with so will you please excuse me if some parts are really boreing, and coincidental, and rushed, but anyway please enjoy it as much as possible. and ill try to do better on part two




"i was unsuccessful but soon i shall return and finish my mission" darth rhall thought. he walked into the bridge of his star ship and sat down in his chair while the autopilot took control "but why. why do you wish to kill these people. there is no gain for you if you do" said a voice. rhall got up with a shot and looked around. no one was there. he then understood "go away you damn ghost" darth rhall said. white dragon replyed "but seriously what do you have to gain" "satisfaction" "sorry but i doubt it. you have nothing to gain but a pat on the back by some old man 50,000 parsects away" "shut up you damn ghost, you are nothing, just a mear voice, you are in no position to make accusations, you are just a shadow." "oh really well i guess its not a good sign of mental health when you argue with your shadow" "shut up!" "admit it you do this because you think that killing my friends will get rid of me, but your wrong. ill be here untill your end, always taunting you, makeing you life a living hell for what you did to my friends, and the old man wont help you eather." "SHUT UP!!!" "heck mabey shadow angel will kill you and then youll be rid of me. im sure he will be more than happey to..." "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" white dragon dident answer back, he stayed silent. a sinking feeling grew in rhalls gut. white dragon was getting stronger.


when he got back to the base he was stationed on he landed on a landing platform high above the ground, being in high places always did make him feel powerful. a fat imperial officer was there to greet him. "im sorry my lord that i dident get anything prepaired for your arival but you dident send us a message of your comeing back" rhall without even looking at the man started walking toward him. he threw him over the side of the landing pad with the force. as he heard the screams fadeing he said to himself "appoligy accepted" he was still walking forward towards his (over comfortable) room when the screaming suddenly stoped. rhall smerked as he made his way to the holo progector in his room. he kneeled as divine spirit came on. "darth rhall what is the status of your mission" divine spirit said. darth rhall reluctantly answered "i have failed my master" "what do you mean" divine spirit said in a harsh tone "i have failed in my task. the jedi attacked back to violently and i could not defeat them" "thats impossable! you..."he stoped his face growing calm "it seems you have failed in more than your task darth rhall. you have failed to stop white dragon. he cannot be allowed to come back so you are heerby cast out from the order and are to be executed." darth rhalls face grew to shock "what!" "those who cannot complete their tasks are to be killed" "but i can defeat him!!" "it is too late you are already dead"


darth rhall got out his lightsaber and began to run down the hall to his ship. he stoped, his boots screeching on the marbel floor, as shadow angel came around the corner with several other dark jedi, they all ignited their lightsabers. rhall looked for options, and could find only one. he turned around and ran for the widow on the opisit end of the hall. with the thought never crossing his mind that he was some 500 storys up, he ran full out while takeing off his long cloke and puting his lightsaber on his belt, and he crashed through the glass all the while chargeing the force into his two hands. he fell hard, the wind cutting into his eyes and face, it was hard to see, and hard to focus, but he still charged the force. he waited untill he was only afew inchs from the ground then let the force flow through him and out of his hands. there was a large explosion of dust and rhall flew up into the air again and came down of his feet with a loud thud. he felt very suprised that his trick actually worked untill he heard another loud thud behind him. he turned around and saw shadow angel but he had seemed to do the trick alot easyer. "oh damn" rhall thought. he summoned as much force as he could muster to blind shadow angel for a second he turned around and ran. he brought out a remote control and called for his speeder. he managed to get away without any other confrontations. he was now going to kill every last one of the jedi if that was what it took for devine spirit to see he was still loyal. every last one.


he got through the blockade of the jedis planet again without them detecting him. he got to the desert ground and looked around for anyone but he was conpletely alone. he walked to the front entrance and was stoped by the guards "hey you cant come through here go back" one said. rhall smiled and killed them both. he then opened the gigantic doors with the force. a familar man was waiting for him. "master obi-wan youve changed". "i may look different but i am still just as skilled and i will kill you for what youve done. i will never forgive you" darth rhalls laugh echoed through the gigantic entrance hall as they engaged. rhall ducked and brought his blade up below obi-wan in a powerful cut ("the riseing dragon" is what he used to call it) obi-wan was knocked back and then ran at rhall and cut his sholder. rhall blocked the saber before it went any further and began hitting obi-wan with a fast barrage of cuts, obi-wan blocked them all. rhall used force lightening agenct obi-wan and he doged it without little effort. "what the hell." rhall thought "i know im strong but obi-wan seems to surpass me in everything unless..." rhall suddenly went to his knees and began to sob. "please dont kill me ill leave just dont kill me please!" obi-wan lowerd his lightsaber and looked at the sobing man. it was what rhall was waiting for. he pushed obi-wan on the ground and brought his lightsaber down "good bye" he laughed. the strike never hit. darth rhall had a calm look on his face and then to obi-wans supprise rhalls demonic, blood red eyes faded away as if the red was just a mist and in its place was the kind ice blue eyes of white dragon. the white duel lightsaber turned off "kill me now" rhall said as if he was pleading. "dragon?" obi-wan said. "please do it i cant hold him for much longer" obi-wan got his lightsaber but dident do anything "obi-wan please do it or he will come back! you have too! PLEASE!!!" obi-wan started to thrust his lightsaber as the pleading words of white dragon echoed through the hall "KILL ME!!!"


the pail blue lightsaber turned off and fell to the floor with a rattle. white dragon smiled and said "thank you" then fell to the floor. tears fell from obi-wans eyes. "what have i done" he stood there for a long time in utter shock but then he picked up white dragons body and ran through the doors yelling for someone to help him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

white dragon dreamed. he dreamed he was on a beach and behind him was just sand that streached as far as the eye could see but only afew feet awayfrom the shore was a small island with one gigatic tree. how despreately he wanted to rest in its shade. he started to wade through the water toward it but just as he got halfway he was suddenly in another place. he was in his home town, he would reconise the place anywhere, he lived only a mile away from here. white dragon suddenly ran to a house which belonged to his best friend, he walked in and yelled hi to everyone but no one said hi back, no one even looked at him. white dragon walked up to his friend baron and taped him on the sholder but his hand went straight through his friend, like someone trying to touch a hologram. he suddenly realised that this was a vision and it filled him with greef, he knew what would happen next. screams and blaster fire suddenly broke the air as shadow angel and his troops came into white dragons town and killed every last person he ever loved or ever knew. all white dragon could do was stand there and watch with tears running down his face. he closed his eyes and covered his ears in a futile attempt to stop the screaming. then all the screaming stoped and soft singing floated into his ears. he opend his eyes to see his butiful wife singing their child to sleep. white dragon stoped crying and smiled. nothing could have prepaired him or his heart for what happened next. shadow angel burst through the door and yelled about where white dragon was and then he hit her and then hit her again and again, he then stabed he with his lightsaber. white dragon fell down and started saying to himself "no. oh please no. please." he closed his eyes again and listened to the crys of his baby boy. then came a silence that was more terrible than anything white dragon could have ever imagined. "if only i had been ther" dragon said still crying "yes if only you had been there. but you werent there were you" his own voice came back to him but it was in such a different tone that it almost wasent his voice. dragon opend his eyes and saw himself but his eyes were blood red and full of vicious evil. he smiled and said "come this is our battle to see who will rule your soul. the darkside or light. rhall ran a dragon full force and punched him through the wall to the outside, he then picked dragon up and puched him again. dragon sat down and dident react to any of the punches. "whats the matter? has the legendary white dragon lost his nerve to fight? fight me you coward! dont you want to kill me!? dont you hate me!?" white dragon suddenly looked up at rhall and thought "hate?" he stood up and said "hate. i have been such a fool. you are my fault. i cant beleave that i have become the very thing i have hated because i hated it." "what are you babeling on abut white dragon. speak planer" "i now realise that you were created in the back of my mind after my wife and child were killed and you surfaced when i was most vulnerable to the darkside." white dragon paused and then turned around and walked away from rhall. "where are you going dragon? you coward! come back here" "i reject you rhall may you exist no longer."


white dragon sat up in his hospital bed in the jedi acadamy. he looked around and saw no one there. he then sat back down in his bed and wept


obi-wan walked down the halls of the jedi acadamy to white dragons room , it had been a week sence white dragon had woken up from his coma that lasted 2 days, when he got in he found white dragon sitting on the floor meditateing. dragon opend his eyes, stood up, and bowed when obi-wan entered. "you wanted to see me white dragon" obi-wan said. white dragon straighted and said "master when the war is over may i have permission to leave the acadamy, i wish to be a jedi no more. here me out before you say anything...i was weak when darth rhall took me over, it was because i was weak that he killed so many. i never want to be in that situation again." white dragon looked down at his hand. "i look down upon the very hands i used to protect those who could not protect themselves and i see them stained with innocent blood. allow me to live out my life in peace." obi-wan sighed and said "white dragon you are free to go whenever you wish, but i am glad that you wish to stay untill the war is over. it shows that you have not forsaken you companions." obi-wan turned to leave. "one more thing master. did you say that when you died that you saw your master?" "yes" "thank you thats all i wanted to know." obi-wan left and dragon said silently to himself "i wish i had someone to comfort me when i died."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still here. *pinches self and nods* Yep, definately still here :)


I've mostly been waiting to see if Tal will add another installation. It would seem odd/unfair if I am the only one writing for the Sith. But if nothing new comes from him soon, I will write so that this thread stays alive. I would hate to see it fall to the backs of everyones mind.

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"I haven't seen you around here lately," said a voice behind the curtain in whitedragon's room.


"Who goes there?" asked whitedragon.


Jedi220 emerged from behind the curtain. He seemed fine, in traditional Jedi garb, like always, except with a cane. He was roughed up badly, as his body as marred with countless scars.


"I don't remember you..." said whitedragon.


"Don't mind me, I'm just off in the sidelines," replied Jed. "You're experiencing great pain. However, only you will find the answer."


whitedragon looked away from Jedi220.


"You know nothing of my pain," said whitedragon.


"Okay, I'll leave you be," said Jed, as he walked out of the room with a limp.


He walked over towards the list of Jedi available for missions. His name was still under "Infirmary Care." He clamped the top of his cane with both hands and closed his eyes. His card floated over to the available list, and was placed at the top of the list. Smiling, he glanced down at his functioning comlink and proceeded to his cabin for holocron studying.


Jedi220 had a feeling that the next mission was a reconnaissance to keep tabs on Admiral Darklighter.

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Originally posted by Darth Slayne

I'm still here. *pinches self and nods* Yep, definately still here :)


I've mostly been waiting to see if Tal will add another installation. It would seem odd/unfair if I am the only one writing for the Sith. But if nothing new comes from him soon, I will write so that this thread stays alive. I would hate to see it fall to the backs of everyones mind.

yes this story is just sitting here collecting dust. i think that if worse comes to worse. then the only people who are trying to post storys should get together and try to finish it, but only as a last resort
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Well there's no rush. It's true and pretty obvious that the AW's popularity has declined since the last episode, but I kinda prefer it like this. There's no incentive to rush it, we got plenty of time and at least we don't have a people posting unrelated stories non-stop (i.e Episode 2). We've just got the few main posters left, and we can easily finish the story, but that doesn't have to happen anytime soon.

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Sorry for the double post. My next story!:)



Darkness fell on the planet Coruscant, and the skyline of the city-filled planet descended into a dark hue, with the millions of club and building lights flickering below like a sea of stars. It had been approximately a week since the false transmission had been broadcasted to the entire galaxy, displaying bogus information about the Academy’s evil intentions. There had been dozens of reporter ships requesting permission to land on Thedonias to exploit the Academy further, but all of them rightly dismissed by Jedi Master Obi-wan. The entire Academy was being closely watched by all eyes; reporters, high security personnel from neighboring planets and even civilians had been paying close attention to their every move, fearing that they would do what the Sith had said they would do. It had been tough, and it was only a matter of time before the Sith invented more convincing evidence against the Academy. Obi-wan was still indecisive about what to do, and Darth Groovy was still away. There was also no sign of Admiral Darklighter, who had seemingly disappeared.


The loud band music could be heard outside the club “Dragan’s Cantina”, a popular spot for the rich and wealthy businessmen of the underworld, many of them with ties and contacts to Sith Lords. They were greatly feared, using a garbage hauling business as a front for all sorts of nasty dealings: assassination, and mainly smuggling, often ordered by the Empire. Solask Sar was in charge of a number of these organizations, and was especially well known to Darth Slayne for his brutality and fierce nature. He was a tall human, but stout and very large and incredibly strong, adopting a very fearful disposition. The Suns had long since set behind the tall-reaching skyscrapers, as Sar boldly strode out of the Cantina, two bodyguards on each side of him. One was speaking into a comlink, whilst the others scanned the area for potential threats.


“Where is my transport?!” Sar ordered, walking up to the guard as he holstered his comlink.


“I am very sorry sir, they’re late, the driver had been drinking, we’ll have to walk down the alleys to meet them quicker” the guard responded worriedly. Sar rolled his eyes as they turned red with anger, and he gripped the guard by the neck, lifting him into the air.


“When I order a transport, I expect it to be here on time. Do you get me?!!” he yelled at the guard as he turned red in the face from loss of breath. Before he could answer, Sar through the guard to the floor. He held his neck before climbing to his feet, and kept out of sight.


“This way.” Sar controlled himself and led the party down the first darkened alleyway, water dripping from pipes situated on the sides of the walls. As they walked, something appeared in the corner of one of the bodyguard’s eyes. A black silhouette of a tall dark figure moved in and out of the structures on top of one of the buildings, and then disappeared into the shadows.


“Sir! Did you see that?” The guard yelled as he stepped back behind Sar. He looked up to where the guard was pointing, but nothing stirred, not even the wind.


“Fool! There is nothing there. Get up you idiot!” Solask grabbed the guard and threw him in front as the party proceeded onwards down the darkened walkway. A few minutes later, they were drawing closer to the rendezvous point, when the sound of running footsteps was heard upon the opposite rooftop. The guards looked up to see yet another glimpse of the figure, running across the ledge of the building and then disappearing again. Sar, without any fear, fast-walked ahead of the others. As they approached the opening of the alley, the dark shape flipped from the roof, spinning round, then landing in a crouch position facing them. Sar and the guards froze, as the figure rose to a stand, and spoke in a low voice.


“Good evening” it said. Sar could not see the man’s face, but immediately prompted for the guards to begin firing.


“Shoot him!” he yelled, as the first two guards ran forward towards the man, guns blazing. He managed to dodge every single shot, and as the two henchmen approached, he leapt into the air roundhouse kicking them both in the face in one swift move. The other two then ran towards him, and the man quickly ignited his saber, knocking the blaster shots as they flew back towards their firers. He distinguished his saber, and stopped to stare at Sar.


“A Jedi?” Sar responded in bewilderment, “Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?!” The figure slowly walked towards Solask, and his face emerged into the thin ray of light shining through the walkway. It was Tidus Darklighter.


“Wait a minute, you’re that Admiral aren’t you? The one who appeared on that news program? I must say, you did a good job letting all those people die on those four systems.” Sar chuckled loud. Darklighter held his head low, and grasping his fists together threw Sar against the wall using the force.


“I’ve heard it all before.” He replied in a low voice. Solask climbed to his feet and smirked at Tidus.


“You can’t kill me. There would be no point, you’d only be going backwards.” Darklighter smiled at his remark.


“Who ever said I was going to kill you?” He ignited his saber and placed it inches away from Sar’s throat. “I only want answers. Who set up this whole charade, and why would they frame the Academy?”


“You’re so pathetic” Solask answered laughing menacingly, “you’ll never get any information out me!” On that note, Darklighter holstered his saber and gripped Sar by the neck using the force, squeezing his throat.


“You better start talking…” Tidus replied.


“It was Slayne!” Sar gasped as he spat the words out. “That Sith Lord sure has some nerve, faking something that big. Well he managed to pull it off pretty well!” Solask laughed. Darklighter tightened his grip.


“Why would he do that? You are the real enemies of the people.” Solask smirked at him.


“Not anymore it seems.” Suddenly a distant engine sound emerged from behind the building, as Sar began to laugh. “I think it’s time for you to run.” As Tidus turned his head to the side, the transport ship was in full view facing towards him, blaster canons at the ready.


“Oh darn…” he sighed as half a dozen shots were fired in his direction. He let go of his grip on Sar and leapt sideways to avoid the fire. Solask ran towards the ship and hopped aboard, and began to chase Darklighter over the rooftops. He ran, jumping from one building to another, the fire only narrowly missing him from behind. Tidus was fast, capable of escaping from any such situation as this. Suddenly the ship shot at a gas canister in front of Tidus, and exploded in a fiery burst of burning gas particles. Darklighter jumped over the side of the building, and began to freefall downwards. He maneuvered himself above a ledge sticking out from the side of the wall, spinning round and landing on two feet. The ship appeared in front of him, lowering to his level. As he spied a ledge on the opposite side of the crevice, Tidus flipped high into the air, spinning over the ship and striking it on the wing with his saber, and only just landing on the other ledge. The ship jittered and shook, and began to back away, flying into outer space. Darklighter clambered to his feet, and before the transport could escape, threw a homing beacon onto the ship. It turned and propelled itself towards the stars, and Darklighter stood out of breath.


“I’ll be seeing you soon, Solask” he said, watching the ship fly off, and saluting it. Suddenly a loud bleep came from his comlink. He activated it and listened to the message from Darth Groovy.


“Darklighter?! Where the hell have you been, the Academy has been looking all over for you, you disappeared…” Groovy’s voice was panicked and quick.


“It was Slayne” Darklighter interrupted. “He’s the one who organized and staged this whole sham. I paid a visit to one of his friends.”


“I had my suspicions too.” Groovy said after a slight pause. “It’s old news though, and we have no evidence.”


“We don’t…not yet” Tidus responded as he watched the lights of Sar’s ship dissolve into the night sky. “I’ll meet you back at the Academy.”


“Take care my friend.” Groovy’s last words signaled for Darklighter to holster his com. He stared worriedly into the sky before turning and once again disappearing into the city shadows.

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