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Academy Wars: Episode III "A Quest For Freedom" Official Battle Thread Sequal

Darth Groovy

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.....








Episode III: A Quest For Freedom


It had been a day of victory for the LucasForum's Jedi Academy, allied forces had joined together to foil Divine Spirit's sinister plot of building a clone army of the sith. The Clawdite inhabitants have allied with the Jedi to defeat the sith and reclaim the home planet of Oriden in exchange for preservation of they're secret identity.


Several star sytems sympathetic to the Academy's cause have rallied volunteer soldiers to help the Jedi defeat the Sith once and for all and restore the Academy to it's original state.


Meanwhile, Darth Groovy, Admiral Darklighter and a small team of volunteers have set off to rescue obi-wan13 from the clutches of the Evil Divine Spirit.


Little do they know that the evil Sith Master has devised a trap that will destroy the Academy and allow the Sith to gain control of the Galaxy...



The light from the open skylight shined in one narrow beam down onto the large cellar floor. The castle had clearly been built for a species that averaged about ten meters height. obi remained unconscious on the stone floor that was surroned by a fence that consisted of 4 illuminated blue beams in a sqare large enough for him to move around about 5 steps in each direction. Obi used all his strength to push the upper half of his torso and look into the small beam of light that shined down upon him. He was unaware of where he was, or wether it was night or day. His hair was matted against his face in tangled mesh of blood and soil. His left eye was puffy and unable to open. His traditional brown robe had been stolen and all he had left were the tattered rags that once made up his Jedi battle tunic. The blood that once dripped from the right side of his mouth was dried and his face remained covered with bruises and soil. The smell of must and mildew was so strong in this place that it was overwhelming and often would make the most standard species vommit from the stench. A large creeking sound echoed in the distance as the light poured into the room. A Dark hooded slender figure casually strode in and powered down the fence. Once he was inside the fence came back on. Obi looked on with his arm over the tops of his eyes to block the light wich was hurting his eyes. Obi rolled over to look at the figure and gasped for air. The dark figure grabed a small wooden stole in Obi's cell, and sat right next to the lump of blood and rags that was Obi. "Well well, the great Obi-wan13!" , the figure hissed. Obi knew the voice all to well, it was that of Darth Slayne. As Obi's only open eye slowly adjusted to the light he could indeed see the familiar smirk of Slayne just below the top of his black hood. "Where are your Jedi Now?", Slayne leaned closer, "no they cannot save you obi-wan, but I can". Obi used all the air in his lungs to respond in a faint whisper, "how so?" obi said. Darth Slayne smiled, and began to pace in the small fenced area. "Not so long ago, Darth Groovy walked out of a cloning facility, undetected by any guards. A few hours before that, one of our generals reported that nearly 25 of his new Darth Maul clones dissapeared. A few hours after that ever last clone of Darth Maul was found dead, the cloning facility destroyed. And our best scanning crews can find no trace of any single intruder." Slayned leaned in close to obi's face. "Why don't you tell me what is going on?" Obi grunted and managed to push himslef upright into a sitting postition, then propped himself up against a large rock. "You want to know what is going on? I can tell you." Obi rasped, then swallowed hard. "Your master, Divine Spirit, a former pupil of mine.......*gasp*.........is being defeated by the LFJA....*gasp*..... while I sit here dying in a stinking cell with you" Darth Slayne jumped up off the stool and force pushed obi hard into the stone he was leaning on, then sent him falling to the floor. Slayne began to stroll out of the room and paused... "your are right about one thing, you will die in this room". The fence powered down as Slayne strode toward the light in the door way, and the door slammed hard behind him. Slowly the small beam of light vanished from above and obi was once again in darkness.

The rain pelted hard on the slums of Nar Shadda. Most of the tennants had retreated to their respective dwellings and this evening some shops had closed early do the violent weather reports. All that littered the streets now were thugs and vagrants.

Neon signs flashed on and off and small children weaved in and out of the dumbsters for the last morsels of table scrap from nearby restaraunts. A single dark figure wearing a large robe pulled the hood tighter over his face to shield himself from the rain, as he zig zagged in and out of passing cititzens. Two figures persued him keeping a minimal distance as not to be seen. One was a Gran, and the other a very ugly humanoid. From the looks of they're clothes, they were poor. The looks on they're face were even more menacing as they focused on they're prey. As the dark figure made a right turn into a nearby alley the two predators closed in on their target. The humanoid produced small brass blaster and pointed it into the dark figures back. "Temmet Nocce!", shouted the humanoid in a forceful sound. "Put your hands up stranger! the humanoid continued. The dark figure stopped but did not turn around. Then the gran shoved a sawed off blaster rifle in the stranger's direction and grunted something in a different language. "Put your hands up, now!" the humanoid shouted in a nervous howl. Suddenly the blaster gerked out of his hand and hung suspended in the air just before his face. The Gran's blaster rifle followed. The Gran looked in bewilderment as his human counterpart nearly stumbled at the site. The guns then quickly spun around and pointed at both the gran and the humanoid. The figure slowly turned around and removed his hood to reveal a cranium adorned with hooked horns, yellow red fire eyes, and a black and red tattooed face. Darth Groovy smiled as the rain dripped off the his chin and glared at his two guests as they shook in fear. "Run" Groovy said calmly as the two briefly looked at each other and took off without a breath of air. The guns hovered for a short while, then Groovy pulled a saber from inside his robe and ignited one end and slashed the guns into pieces with one downward thrust. The Zabrak looked around and pulled his hood back over his head and quietly strode off as the pieces of the weapons sparked for a second before being doused by the pooring rain.

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"I've waited so long to meet her again..I've dreamed about her ever sense I departed the planet....." The droid next to him beeped in high-pitched queaks."Heh,this sounds like some corny love story from corrielia...doesnt it,R-9?"And the droid answered with a "Beep-bop-beep-beep".


Tyrion decided to go to his Custom Jedi Starfighter. It looked alot like the original Jedi Starfighter,but looks can decieve. It houses 2 Photon Topedo launches on each side of the cockpit,and 1 Blaster Cannon on each wing,all hidden,of course.Anyway,Tyrion hopped into the main cockpit and loaded R-9 into the sub cockpit.He pushed a button,turning the engine and shields on,and he signaled the hangar control droid to open the port.


And with a swwwoooossshhh,he flew out of the space-hangar. He decended on the swamp planet Talisis. Jungles and swamps reached as far as he could see.On his rear view mirror,he thought he saw a ship chasing him,but he just thought it was nothing to be paranoid about. As he reaches the Stratosphere equivilant of the planet's atmosphere, it started to rain. He landed on the landing area in the capital city Patala. He opened the cockpit and jumped out. As he headed for the Registration office, he thought he heard hissing sounds coming from behind. As he looked behind him,he saw 2 missles go straight towards his Jedi Starfighter. In a fiery explosion,the blast destroyed his ship and sent him into the near windows.


Panicked employees rushed out of the building,and Tyrion drew his dark green lightsaber. He deflected some blaster shots from the ship,and when it hovered down to get better aim,he threw a thermal grenade at the ship. He saw the pilot jumped out before the grenade detonated and destoyed the ship's generator. He rushed at the dazed pilot, with his lightsaber gripped tightly. He jumped at the pilot,but the pilot ducked out of the way. The pilot drew his blaster pistol and shot at Tyrion. Tyrion blocked all the shots,and as he got closer,he destroyed the pilot's pistol. He took one swing at him,but the pilot ducked down and drew his monomicular knife. He seemed to have pumped some adreniline steroids into him at the time,as he dodged every one of Tyrion's swings. He threw a flash grenade at the ground,and as Tyrion was briefly blinded,he slashed Tyrion in the forehead with his knife.


Tyrion gave out a shriek of pain,and went into a dark rage. He slashed at the doomed pilot without thought,and soon enough he disinigrated the knife,and the pilot's head. Then he stabbed at the body again and again,then he fell on the ground and started crying,since the dark rage left such a strong shock on his body. Then,he saw something reflective on dead hunter's body,showing him his bleeding wound,and soon after that,he saw darkness and fainted...

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YEAH ive been waiting for this for a long time.


the man once know as white dragon mite have enjoyed the peace and quiet but white dragon was dead and darth rhall was living. the man know as obi-wan 13 was being interogated. obi-wan thought white dragon was dead. darth rhall would show himself to him now, he would see the face of white dragon and the eyes of darth rhall. he started down the hall way to the dentntion area.


it stank in the detention area but darth rhall ignored such things. he walked into the cell that was obi-wans and opened it. the pathetic looking man was on the floor soaked in his own blood. obi-wan smiled when he saw darth rhall. "thank the force youve come i am glad beyond all hope you are alive" darth rhall slaped the man as hard as he could. "arent you happey to see me obi-wan." white dragon lifted his hood up and showed obi-wan his red eyes that burned like fire. "i am not the pahetic man white dragon. i am darth rhall. the one who will kill all jedi. the first one that i killed was white dragon isent it funney. and now i am the new sith that has always been inside of him, just waiting to come out. it was devine spirit who released me." obi-wan began to cry bitterly. "yes stay here and rot but think of me and may i haunt you untill you die." darth rhall left obi-wan and went back to his quarters.

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Tidus Darklighter sat. Alone. Waiting. It was all he had been doing for the last 6 months or so. Waiting for an opportunity, a sign, a chance to do something about the situation which had arisen. But at this point, there was no sign of hope. He waited impatiently next to the window of his personal quarters, tapping his fingers nervously on the wall, as he stared into the distance, watching the Sun rise from the mountains, as they were overshadowed by the glistening light which shone beyond the horizon. It had been a long time since the battle between the Jedi Academy and the Sith. And the capture of Obi-wan once again shook the Academy. Much had remained the same though.


Darklighter’s complexion however, had not remained the same in the time between now and the battle many months previous. Gone was the look of innocence which shrouded him: the events had effected him more than anyone else in the Academy. His long, flowing black hair was now tied back into a ponytail, his hair folded over and fastened by a think brown material, now showing all his facial features clearly. He had grown a small beard, a line from his lip to above his chin, and the sides of his face showed the stubble grown. Although he was near enough the same person, and only in his twenties, Darklighter looked beyond his years, his eyes now clearly visible, which shone with the wisdom he always hid beneath his frowned expression.


His Jedi garments were gone. Instead, Darklighter had adopted a darker Jedi outfit, unlike the traditional requirement of appearance Obi-wan had set in the Academy before. He bore a thin, black top, which was long-sleeved, and on top wore a black jersey, thick, dark as the night. His black gloves were finger-less, his top held down by his black utility belt. His trousers were also black, and his reflective boots reached high up to his knees. He indeed looked like a very different person, and in truth, he was.


In the time which had passed, Tidus had become a man of solemn reflection. The consequences of the battle, and the capture of his former master, was a lot to take in and understand. When Obi-wan had been kidnapped by Divine’s forces before, Darklighter did all he could to help. Now though, he realised any attempt of rescue on his own would be futile. Although the enemy had been driven away, Darklighter, Darth Groovy and all of the Jedi knew it Divine would mass an army once again, and they would have to fight. All they could do was wait. In those first weeks, Darklighter had shunned himself away from the others; Obi-wan had been like a father to him, and now he was gone, Tidus daren’t not speak of him. Every word, every thought brought a pain to his heart. He had spent a lot of his time training in the dojo, alone, usually at night. The other times he would meditate quietly, alone once again. He had become an alien to the others, and it would take time to restore him to his former self.


Tidus had also created a new lightsaber, after his previous one was destroyed in a confrontation between himself and Dath Maximus. He found it no real chore to carry out, as he had created two lightsabers before, orange and white bladed. The hilt of his new saber was smaller, the end a diagonally shaped cylinder, and an indent around the middle separated the grip from the ignition button. With a snap hiss, Darklighter ignited the saber as he leant against the wall. The blue and green hued blade shone brightly, creating a saber of turquoise colour, illuminating the shadowy walls of his quarters.


Although, there was one person Darklighter had spent a lot of his time with in the past few months. A new recruit at the Academy, discovered as Darklighter was on a reconnaissance mission to one of Thedonias’ nearby systems. A young human by the name of Phantom Helix. Tidus had spied his talent as Phantom defended himself from a band of rodians. Darklighter saw his lightning quick reflexes as Phantom fought them all, when at last he needed help, Darklighter finished them off. As of then, Phantom became his padawan. They trained continually in the sparring rooms and dojos situated around the Academy. Phantom grew in skill quickly, and though head-strong and impulsive, learned to control his feelings. He was very much like Darklighter in almost every way, and yet opposite to him; their looks were similar, they were both orphaned at a young age, both sensitive and let their feelings show, yet one would be calm and the other severe, and vice versa. There was a sense of balance between their altering personalities. And yet, Darklighter would continually reside to a place of quiet meditation, away from the fuss and complications of Academy life.



“Will he be okay?” Phantom asked, as he stood outside the training dojo, as he peered in to see Darklighter practising various acrobatic moves, gliding through the air from one wall to the next.


“He will in time,” replied Darth Groovy, with a sorrowful look upon his face. “The current events have affected all of us,” he paused for thought, before continuing, “but not as much as it has affected him. He's lost so many people in so little time. He's trying to distance himself from everyone in the academy, because he believes he loses everyone he tries to get close to. Did you know Darklighter used to be Obi-Wan's apprentice, just as you are his now?"


“Yes,” replied Phantom, “for a long time. I understand they were very close.”


“Obi-wan was like a father to him. He saved his life, more than once I can tell you” Groovy chuckled. “Tidus was always getting into trouble. They are the best of friends, and he is lost without him, knowing he can’t help.” Groovy stepped towards Phantom, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling. “He’ll be well in time.”


With that Groovy left, and Phantom walked inside the dojo to meet his Master.


“Master…” he said as he walked inside. “I am ready to begin my lightsaber training.” Darklighter quickly darted his head towards the door, and jumped down to meet his padawan. He clapped his hands and smiled at Phantom.


“Very well,” he said. “I will teach you the basics. Though I must warn you, you will need all your strength for this. Wielding a lightsaber is no easy task.”


“I’m ready for anything!” Phantom exclaimed. They both laughed, and positioned themselves to begin duelling.

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Stars flipped past at immense speeds amidst the cold darkness of outer space. this twisting nether of darkness was one of the few places Talliusc could feel at home. gone were his titles "lord Talliusc" or "admiral Talliusc" and longer still was his title "Master Talliusc". now he was but a warrior on a quest. he knew that even if he were to survive his quest he had very little chance of achieving his goal. for at the end of this journey through space was his past, his memories and untold challenges.

Over the course of time since Talliusc had left Thedonias he had tried to meditate on the workings of the galaxy around him. he had felt a calling to return to Rekkorion that he could not explain, nor could he explain his growing fears of what was to come. he didnt know what awaited him at the harsh planet he had been trained on but he knew it was powerful.

Talliusc looked forward to seeing the aged Rem'Cid once more, a wise old chiss who governed the planet and quite possibly the only man who could keep Talliusc alive on the planet.


Talliusc checked his chrono: it would be less then 40 minutes until he reached the ancient world. He tried one last time to reach out with the force and discover the source of the nexus of power he felt. it was familiar yet changed somehow. his sense of urgency deepened as Talliusc pleaded with his vessel to travel faster while puzzles swarmed his mind.

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darth rhall felt something of pitty when he left the cell and it angerd him to his core. a part of white dragon was still alive but it would soon die along with the rest of him. "what is the matter darth rhall" darth rhall saw shadow angel in the corner of the room. "a part of the weakling white dragon is still in me." "well i would be happy to help you with that" shadow angel ignited his lightsaber. darth rhall laughed "you really do not want to see me living do you" "you are in the body of the man i hate the most" "well shadow angel that is a shame isent it. because i am more of a help than a burden. within me are the thoughts and memorys of white dragon. within me are the secrets, the strengths and the weaknesses of the jedi. so you must choose weather you should strike me down or wait till i am not useful anymore" with great reluctance shadow angel deactivated his light saber. "we shall see what you can aid" with a laugh darth rhall walked down the passage to his quarters.

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obi stared upwards, for there was nothing else to do. He layed patiently, awaiting his rescuers.


Many weeks passed, and they did not come. Obi-wan13's condition was not progressing. He could not hear well any more, nor could he see. The force, it felt, had abandoned him. If he stood, it would take most of his energy. He hadn't eaten in 4 days, and he hasn't drank anything since the previous afternoon.


He could have sworn he heard footsteps coming down the corridor, as he awaited to see who his visitor was. He felt a very evil presence, but it soon passed. Obi was running out of hope, and that is something he has never done before in his entire life.


He felt something knawing at his neck, like a sharp cramp or pain. He let out a small moan, and life left his body. His eyes closed, and he stopped breathing. He had no pulse.


Obi-wan13 was dead.

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Obi opened his eyes. He was no longer in pain, and he was no longr suffering. He stood, to find that he was in an empty space. Nothing was in this space except for him. Pure white all around, though it did not hurt his eyes. He also took notice that he was not in his aged body any longer. His wrinkles were gone, his beard was short, and he was wearing clean jedi robes that he wore in his youth. His body felt rejuvenated. He smiled for a moment, untill the reality that he was at this awkwerd place came back to him.


He turned to see a rather tall man standing. The man looked at Obi for a moment and spoke. His voice was very deep, so deep, it made the ground shake.


"You know who I am, don't you." The man said.


Obi stood silent, trying to think where he had seen this man before. Then he remembered. He looked up at the man, smiling.


"Yes! Yes! Yes I do! I remember your face when I was a child...though I do not remember your name....." Obi said.


"It will return in time, Obi-wan13. All of it will. We have much to discuss, and little time to discuss it in. Come with me, obi-wan." The man said, as he and obi walked side by side.


"...so, you are saying that if the Academy does not stop devine spirit within 2 weeks, then he will rule the ENTIRE galaxy? All citizens will be his slave?" Obi asked.


"Yes, and things are not looking good for the academy at the moment. They have lost much, and your capture did not help their spirits. " The man said.


"There must be something I can do! If only I could......wait....I know you now! I know who you are! I know the power you have! You must send me back! You must!"Obi said.



"I have rules I must follow, obi-wan13. You of all people should know that. The academy must stand on it's own, now."


"You helped me make the academy! You sent me to help the galaxy come to peace! I know you, and I know you will help me now, as you have many times before...."Obi said.


The giant man let out a sigh.


"Very well, obi-wan, very well........"

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ignore my previous post:p


sweat poured down darth rhalls face as he finished sparring with the droids that were said to be "unbeatable" but that was a regular humans opinion to darth rhall they were nothing more that weak and pathetic droids. he heard the door open behind him and a captian said to him. "a message from devine spirit my lord." "very well i shall take it in my quarters." darth rhall went to his quarters and turned on the holo-progector. "what is thy bidding my master" "i have called to ask how goes our prisoner" a look of sadness came over rhalls face."he-he is dead" "he is still inside you darth rhall and he is trying to get out" "i will defeat him my lord" "white dragon was strong in life so you must be stronger if you do not destroy every bit of him in a short while. i am afraid that he will take over you." rhall sat in silence "do not worry darth rhall. now that his master is dead his spirit will deminish with greef." the holoprogector turned off "no" darth rhall said to him self "his sorrow has turned into anger"

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The light was dimming fast, the last rays of sunlight disappearing beyond the gigantic mountains that stood tall above the horizon on Thedonias. The sunlight poured into Darklighter’s quarters, the heat pounded on his face as he stared out through the rectangular blinds, which covered the heated glass. Everywhere was filled with a warm orange luminescence; even the shadows seemed to light up. Darklighter closed his eyes and breathed in slowly through his nose, and held the air in his lungs. At last he released the tension that had been building up inside of his, but his anxiety remained. He was becoming more and more impatient everyday now; there had been no news of Obi-wan’s whereabouts.


At that moment, a knock came on the door, and Darklighter shrugged off the feeling. Phantom Helix strode into the room, and was greeted cheerfully, but even though the stress was getting to Tidus, he did not show it at first.


“Ah, Phantom” he spoke with an upbeat tone, but looking downwards the whole time, “what can I do you for? I understand that lightsaber training will not continue until tomorrow…”


“No, Master…” he quickly interrupted, “it is not about that. I came here to ask about you.” All of a sudden, Tidus felt worried. He did not know how to respond to this, and tried his best to avoid the subject.


“Why would you want to ask about me?” he jokingly chuckled, “There is no need. Please, do not worry. Have you begun researching into constructing you sabe…”


“But I am worried!” he interrupted again, “You haven’t been the same lately. Is it because of Master Obi-wan?”


“No…” he answered quickly, as if he wanted to say something more, but the words were lost in his throat. A bead of sweat trickled down from his brow, and he now looked up into Phantom’s eyes. Helix could see the be distress in Darklighter’s expression; it was as clear as day.


“Well…” Phantom continued, “is it about Taliara?”


“What?!” Tidus yelled and stared back at him. The name shocked and stunned him, and he began to breath more heavily. “Who…” he found it difficult to speak, and the sweat rolled down his face, “who told you about her?


“Darth Groovy…he said you were in love with her, that she was murdered 10 years ago, right before your very eyes, and you tracked down the killer and got your revenge, in the middle of your training! Why didn’t you tell me this? Don’t you trust me?!”


“Enough!!!!!!!” Darklighter yelled at the top of his voice, and Phantom stepped back in shock. The rage had built up inside of him again, that one memory arose, tormenting his soul with never-ending blinding pain. He calmed and collected his thoughts, and spoke as civilly as he felt possible:


“That is in the past,” he said as he looked at Phantom, his eyes open wide, pupils dilated in the sunset-lit room, “over, done. I do trust you, my young padawan – but those memories bring a pain to my heart which I cannot bear…”


All of a sudden, Darklighter stumbled forward onto the ground, and grabbed his chest in agony. A strange feeling of emptiness overcame him, as if there was a whole on the Force itself. He fell onto the ground, and Phantom rushed to his side.


“Master! Master what is wrong?!” his tone was high and loud in Tidus’ ears. At length, he spoke.


“Obi-wan…” he whispered in a low breath, “something has happened to Obi-wan.”

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"Ugh..where..what..." Tyrion said in a low voice. "Sssh. Sleep. You're fine." Said the nurse. And Tyrion reflected and tried to remember what happended. He healed himself(using the force,all LFJA jedi know that by when they are a padawan)in an hour,but he couldnt heal his scar. When the nurse came in,she was amazed that he was fully healed.He asked the administration of the city to get his equipment and who his would-be assasian was.


He found out that it was Abil Alti, an Leoat from the Outer Rims. They dont have alot of informaton on him,but they are tracking his DNA sample and his past to find more about him. Tyrion decided to look at the town,to find his old love. He went through the odd-smelling bazaar,looking at the various exotic foods and trinkets. There was someone selling a Pathfinder droid(rather ingenious invention,it's like a map of the city,except you ask where you want to go and it leads you to it,and it also has a holographic map of the city)and bought it for 300 credits.


He noticed the humans,mon-calamians,Wookies,Ewoks,Bothans,Twi'leks and various others races among the bazaar. Anyways,he looked at the holographic map,and tried to find her home. He found the home of her family,the Poats, so he went there. He knocked on the door,with a gulp in his throat. The door


He saw an old lady,who looked alot like her mother. So he asked her where her daughter was,but the mother sighed,grabbed her coat,and said depressingly "Let's go. I have to show you something.."


They went out of town,into the forest paradise. He looked and gasped at the beautiful scenery,the parrots chirping,the water falling. He followed his sweetheart's mother, until they went into an dark area. The droid turned on it's light,and it was a graveyard. The mother pointed to a gravestone. He felt a cold pain in his stomach. She was dead.


He had trouble speaking,but was able to ask why she died. The mother said that she was killed in the forest three years ago. They believe that thier god's rival did it,since she was a firm believer of thier god. He knew and warned her that it would be dangerous for her to openly admit it,but she was too stubborn to take his advice.He shed a tear on the gravestone,and left silently and mournfully. He decided he better go back to the academy and find his true assassain,before it was too late. But he felt that he wanted the would-be assassain to had killed him...

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Jedi220 casually walked down the corridor to his personal chambers.


He was an ordinary looking Jedi. Medium height, traditional robes, a tad bit on the wiry side. He kept to himself mostly; very few know who he is let alone his struggle with the dark side and life as a whole...


He joined the LFJA Temple when he was 12. At the age of 14, during his padawan training, his master was slaughtered by a Sith Lord. Left defenseless, he struck out in a flood of dark rage and battled the Sith. Despite striking the Sith down quickly, he was left seriously injured. He was rescued by a LFJA reconnaissance vehicle and taken back to the temple, where he had undergone numerous surgeries, including an entire robotic replacement of his right leg. 8 years since joining, he completed his training, being one to be guided by his emotions and the Force at the same time, making him an ingenious, but mostly illogical member of the LFJA.


He took out the keycard to his room, and was just about to enter when he heard the high pitched holler of Phantom.


He quickly sprinted to Tidus Darklighter’s room.

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“Unknown starfighter, state your designation and business on Rekkorion”. The voice was cold, militarily precise. yes Talliusc thought, the Chiss were still very much in control of the planet, that thought brought a small smile to his lips. At least he had that going for him.

“Rekkorion traffic controller, please inform Rem’cid that he has a guest that very much wants to see his uncle” Talliusc replied coolly, he could imagine the shock of the traffic controller though he did cover it well.

“The message is being transferred to the high general’s office now. Please remain in your designated orbit until the high general has decided what to do with you” said the traffic controller straining the words high general. More waiting Talliusc thought with a grimace, he wasn’t normally a patient man and sitting in small cockpits with little leg room had never agreed with him. “Unknown starfighter you are clear to land on the northern continent sector 7-aleph, but you may wish to sit out there for a bit. We’re experiencing a heavy storm but it shouldn’t last more then a few hours.”

“Thank you control, ill see you momentarily” Talliusc cut off the comm. Before the traffic controller could restate himself about the storm. Talliusc knew all too well what storms this planet could offer.


Despite the large gusts of wind Talliusc made it to the assigned landing pad without incident. Stepping out of his starfighter Talliusc noticed three men just inside the hangar doors where the elements could not reach them. Reaching out with the force Talliusc recognized the familiar presence of Rem’cid; he could only assume that the other two were body guards.

“Hello uncle, it’s been a while hasn’t it?” said Talliusc, acting as if they had been parted days not years. Talliusc caught a subtle twitch of Rem’cid’s hand and the body guards turned to leave.

“It certainly has my boy, I take it you’ve come for the orb?” it was more of a statement then a question the way the aged Chiss said it. There were no hugs or backslaps but there was a sense of family there.

“I’ve come to consult the orb, not remove it” Talliusc explained. The old Chiss seemed to think this over for a moment.

“Do you have to go for it now? Or is there time for an uncle to whollop his nephew at a game of Belkath?” Rem’cid asked. Talliusc smiled, Belkath was a game played by many Chiss officers. It was a game of strategy on a three dimensional board as large as a swimming pool in which two commanders of equal armies tried to destroy each other.

“I’m sorry uncle, but this cannot wait, perhaps when I return we shall play” Replied Talliusc. They both knew that the game would never take place. This was Rem’cid’s subtle way of reminding Talliusc of happier, more carefree days.

“Very well, ill send for a transport that will take you to the base of the mountain, I wont bother warning you of the dangers inside, but do be careful.” Rem’cid said. Talliusc could’ve landed his own fighter at the mountain but it was important that he have the cooperation of the Chiss, he did not wish a conflict that could be easily avoided.


An hour later Talliusc was climbing through rock and ice amidst fierce winds and dangerous hail. After nearly falling several times Talliusc finally made it to the entrance of the caves that inhabited the mountain. The caves were dark but Talliusc had little difficulty making his way through them. He had hoped that he would make it to the oracle without having to fight any of the native predators but he thought the chances of this were small and kept one hand on his lightsaber at all times. Remarkably Talliusc managed to sense and avoid several patches of arachnid predators.

It took less then an hour of navigating through dark caves and killing spiders before he found what he had sought. It was a small dark blue ball that shone with an immense inner light. It sat on top of a pedestal that was intricately cut. Talliusc immediately set to work. Drawing upon the force and channeling it through himself and the orb. Through death and decay and worlds far past Talliusc searched and searched.

The orb of Caldor had the unique ability to allow force users to converse with the dead.

He wanted to see his parents once more but hesitated to seek them out yet, there was somebody else he needed to speak with first. Come on Reb, where are you? Talliusc thought furtively at the dark twisting vortex in which he searched. Abruptly Talliusc saw a face he recognized among the dead. It was Obi-wan13, Talliusc couldn’t believe it. Just as soon as he had seen the man Obi disappeared. While Talliusc thought on that he was brought back to reality with a shock. The force warned him an instant before it came. With a whip Talliusc had his lightsaber drawn and was fighting for his life. He had been so caught up in his search that he hadn’t even sensed the bounty hunters approaching.

9 warriors with blasters pulled started firing, these hunters were very good. Talliusc recognized one or two as hunters that he had worked along side back on Coruscant so long ago. Parrying shot after shot Talliusc took down one hunter, and then another. But Talliusc was tiring quickly from the exertion of consulting the orb and then using all his power to keep himself alive for a second longer. Finally with four bounty hunters left Talliusc saw his opportunity to cut down another. Striking with ferocity and speed Talliusc cleaved the hunters head in two, and received a shot in the back for his trouble. Talliusc went down hard; he knew he wouldn’t last long now. The wound was not fatal but these were professional hunters, they would finish the job. Thinking quickly Talliusc decided to stall for time.

“How…. How did you find me?” Talliusc gasped.

“You’d be surprised, for all their intellect and military strictness Chiss can be bought just as easily as a rag tag Bothan.” The lead hunter snickered. “We stole aboard an incoming food supply ship and followed your speeder, but enough about me. Its time to end this” with that he lifted his blaster once more, aiming for Talliusc’s head.

Talliusc knew there was little he could do, reaching out before he knew what he was doing. The force had him throw his lightsaber with all his strength… but not towards Talliusc’s enemies. The lightsaber had flown backwards, towards the oracle. What? Talliusc could not understand what was happening so he just watched, in slow motion as the lightsaber spun end over end towards…. By the FORCE!

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"Now, you be sure to stop that evil menace." the man said.


"I can assure you, his reign is almost to an end. It was good to see you again, Olein, my old freind." Obi-wan13 said, as he bowed.


"May the force be with you, master obi-wan" Olein said, as he closed his eyes and gave a small hum.



Everything for obi-wan13 faded. He was startled for a moment, and felt a tingling sensation. He looked at his appearance, and realized that he looked like a padawan learner, as he was once Olein's padawan. He decided to let it pass, as he found himself in the middle of a desert.


"Great place to send me back, Olein." Obi-wan said to himself sarcastically. He decided there was nothing to be done but to walk. And so he did, for many miles, untill the surroundings began to catch up with his memories. He was on Thedonias, the planet of the academy.


He came to a near sand dune, close to the academy, and was caught by a sentry guard.


"Soldeir, I am obi-wan13. Please take me to Tidus Darklighter, it is urgent." Obi-wan said.


The soldeir looked at him like he was the stupidest thing in the galaxy.


"Soldeir!" obi-wan yelled. The guard choose to give the same response.


"Excuse me, but you will have to come with me. You are on LFJA property." the guard said, pointing his blaster at obi-wan13.


obi-wan could have easily killed the guard, or at least unarmed him, but he choose not to, because this was the only way for him to get into the academy. The soldeir led obi-wan all the way to the detention center, and told the security guard to call Tidus to inform him of their newest prisoner.


"Fool thinks he is obi-wan13..." Obi-wan heard the guard tell the other guard, as he gave a laugh.


The security guard locked obi-wan up, and got onto the comm system.


"Inform master Tidus that we have a new prisoner." The security guard said.


"He is not availible at the moment, good sir. Can I give him a message for you?" Phatom asked.


"Tell him that we have someone who claims to be obi-wan13." The guard said.


Tidus was indeed listening to the conversation, and as the guard had spoken those words, anger filled him. How could someone impersinate one of the best people he knew?


Tidus would have to talk to this imposter and tell him a thing or two about respect. Tidus grabbed his coat, and walked out.


"Tell the guard I am on my way," Tidus told Phatnom, who nodded and did so.


Tidus made his way down to the detention cells, as the guard stood and directed him to the new prisoner. Obi was facing the wall, but felt Tidus getting closer. Obi stood and turned to the approaching people.


Tidus let out a small gasp at the appearance of obi-wan.


"Tidus! Tidus Darklighter! Do you know how it is to see you again, old freind?" Obi-wan13 exclaimed.


Tidus was silent. He knew in his heart this was indeed obi-wan13, but the appearance was so....different....


"obi....." Tidus managed to say.


"Yes, it is me, now get me out of here, we have much to discuss." Obi-wan13 said.


Tidus motioned to the guard, who wearilly opened to cell door, and let obi-wan go.

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darth rhall was in his chanmbers meditating when a general came in without knocking. rhall wanted to kill the man but the man probley had to say something importent. "master rhall obi-wan's body is missing" darth rhall got up with such a jerk that the man fell backwards in fright "IMPOSSIBLE!!!" rhall let out such a wave of dark side energy through his anger that the general fainted "he cannot have dissappeard unless he_" rhall then became silent and closed his eyes for several minuts and then opend them. "thedonias." he said with disgust.

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A dark blur of motion jumped out from the shadows, and ignited the oddly shaped Lightsabre in mid-air as it caught it. Somersaulting, it sliced down through the bounty hunter; cleaving him in two pieces, rolling between them as they split apart and fell to the ground, and then behind a large rock for cover. The other two bounty hunters dove for cover as well. As the dark shadow turned and put it’s back to the rock, Talliusc discovered the identity of his savior.


“By the Force!” Talliusc yelled upon seeing the face of Reb Starblazer, or at least half of it. The right side of his face was covered in a bandage, but the left side gave away his identity.


“The Force had nothing to do with this Talliusc. Could you have managed to find a more difficult place to get to, or is this the best you could do?” Reb asked, as a bolt bounced off the rock just above his head.


“You know artifacts such as this are well hidden and well guarded Reb. Things like these must be difficult to find, or everyone would have them… I thought you were dead?” Talliusc said, as he realized that he was having a normal conversation, during a firefight, with someone he thought dead months ago.


Reb looked at Talliusc, and lowered his head slightly, then said, “I am dead Talliusc...” He leaned out around the corner of the rock and fired a few times, making the bounty hunter duck back behind the rock. “Or at least a good part of me is.” He finished saying as he fired of a few more shots. A quiet noise was heard, a metallic clank, and Reb looked down to see what it was. About one meter to his right, rolling along beside him, was a thermal detonator. “Ah Sith…” Reb whispered, grabbing the thermal and tossing it over his shoulder, not caring where it landed, as long as it wasn’t by him. It exploded in the air, thankfully doing no damage to any of them. Reb stood up from behind the rock, and ran sideways, firing with the blaster in his left hand, doing his best to block bolts with the Lightsabre in his right, making his way to another rock. Talliusc had now gotten up from the ground, and sought refuge behind a rock as well. Reb turned off the Lightsabre and tossed it back to Talliusc. “How can you use that thing?”


“You get used to it after a while.” Talliusc answered. Seeing Reb alive, he now understood now why he couldn’t contact Reb with the oracle earlier.


“Yes, you get used to these after a while too.” Reb said, as he unholstered another DL-48 from his right leg. He turned at such an angle as to allow both his arms out from behind the rock, and fired a few volleys. “You going to be alright here for a while? I’m going to try and lead these guys away from you, so you stay there and just hold together.”


“Agreed. I’ll be fine in time, but my body is still in a bit of shock from the blaster wound, so I’m not that much help to you at the moment.” Talliusc said, nodding. Reb nodded back, and then ran out from behind the rock, both weapons blazing. Reb jumped sideways through the air, firing both his blasters at the bounty hunter he now had a clear shot at. One of his bolts managed to catch the bounty hunter right in the forehead, but one of the shots from the hunter hit Reb square in his left hip, causing him to drop his left blaster and spin uncontrollably through the air. Reb landed hard on the ground on his stomach and face, and in doing so, his other blaster fell out of his hand, and bounced off into the darkness. Reb scrambled, crawling along the ground to duck behind another rock as blaster shots hit the dirt around him, sending small clouds of dust into the air. He clutched his hip, saying “Gah… that’s gonna need some Bacta…” to no one in particular. Reb sat, his back to the rock, listening. He heard footsteps; he knew the one remaining bounty hunter was coming closer and closer. He waited, patiently, motionless, until the footsteps sounded just about the right distance away and then…


Reb put all his strength into getting up and running from around the rock. The bounty hunter fired, but it shot past Reb’s left ear and harmlessly into a cave wall. Reb tackled the bounty hunter, sending its blaster flying through the air, and the bounty hunter to the ground with Reb landing on top of him. He grabbed each of the hunter’s wrists, and head butted him a few times. As he pulled his head back for one more shot, the bounty hunter sat up somewhat, and head butted Reb, knocking Reb off him and splitting his lip in the process. As Reb was getting to his feet, the hunter kicked him in the stomach, sending him to his back. The hunter walked slowly over to Reb, and raised his foot in the air to stomp on his head. Reb grabbed his leg, and pushed up on it, causing the bounty hunter to land hard on his back. Now both Reb and the bounty hunter stood up, and assumed a stance. The hunter swung, and Reb ducked, catching him with a quick right jab to the stomach, then followed up with left standing sidekick to the chest, and transferred his momentum into a right roundhouse kick to the bounty hunters face, sending him spinning through the air.


The bounty hunter shakily got to his feet, and reached behind his back to draw a vibroknife. Reb wiped the blood from his lip, and then reached down to his right thigh. From there, he pulled a small piece of metal, about an inch thick and a foot long, around the size of a Lightsabre hilt. Holding it in his right hand, he pressed a button, and the two ends extended out, creating a staff with a length of about 6 feet. The bounty hunter jabbed at him, and Reb side stepped, then struck the bounty hunter in the side of the head with the right end of his weapon. The bounty hunter staggered sideways, and then regained his composure. He swung widely at Reb, who ducked, sticking the staff behind the bounty hunters kneecaps, and tripping him. Reb swung down at the hunter, but he rolled to the side and foot swept Reb, who quickly got to his feet again. Reb held his weapon horizontally in front of him, and blocked the vibroknife attack from the bounty hunter. He pushed back, and then swung with the staff, knocking the knife from his opponent’s hand. The bounty hunter grabbed the staff, and Reb rolled to his back, dug his feet into the bounty hunters stomach and pushed with all his strength, sending him into the nearest cave wall. The bounty hunter slowly got to his feet, took a moment to steady himself against the wall, and then charged at Reb with a frenzied cry. Reb, held the staff in front of him diagonally, and as the hunter came into range he struck him with the left end, then the right, released his left hand and swung the staff so that one end struck the hunter in the face, and the other ended up beneath his own underarm, behind his back. The Hunter spun around on his heels, and faced Reb once more. Reb pushed one end of his staff into the Bounty hunters stomach, and knocked him to the ground, where he stayed. Reb pressed another button, and the metal pole returned to its original size, and then replaced it on his thigh. He walked over to Talliusc who was now on his feet.



“I see you haven’t lost your way with people. But when did you become such a good shot?” Talliusc asked.


“I didn’t. That’s why I used two blasters. It gives me a better chance of actually hitting something.” Reb replied.


“Ah, must be especially hard with that bandage covering one of your eyes.”


“Actually, it’s quite transparent. At least from this side anyway. In case you’re wondering, WhiteDragon, or Darth Rhall as he calls himself now sent these guys after you. While scanning Imperial frequencies, I intercepted a transmission regarding you. As I was trying to find you myself, I just followed them for a while now, here, to this cave, and well, you know the rest.”


“I’m glad you did, otherwise, I’d probably be in the afterlife looking for you, instead of trying to use the Oracle here. I thought it rather odd that you would be caught in that explosion, so I always hoped in the back of my mind that you were still alive, but I believed it best to find out for sure. What did happen to you, how did you escape the Flesh Render alive?" Talliusc asked.


“My plan to detonate the ship failed, and back fired pretty badly. I had hoped to take out the reactor core, causing a chain reaction that would ultimately annihilate the ship, and take out the Sith Lords with it. However, the chain reaction didn’t occur, I ended up just knocking out the drive system, which caused the Flesh Render to descend towards Thedonias. The exact opposite of what I intended was going to occur, and I couldn’t allow that, I couldn’t let the Jedi be wiped out by my mistake. So there really wasn’t much choice in the matter. I had traveled to Angmar, and claimed the Ring of the Sith, which I…”


“You mean it actually exists? I thought that it was only a legend, a story long told by Sith even more power hungry than usual.”


“It did exist, yes. As you’ve heard the legends, you know that it was locked away because they couldn’t find a way to destroy it. As the Flesh Render was heading towards Thedonias, I put on the ring and could feel the Force all around me. It was an amazing experience Talliusc, I can’t explain it. I could literally “see” the Force all around me, in everything, I could see the aura’s of soldiers three decks below, I could even sense your presence on the planet below. I was the closest a living thing could come to being one with the Force, and I was drunk with my own power… I almost didn’t go through with it; I almost completely gave myself to the Dark side. But that was when my thoughts strayed, to the Jedi, and to Kylaa, and that was what saved me. That was the reason I was doing this for. But that was when the oddest thing happened. It was almost as if the Force itself was talking to me, echoing through my mind, telling me that this was not my destiny, that I was making a mistake. I was not supposed to die there, and that my purpose was not yet fulfilled. I poured every ounce of my strength into the ring, and slipped it off my finger, and fell face first to the floor exhausted while the ring stayed suspended in the air. I raised my head and had to crawl along the floor, as Divine Spirit had severed one of my legs in a duel earlier. That was when a piece of machinery exploded right in my face, sending me across the room. As I landed against the wall, I felt something strike me in the back. I pulled myself up off the floor again, and looked up. My vision was quite blurred, blood was streaming down my face over my right eye, but I saw what it was I had hit. It was a handle, the handle to open the hatch of the escape pod. Divine Spirit’s personal escape pod, was what would inevitably save me. I crawled in, and after closing the door, blasted off. Time had slowed down for me, and all of this actually took place in about a minute. As the escape pod was moving away from the ship towards Thedonias, the ring, teeming with it’s own power, exploded, and the Flesh Render along with it. The resulting blast damaged the pods navigation and propulsion systems, and knocked me off course. I drifted aimlessly through space for days, fading in and out of consciousness. The oxygen recyclers were doing what they could, but I knew the air supply was getting scarce, so I turned down the output, just enough to keep me alive. I was so tired, so weak, I had to do everything I could just to stay awake. But after a week of being adrift in space, alone, bleeding, and barely alive, I closed my eyes one last time.” Reb said, lowering his head and his voice. “And that… was when I died…”


Talliusc just stared ahead and blinked every few seconds. He couldn’t think of anything else to do. “So… you died? How? How are you here now then?”


“It’s a complicated story, and my memory of it is somewhat hazy too. After being in space, the next thing I knew, I was laying face first on a cold floor. It was dark all around me, the floor, and the walls, everything, pure and utter black. I stood up, and was surprised that I actually could. My right leg was there again, and I was incredibly confused as to what was going on, and where I was. A voice called out to me, seemingly from nowhere. It was beautiful, almost melodic in nature, and it said “Welcome Trebor Starblazer. Welcome to purgatory.” Out of the wall, floated this pure white form, a stark contrast to the black room I was in. She almost seemed to glow, long white dress, long white hair, she had no pupils, her eyes were just pure white. She hovered there in front of me, as I stood with my mouth open. I finally managed to say “Purgatory? So I’m dead then?”


“Yes.” She responded. “You have joined with the Force, and all that entails. This is your time of judgment Trebor, for it is now that your fate will be decided. All beings who have lead such a life as yours must first be truly penitent for their crimes, then, and only then will they be allowed to move on.”


“And if I don’t?” I asked her.


“Oh, very few don’t Trebor, and I don’t believe you’ll be one of them. The few who refuse to change, refuse to ask forgiveness, they must stay here. All the creatures that only lusted for power, the ones who wanted to rule over all others, are condemned to an eternity of solitude. To be alone until they truly, meaningfully repent for their sins.” Reb swallowed the lump that had welled in his throat. He could not think of a more appropriate form of punishment, to be doomed to a hell of isolation for all time. “But I do not believe that it will come to that Trebor. You lead a life of destruction, hate, anger, and death, but near the end of your life, for a few precious minutes, you thought nothing of yourself. One final act of utter selflessness and sacrifice, for those you loved. That is what saved your very soul from such a fate Trebor, and why I am here now. But even in that act, your ways of destruction and death still continued. So much suffering and death were caused that day, that it shook the very Force itself. That is why I am not confident in my decision. Normally I am more willing to adapt to the situation than Olein, but I am beginning to see his point that rules are rules, and we cannot return just anyone.”


“Are you saying you’re going to bring me back to life? You can do that?”


“Very little is beyond my power Trebor, for I am the very embodiment of the Living Force. It has been decided between Olein the Unifying Force, and myself, that you will be re-incarnated, as your purpose has yet to be fulfilled. The battle is about to enter its final and most critical stage, and Obi-Wan13 requires as many allies as possible in order to defeat this dark power. Yet, there is someone who needs you even more than he… Be warned though Trebor, the Galaxy has changed greatly since you left it… and so have you…” She said, as she appeared to float away from me, but in truth, I was moving away from her.


“Wait, first answer me one question. Why? Why is it that I cannot connect to the Light Side of the Force, only the Dark? Please, answer me, I must know!”


“There is only the Force Trebor, no dark nor light. Your ability to use it is no different than any others, only your perception of it changes. When you finally find the answer you have been searching for all your life, then you will understand. What you must learn to do is tame the Dark Side within, and then… the only limits are the one’s that you impose upon yourself…” She finished, her voice barely above a whisper as everything once again faded to black.


My eyes shot open, and I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs to capacity as life once again returned to my body. I rolled to my side and coughed, as the air was stale and dry. Checking my wrist computer, I came to the startling realization that I had been dead, drifting through space for almost 5 months. Through the view window of the pod I saw a ship approaching me, and a mechanical arm reaching out towards the pod. Suddenly feeling extremely tired again, and closed my eyes, once again becoming unconscious. When I awoke again, I was on a ship, with doctors all around me, telling me how lucky I was to be alive. I obliged them by staying with them for a week, until they believed I was fit to leave. I spent the next few weeks hopping from system to system, trying to pick up as much as I could what had changed. The Empire had spread, it’s reign increasing, but there was hope. The Republic had finally sided with Obi-Wan, and a full out civil war had begun. But I was unsure of my place, what role could I have in the coming conflict? I had just had surgery done to install a robotic leg below my right thigh, and I was walking again, but with a limp. My strength was returning daily, but I wasn’t yet in any condition to fight a war, so I sought out one of the few people who I knew I could trust. You. I stumbled upon the plot to kill you a few weeks ago and allowed them to find you, so I could as well. And now, here we are, to make a long story shorter.” Reb finished.


Talliusc stood quietly, still absorbing all that Reb had just told him. Finally, he said “Well then, now what? You are more than welcome by my side friend. I have my own plans for this war yet, and I’m sure you will be a great asset. “


Reb shook his head. “No, I’m sorry. I only intended to seek you out to ask for your counsel, but I became involved more than I’d like to. The one remaining bounty hunter quietly left while I was relaying the story to you, as you no doubt noticed as well.” Talliusc nodded in agreement. “I’m sure he’ll report back to his master, and I will once again be a target of the Sith. I get the feeling that we’ll meet again Talliusc, but I certainly hope it is under better circumstances.” Reb put his right hand on Talliusc’s left shoulder, and Talliusc did the same. Reb then turned, retrieved his blasters, and then began to leave the cave.


“Where will you go now though Reb?” Talliusc asked.


“I first have some unfinished business on Thedonias that needs to be attended to. After that, I’m not sure. Wherever the stars lead me I guess. And you?”


Talliusc smiled, and then said, “I have a few games of Belkath to play, with an old uncle who could use a good wholloping.” Reb nodded his understanding, and then turned to leave. “May the Force be with you, and protect you on your journey Reb.” Talliusc could have sworn that Reb flinched somewhat when he said ‘Force’, but decided against further questions.


“The same to you Talliusc. I just hope it treats you better…” Reb said, as he began the long walk back to his ship. Talliusc stood alone in the Oracle chamber for another few minutes, contemplating his role in this war, and then, with his decision made; he too began his trek home.

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Yom steps up to the bar and says to the barkeep "corellian ale" the bar keep nods and hands him a glass full of the ale and asks "whos ya lookins fors?" Yom stares at the bar keep and turns around ignoring his question like it was no of his bizness. Yom slaps some credits on the bar and walks off to talk to a wokiee that has just walked in and sat at a tabel.

Yom sits and make conversation. they ack as if they were old buddys from a war. in fact that is who he was looking for. after four min of conversation they make there way out of the bar to meet the rest of the party.

2 men walk up one yom did not know and the other was camus who he had fought with in the last big battel with the sith inorder to save the jedi order. "nice to see you agian" Yom responds, "same to ya,were ya been all this time?" "killing people trying to get a new clone and avend the old one, the same ol stuff" "nice to here well lets get down to bizness" Yom says looking ove to the wookie.

the wookie turns and start walking down the streets of corellian and then from out of the blue a shot is fierd and the falls to the ground and so dose the other escourt. bothe Yom and camus take cover to see were the shots were coming from. Yom pulls out one of his 2 blasters from under his cloke. "were in the hell did that come from!" Yom yells out. camus 2 has his blaster rifle out and alert to the fullest. both break for the nearest allyway to take cover and run for shelter.

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Hmmmm, i waited so long for this and im iss the beginning lol. I believe i was following spirit to some planet or somewhere.

Anyone care to update me? i konw i was with the small band with darkie and that but what happened to me. Don't wanna mess up the storyline then go fixing it.....


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Tyrion went back to the academy HQ. He entered the ornate building subcononsisly, thinking about other stuff. He did that alot,for his mind had no bounds,and it was more of a gift than a curse,because it's saved his ass and a night's sleep plenty of times. "Where are you all!? Darky!? Groovy!? Rats,they must've found some mission or something...." Said Tyrion. He looked for a holo-note,and it said "Dinner is in the oven,it's jawa meat, we'll be back soon. Signed,Tidus Darklighter". "Aparently they couldnt have trusted me with ordering take out,huh?" Tyrion said sarcasticly. He looked around for the other jedi and crew members,but he couldnt find any. "Odd." Tyrion said to himself. He searched for something,but then he found something that terrorized him. "...dead...no...they're...dead.." Tyrion said in horror. And he saw the dead bodies of the crew members and jedi,over the main hall's bloodstained floor. "But..how..why werent there any blast marks or signs of of infiltration..who could've done this."Tyrion question. He quickly counted the death toll. "Wierd...there's only a quarter of the total academy members here that's dead..but I dont see a foriegn body anywhere..." "Better tell this to Darky or Groovy...this is scaring the hell out of me..." As Tyrion went to the com-sat, he heard a click. As he turned around,he saw the body of someone with a lightsaber and a blaster. "Finally..after years of searching...I've found the the Neveraine! The prophecy will finally come true!"


..then Tyrion woke up in a cold sweat...

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I have written a story for this thread, hovever, I am not certain whether the content within is a little too early for the the plot or if it may be too much for it. I have sent a copy to Darth Groovy (I hope he got it) and await his verdict on it. Also, in cosideration that Obi Wan13 started this whole thing, I am wondering if perhaps it should be left up to him to decide. If that is the case Obs, just PM me as my E-mail has been most unreliable lately.

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