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Create your own Video Game!

Link Antilles

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I've seen it before...trust me I wouldn't be able to do justice to my dream game...In fact I'd probably kill the dream...


Three starting points

Pilot of Starfighter

Captain of small frigate

Admiral of small fleet.


In each of these three positions you can work your way to the top...or refuse promotions and stay where you are. Say if you were a starfighter Colnel and commander of a Wing of Fighters and they wanted to pomote you to General and it requires you behind the command of a Star Destroyer, you could refuse it and stay where you are or you can get promoted to command several ships and fight the war from that perspective. As time progresses your skills are inhanced just like any RPG, you can choose special skills for your commanders to have like say "Increase forward battery firepower" or "We shall double our efforts." Then you can put points into these skills to inhance them so they will be more effective in battle. It would have a campaign with storyline, but it would also have an open ended campaign that involves taking your basic character through an infinate amount of mission that are randomly generated as you progress. Then you can also play online with up to 16 players. They will control various aspects of the navy which is why clans can flourish in this game. If they have a good Admiral plus maybe one or two good captains and the rest good pilots they are set for some bashing. All characters they have created on the SP campaigns can be imported and will gain experiance in the MP venue too.


This is my ultimate game...now if only lucasarts was reading this miniature summary of the game...I've got all the aspects drawn out on paper etc. It really is a dream game since LucasArts has shown NO INTREST WHATSOEVER in capitol ships being playable. Now come on...be honest...which one would you rather control...an At-At or a Star Destroyer?


old post of mine with a summary of it...don't have time to summarize it again...

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I want a game like ferg said! Rebellion/X-Wing series is the closest thing to it, that's why I play those games continually.


JKII was the other game I wanted, with realistic lightsaber dueling/force power using.


If GB would strictly have been a general/statisticians game instead of a base builder/base destroyer game, then I would have liked it more.


These are my thoughts on Star Wars gaming.

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Star Trek has cap. ship games...why can't SW. Admitedly I didn't like a few of those and many just weren't handled to my liking...but anyway. I love Capitol ships in SW and they are the main reason I liked RoTJ's battle more than any of the others. I mean when I go up against them in the X-Wing series I'm thinking, dang these guys are idiots...I wish I had that bridge...then these stupid Rebels wouldn't stand a chance! Rebellion missed the mark with its capitol ship warfare...they just sat there and fired at each other once in range...now really they would be manuevering around to adjust it to where they could put up the most firepower and the least damaged side and there were not any real tactics to be seen...just sit and blast...I WANT TO BE A FRIGGIN ADMIRAL!

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