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Angled elevtors


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Is it possible to make a func_plat that does not travel straight up and down, but moves along a diagonal line angled slightly from the vertical? Or do I have to use a func_train to do this? Or, on another line of thought, can I give a 3D "angles" vector to a func_door to achieve the same effect?

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It's a MP map, I should have mentioned that.


I want to avoid func_trains, because I want this thing to toggle and behave generally like a func_plat, only move up at an angle. I know that there is a way to make the "angle" keyword reference a 3d angle (rotate along more than just the z axis), does this work with func_doors, too? Cause I could work with that.

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All I want it to do is go UP and DOWN, but at an angle slightly off from the vertical...!


CAN you toggle a func_train with something? Say if I target a trigger at a func_Train, will the train move to the next waypoint only when the trigger fires or something?

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I've tried to do this with a func_door, but no luck.


Every angle I used (except -1 and -2) is translated into a direction on the XY plane.



You need this to work in a freespace? Or in a pipe or tunnel?


In a closed tunnel, you could have the platform extend beyond the tunnel so it seemed to move along the path of the tunnel.

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Originally posted by wedge2211

Unfortunately, it's along a hangar wall, not in a tunnel. :)


Try setting up a func_door with one of the '/' angles (45, 135, 225, or 315) or even entering in the key 'angle' with whichever angle you'd like, and then play with the 'lip' value to get it to go as far as you want it to. You can enter negative lip values, remember?


Not sure if this works or not, but I see no reason it wouldn't... assuming you don't want it to change directions midway or anything. If it's a straight shot it should work.

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To clarify,


'angle' with a value of -90 works like an 'angle' with a value of 90+180 and the same for other values less than -2. The func_door remains in the same XY plane.


'angle' value of 400 works like an 'angle' value of 400-360 and the same for other values over 360.


The only values I can find that move out of the XY plane are -1 and -2.


If there is another key that would affect this movement, I don't know it.

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