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Combat system


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I just read the faq to this game, and i'm kinda confused about the combat system. The whole "queue" thing sounds like luck to me. You put in a series of moves, not knowing what the enemy will do, hoping that your opponent won't attack when you're guard is down, and hoping that he hasn't queued a dodge move when you've queued your attack move. Or am I confused and the combat system is completely different than what i'm thinking of?


Having said that, I'm really looking forward to this game. There haven't been alot of Star Wars games that have actually interested me, but i'm defiitely going to buy this one when it comes out

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If I understand it right, yes you queue your actions but you can change those queues any time before their time comes..so if you change your mind of what you queued up, you can have it changed..but you are right I think about one thing.

I think it is a guess on what the NPC/Mob has queued..you just wont know. If there are counter attacks that work well to some attacks made against you then changing your queued actions will work well.


I find it to be ok if you can change your actions on the fly.


And yes, I saw the same vedio and it did seem like you can run and shoot freely..I think you will just do the same action over and over untill you give your char a new command or stop attacking.


Like, shoot,dodge,shoot,dodge,aimed shot,shoot,dodge,aimed shot,shoot.....like shoot would be a constant command and dodge I guess would be a one time command..


Im not sure if those are real commands but you get the idea.


I would have to assume thats how it will work:)

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I would super-enjoy if they gave you just a basic attack, that would work efficiently for the new player....and give them some skills...but also allow a "real-time" attack, more counter-strike-esque, to where the more "advanced" player could choose this form of combat if they prefered....but I guess in PvP that might be hinderous (that a word?)

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but also allow a "real-time" attack, more counter-strike-esque, to where the more "advanced" player could choose this form of combat if they prefered....but I guess in PvP that might be hinderous (that a word?)

Well, basically, that would make the game less RPG, and more FPS. :)

The whole point with RPGames is that it bases the actions you decide on the characters abilities, not your own.

In FPS it bases the actions on your skills, not the characters.

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Okay.. Combat is really quite simple. This is how I believe it works:


1) You select a target, and click your hotkey to attack.


2) You immediately begin doing your normal attack, be it firing a blaster or whatever.


3) You can queue in special moves and position changes. Special moves included attempting to shoot at a specific body part, double shots, etc. Position changes involve going prone, kneeling, standing, diving, rolling, etc.


4) You can also move much like normal while in combat, but you remain locked on the target unless you get out of range. (ie, if you're running away from your target, you shoot over your shoulder, etc)


That's the basics, as far as I can tell.

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