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You know you're good, when..


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That happened to me once in JK. I was playing 3 on 1, in a game I made up, Kill the Rodian with the Golden Saber. I was host, so they couldn't kick me, but everyone did leave.


Then I played CTF, and was kicked for killing a guy about 20 times...


I don't play JO online, just with bots or SP.

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Fought one guy on a NF duel server the other day...without fail, he always did this list of moves to start the match.


#1. Sidekick off a wall into a DFA.


My counter- Dodge to the side, lunge while he's on the ground


#2. He sidekicks as I'm finishing the lunge


#3. Run backwards in blue stance, holding the attack key


My counter- I lunge again, hitting him in the back. He misses the backstab.


#4. Crouch and move in my direction


My counter- I kick him. If he's not dead, I kick once more. By this time, it's usually over.


We played out this scenario FOUR TIMES. You'd think he'd learn, right?


Well, not only did he not learn, he also logged into the servers' admin controls (it was his clan server), and tried to get on my case for breaking the rules...excessive kicking...so I just left. Didn't feel like being a llama herder that night.


I'm sorry, but if you do the same thing every single time, you're going to lose...kicks or not ;)

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