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Rise of the Shadow Squadron

Dark Sad Shadow

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This is it! the true history!



After the battle of hoth, the rookies went to the fleet, they took their new starfighters, and began the history of their succes...



Its been several days since the fleet left the hoth planet, Skywalker is on Tatooine doing his research.


Princess Leia is making some plans to invvestigate about the Reward on Luke´s Head


The rookies are just taking it easy for the time being, but now their worst challenge is about to come.

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*In a Rebel carrier hanger.*


*Kurt approches Reziel.*


Kurt: "So boss... Have you been trying to see if we'd get new recruits? And Speakin of which, what do we call our group here..."


okay, cue the fancy opening credits and big flashy "Shadow squadron" trademark logo's :D

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Sorry about that but we got the intro in the prologue :p



Raziel to kurt: "Well, i dont know if they enlisted new recruits, thats only at command´s mind, now, about a name... come on, we are only rookies"




"all pilots stand in by, some transports are away, the Ion batteries are shooting at the Star Destroyers...

all pilots stand in by.."


"Well Kurt, lets go to our ships, i hope the other rookies are on them"

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Walking straight to the Xwing a Deck Officer came in front of Raziel:

"you there, you are Raziel, dont you? if you want to use one Xwing you must get an astromech Droid, we have a pair of them ready to fly, so choose"


Raziel saw the 2 units walkint foward, one was white and red, it looked old, the other was black with gray lines.


"I want that one"


"Well Raziel, this is R6 D6, he is a little annoying but it should so it work"


"well r6, im Raziel, lets get our job done."


Raziel went up the Xwing cockpit, and began the sequence

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((OOS: DSS, do you want us to create any filler characters? Or are you gonna drag certain people like say, Wraith 8, DD, etc in here :D))



*Tel walks up behind the two* Well you should have got here early, like I did. *points to an X-Wing, astromech already in, colored silver and grey* I'm flying that one.


*Tel heads to her X-Wing at a prompt from the address system and begins the flight sequence. She picks her comlink*


Tel: Remember, this is our first "real" mission as a group. Let's not mess this up, k guys? Now let's go kick some Imp ass!


*a passing deck officer hears her and laughs, making some comment about "the new morale officer"*

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*i dunno if they want to play



Raziel heard to kurt: " Tel? a leadeR? come on...i think she must be worried about something"



"ok rookies, this is it, you have clearance to take off"


Raziel to the pilots:" here i go!"


LEaving the hangar, Raziel felt how the space feels, new emotions, new images, he didnt imaginated him flying but the destiny has a lot of ways.


"kurt, you with me? come and taste this, it feels great"


Suddendly the R6D6 unit whisted in a drastic way,

"Wha? what is that!? ... uh..? OH NO! the imperials are right now here!! what should we do? i never passed a lot of time in the training simulator"



two waves of 3 Ties each came straight to the transport fleeing, the sounds of blasters were so loud


"ok, here goes nothing... irookies come over here now"

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Kurt: "Okaay..."




Kurt: "Whoa! Yeah!"


*Kurt's r-unit whistle and beeps, as Kurt tries to get into his group...*


Kurt over comm to Raziel: "Hey boss, I'm not sure that this old R-Unit will last long... Either it'll panic itself into a fried circuts, Or might short itself in the excitement!"


*fires and shoots a TIE*

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Raziel was flying with a little bit of problems against 2 tie fighters, the shield of his Xwing was getting lower..


"Kurt! cover me!! i need help!! Makon take that tie at 3.45"


a green blasted the Xwing´s last remainds of shields, and the R6 unit started to work at them trying to get them up.


"beepboopp "


"I know R6, we are in trouble, -at general commlink- This is rookie cadet Raziel, i need help, send me reinforcements"


Commlink: "This is Echo space unit, reinforcements unavailable"


"oh great"


A tie fighter flew in front Raziel´s Xwing and blasted, suddendly Raziel felt the fear of dead, and BLAST!!! It was Kurt who shoot the tie.


"Thanx man!! i owe you one."

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Being Kurt in the right wing of Raziel´s Xwing, the other closest tie flew straight to one of the transports dealing big damage on it;


"this is transport 65-67, help over us!! we are the medic transport"


"Ok, kurt, come with me, we must free that transport from that enemy fire"


"Makon, you cover the back of the next transport"

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The Rebel Quester pulled in front of the transport."At least the Destroyers are out of commission." He blasted a tie formationwith his hexgun and front lasers ."Oh, no! The Ion Cannon is down! At least only the TIEs are left. Watch out for TIE bombers. They'll chew our transports double-quick!"

He fired his seeker proton torpedos at some bombers as he headed towards the fleeing vessel.

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"Wha? who is that Raith Solo?"

Raziel wondered, looks like he got a nice flying.


"this is raziel, 5 squadrons of tie bombers are heading our way, use your visual scaning, try to take them ASAP"


Raziel flew straight to the bombers way, and a lot of blue lights began to appear


"they begun their torpedo raid!!! go for them boys"

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Tel: *into comlink* Makon, you pull that move too many times and you'll get spaced, with no shields. Okay, we have two waves of bombers, dead ahead...they're on their attack run. We hafta get them quick!


*Tel targest the center of the first group of bombers, links her torpedo fire and unleashes a volley. The torpedoes miss the targeted bomber but hit its partner. The load of explosives in carries detonates, destroying most of the wave*


Tel: Excellent! Next?

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Kurt: "Shall I?"


*Kur Gun's his X-Wing, zipping through the enemy fire, wiating to shoot... Kurt turns on his targeting computer, and locks on to a group of TIE's. wiats... Then, Kurt Fires a small barrage at the enemy, disabling a large amount, others destoryed.*


Kurt: "Not bad?"


Kurt's R-Unit: *Bam!* *Rrrrrroowwwwrrr!*


Kurt: "****! My astromech is dead! It just fried."

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