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How can people DO these things?!


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ok, this might be old news, but this really makes me angry. i recently read an article about this woman in New Jersey who was taking care of her cousin's 3 kids (who was in jail for child abuse, no less) and had them locked up in her basement. 2 of them were starving and covered in burn marks. later, police found the third's body in a container in the basement. how could she do that to them? keep them locked up in a basement witout feeding them enough, and abusing them too? what was wrong with that woman?! the question i want answered is, what drives people to do stuff like that? it's in the new daily. another murder, suicide, or case of child neglect or abuse. it makes me sick. i'm done for now. i just had to get that out of my system.


oh, and here's the article:


Suffer the Children

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Yeah I heard about this, too. There was another case of a wife going to California and she left her 2 kids at home with no Babysitter, 1 video, no cable, and a few frozen dinners. She only got caught when the neighbors noticed that the Package Signature Doorknob Hangers weren't getting signed even though they knew someone was in there.


Some people are just irresponsible and can't control their anger, or love as it may be. *Thinks back to Anakin*

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i think i heard of that one, too. it might be a different one, though. i heard that she went to CA to meet someone she met on the internet, and she was going to marry him but it didn't work out. also, she left her kids with frozen dinners and instructions to go hide in the back bedroom if they heard anyone at the door. how stupid can people be?

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how stupid can people be?




There's no limit to how bad this gets, and the only things i can link such things to are mental problems, extreme forgetfulness, or just not being able to think of a better idea to get rid of some kids, again for a reason caused by a mental problem maybe.:(

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Well, in some cases.. It doesn't have to be mental problems, forgetfulness, etc. But simply they just don't care and may be tired of dealing with them as DR pointed out.


Some people are just irresponsible and can't control their anger, or love as it may be.



I know to an extent how they might feel, but I control my anger and such well fortunately. :) It's sad to see the news of what these people do to children though. :(:cry7:

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This sickens me, let me see if I can quote Einstein correctly when I say, "There are 2 things that are infinite in the universe, hydrogen and stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."


Reminds me of some of the wonderfully repsonsible parents we have around here. Letting there kids do all sorts of things.

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Originally posted by Artoo

This sickens me, let me see if I can quote Einstein correctly when I say, "There are 2 things that are infinite in the universe, hydrogen and stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."



The quote was actually a bit different:


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."


Anyway, I just can't imagine what sick things that's in the heads of such people. Jail them and throw away the key, I say.

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I read a similar story dealing with a woman with a learning disability.It started when she failed grade 9, 3 times (i think). Her father locked up her in the basement for a year or so ( can't remember) because he didn't know why she wasn't as successful. Not only that she was treated badly at school. She was also rejected from various jobs for the same matter. I think her name was Diane Dupuy.

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with things like that, you should get her help, not lock her in the basement. if she has a learning disorder, put her in a special class or something, don't just hide her away. man, i hate people like that. they're like, "wow, he/she's different, so lets make their life a living hell because of it." :mad:

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