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Starships after the battle of Yavin?


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Originally posted by Zendjir

So no A-wing for me....:(


Hmm, maybe a T-wing then, only they blow up so fast my insurance agent ain't going to be happy with me. :)


I don't think they'll have T-Wings. Not that it matters, we won't able to by ships for at least a year, when the Space expansion comes out.

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Originally posted by Can-able

OK i belive......


Thats the A wing & B wing and the Tie intercepter first

apeared in ROTJ at the Battle of Endor. So you would asume that they where first deployed there.


But we all know what Eu is like and that could have it's own say in it. From what i rember though i think the most they where deployed would be a few months before....


But in saying that the Proto Type for the Tie intercepter was in a New hope..... So thats like 3-4 years ...Hummm...Not shore...


I want to buy a Z95 Headhunter.....


Or some form of frighter that i can kit out...like Han and Talon Karrde or IG -2000 would be cool, nice looking ship.


I would really like to be able to design and build my own ship though...


Anyway, was the one Vader had in ANH a prototype? Good question I think. A standard Tie won't stand up to the X-Wings. A lot of good pilots will die for the Empire.

*sheds a tear*

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Darth Sidious


Well I always though so, But you made me pull my books out again and find out for shore.....


Well Yes and No


Darth Vader’s ships was a Proto Type for a next generation Tie fighter designed buy Sienar Fleet Systems and Called the Tie Advanced x1


From what I have just read most of the design features where used from the X1 in the Tie interceptor.


So the Interceptor evolved from the x1 but in some ways the interceptor is better (Manoeuvrability) but in others it lacked, basically how much punishment it could take.


The Imperial navy said it was to expansive to mass producing the x1, so they opted for a cheaper version the Interceptor.


That’s why yes and no now because I don't think that the X1 was meant to be a proto type for the interceptor, but was mean to be a proto type of a new fighter class.


But in the end the x1 is the mother of:


Tie Interceptor

Tie Defender

And the Chis Claw Craft I guess :)


I don't know any more.... Do you think it is the proto type now?




'OOOO' <Jumps around like a little kid> from what it says there where a few more x1 made and the time line is right ABY , So you never know you might be able to get one in the Space expansion :D

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I'm planning to get rides instead of owning one. Standing at the spaceport, with my hitchhiking thumb up...


Well, most of the ships mentioned in this thread are from the wrong period (most of them designed between ESB and RotJ), but I think I will have to take one for the Y-wing fighter. Yup, this ship is often ignored by the flyboys out there. But come on, it has ion cannons that fill all your piracy needs, and you can bring a friend with you! And they are wayyy cheaper than an X-wing.


The fact that a snail could outrun you has nothing to do with it. ;)

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