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Oh My holy god! I thought that changing the glow in our names would be free, and I changed the glow, and I didnt know it would cost me 50 points (No too much) but still, I was saving up for a sig image :(


Edit- I also hate this color...you can barely see it...:(

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Wow, that sucks, huh? I guess you should just be happy you could change it for so cheap.


Not like you should be in any hurry to put that ugly sig image with the nearly illegible red text that Insane "I'm in a phase of my life when I'm say, about 13 or 14, where I obsess over one kind of women, then I grow up and realize I was being retarded*" Sith made you.


*I can say this because I've been there before.

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I wouldnt call it ugly, cuz the girls are hott. I dunno if I'd call Sith obbsesive. But It'll be a loooooooooong time til I get my sig image anyways, so I'll see what I get by then :) It might be FF or music, or who knows what. :)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

@ Mercafatt - .....:eyeraise:

*Wonders how he became a Super Mod*



Merc is a good super mod, one of the best.

And yes, I am going through the 13-14 year old phase to, but I do not go round with girl avatars and signiture pictures with scandily clad women in.

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