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I'm a TKer -- How can I grief other players in SWG?


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Hi all,


I've been a ruthless TKer ever since the days of Doom. However, SWG will mark the first time I've ever hassled innocent players in an MMORPG. Does anyone have any helpful tips?





PS: I look forward to finding new and inventive ways to grief you all soon!

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I'm serious. As soon as I get onto Tattooine I plan to start exploring ways to annoy people. I'm going to exploit the limitations of the new system to disrupt the games of as many people as possible. Maybe I'll even start a PA for annoying people.


Right now I'm just soliciting good ideas. :cool:

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I would never sponsor such actions, nor would I assist with any ideas of my own. Such a player should be banned from SWG. After all, this game is not just for YOUR enjoyment. Other people deserve to enjoy the game as well. This is a game about RP remember? If you don't understand that then don't even bother buying the game. I assure you, that if I see or hear about anyone doing these things, I will set my PA at war with yours and attack at every possible chance. If it were that you were in my PA, doubtful, then I would pay the other side and tell them where you are at all times. Let people have fun, and leave them alone. Otherwise, you'll spend more time being cloned than actually playing. That's not a threat either, that's a promise!

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Juztyn -- I don't actually intend to break any rules... I just plan to annoy people as much as possible without getting banned.


Example 1

Problem: In Wolfenstein you get banned from a server if you TK too many times.

Solution: TW (team wound) instead! By shooting teammates in the legs with my sniper rifle I am consistently able to reduce hit points and therefore playing ability to near zero without the nagging fear of banishment.


Example 2

Problem: In SOF2, TK penalties would occur when your TK percentage reached 100%

Solution: By exploiting a suicide bug in the system I was able to blow myself up near groups of teammates without increasing my TK percentage (since I too would die). Note: This had the bonus effect of being able to annoy alot of people very quickly with only one grenade.


Example 3

Problem: In Global Warfare, players enter the battlefield via a troop transport vehicle.

Solution: By repeatedly hitting the 'Enter' key near our completely full vehicle, I was able to prevent the vehicle from leaving our base. This kept my teammates trapped in the vehicle and out of danger ;)


In all three situations above I was able to annoy countless people without ever getting banned. If I stick to 'legal' harassment in SWG I don't see how I can be banned from there either.

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This is NOT good for SWG, let me tell you this right now. I used to play GW ALL the time when it first came out. It was a great, great game.


Until that wench Martha started screwing up everything. It made the game no fun anymore it wasn't even fun anymore. she does whatever to get into your skin and ruin the fun.


i'll really need to consider even buying SWG if she's going to be involved.

:mad: :mad:

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I remember you wizdoom -- you used to play on hotpennie$ server right?!? Remember the transport? He he he.


If you're playing this and you don't want to be annoyed, I'd stay clear of Tattoine. Specifically, I'll probably hang out around Mos Eisley with all the rest of the scum and villainy :cool:

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hey darth, thanks for the warm welcome. it's a shame that in this "world" we live in that there are so many people like martha. well i guess that's life. oh well.


hey martha. i never played on hotpennies or whatever you're talking about. you are obviously nothign but an ignorant slut.



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eatupmartha. nice handle.


I don't know if your're starved for attention, mad at the world for something that happened to you in real life, or just plain ignorant, but I wouldn't plan on having a successful career in SWG if all you pan to do is annoy. SOE is full of developers, programmers, (and soon, gamers), etc that are very serious about making SWG the greatest MMORPG of all time, and you're a fool if you think anyones going to let you ruin that for them for long. You'll have wasted $58 if you go through with your plan, and for your sake, I hope you're not that stupid.


Incidentally, it occurs to me that I'm feeding your craving for attention by replying to your assanine post, so don't plan on hearing from me again.



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Incidentally, it occurs to me that I'm feeding your craving for attention by replying to your assanine post, so don't plan on hearing from me again.


Speaking of, can I get an Admin or a Mod to @nuke, destroy, incinerate, disintigrate or otherwise get rid of this thread as that is not what this forum is for. I don't feel that any of us really want to see this anymore and several of us are getting extremely upset just looking at it. Thanks in advance.

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Settle down, darth sidious -- if in fact that is your real name. I haven't said anything profane or violated the rules of this forum in any way. I am merely asking for strategy tips... whether you agree with that strategy or not is irrelevant.


I hope your not that stupid

Hmmm... how delightfully ironic :)

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To Wizdoom and eatupmartha:


Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forum!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)




As for your tip quest, here's a tip for ya, or advice really:

Don't go thruogh with this idea. As JS said, you'll be wasting your money. :)


And another thing:

Juztyn -- I don't actually intend to break any rules...

Wether you intend or not, you will break them if you carry out your plan.


Trust me. ;)

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I appreciate the advice, Jan, but I won't be breaking any rules. I work hard for my money and I don't intend to waste it.


My strategy in the game will be subtle. Almost imperceptible at first. Like a caged monkey, I'll bide my time -- cautiously poking and probing the lock while the scientists sleep -- until one day when I'll discover the key and escape back to the jungle -- where I'm free to roam around annoying/harassing people with my banana peels and infectious primate diseases.


My moves will be stealthy. You won't even know I'm there. I'll creep right up on you and before you know it -- you're annoyed!


PS: thanks for the friendly welcome :)

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My moves will be stealthy. You won't even know I'm there. I'll creep right up on you and before you know it -- you're annoyed!

And BAM, you're banned. :p


Heed my advice, I urge you to. ;)


lol, reading that little story was kinda funny (in a good way, just wanted to point that out :) ), and if the way you are going to annoy people is with banana peels, I'll say, you're welcome to do that. :D

Nothing is more fun than walking around totally oblivious of what lies ahead, then slip on banana peels.

Well, wathing others do so is. :D

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Originally posted by eatupmartha

I appreciate the advice, Jan, but I won't be breaking any rules. I work hard for my money and I don't intend to waste it.


My strategy in the game will be subtle. Almost imperceptible at first. Like a caged monkey, I'll bide my time -- cautiously poking and probing the lock while the scientists sleep -- until one day when I'll discover the key and escape back to the jungle -- where I'm free to roam around annoying/harassing people with my banana peels and infectious primate diseases.


My moves will be stealthy. You won't even know I'm there. I'll creep right up on you and before you know it -- you're annoyed!


PS: thanks for the friendly welcome :)


whatever makes you buy the game and pay the monthly fee monkey boy :)


just by buying the game and paying the monthly fee you're helping us cut down the prices so thank you for that :)


i'm sure that whatever annoying and harassing tricks you might have are minor compared to the $65 you'll have to cough up initially to be able to harass


thanks for supporting the game, yay :)

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Fortunately for the rest of us, the Dev's have taken specific actions within the system to make griefing a thing of the past. Some of the main big wigs are people from UO and they saw the problems with that system. Hate to tell you but there is really no way you can grief people in SWG. You can't engage in PVP unless the other person agrees i.e. a dual. Or you can go to a specific zone where it's completely PVP (sort of like an arena but then of course, no one is going to go to those zones) or you can join a faction (Rebel, Imperial etc.) and do PVE but again only if you are in a zone that allows PVE (not all will). For crafters and city-type people (the defenseless ones that griefers like to kill), they can just stay in the city where no sort of PVP is allowed.


I suppose you could jump arround someone like a loon and call them names, that might annoy them for a while...but that would get you banned.

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I appreciate the advice, Jan, but I won't be breaking any rules.

I hear you say this, but as I said, you will break them if you carry out your plan. :)


One wrong move, annoy one wrong guy or gal, and you will be banned quicker than you can say "What the .....?".

This is not an exaggeration. And it can very well happen. ;)

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I'm confused. If my only "crime" is annoying people -- but not actually breaking any game "laws" -- how can I be banned after having paid so much to play?


Don't I have the right to live my life in this universe the way I want as well?


Oh, and Aeonan_Ren...

there is really no way you can grief people in SWG
there is always a way ;)
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Wizdoom here again! Sorry about the delay, had to take a BIG OLD DUMP'aroony!


Wish I had this forum to read while I was on the can. ... would have sped things up if you know what i mean.


and knowing eatupmartha from GW, that friggin slut will find a way. trust me, there will be a way that is more frighteningly annoying than anything you can even begin to imaging...unfortunately.

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