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I look at my X-Files collection and wonder...

Crazy_dog no.3

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... would the Star Wars saga have been better as a TV show?


It would have let Lucas tell his story better. Han bieng taken by Fett could be like Season 8 when Mulder was abducted. They would show the search for him by Liea, Luke, Chewie and Lando.

We could see what happened between TPM and AoTC (if in only a season).


Call me sadistic, but I would like to see the characters bleed! Not as much so as Saving Private Ryan or Hannibal, but maybe Jurrasic Park-ish? I mean, some on, when Maul was chopped in 2, there could have been far more detail! And the Battle of Hoth a lot grittier!

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In different fashions. Movies are one time things, or in the case of trilogies, a three time thing in which a lot has to be explained and they do allow for a bit of speculation on a viewer's part. In that way, the director has less control over what the public thinks unless the expose it in the movie. In a TV series, the director has a lot more control over what the viewers sees. It also has to keep a viewer hooked. In this way, movies have an advantage over TV shows.


I'd still keep SW as a trilogy.

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If it had been a T.V. show, it would have defeated the purpose for which George Lucas designed the films after in the first place. Remember that the films were meant to be like the old Flash Gordon, and Buck Rogers' serials that were at the movies before T.V.


BTW, The X-Files was probably the best sci-fi television series ever created since The Twilight Zone, and far more popular! :D

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