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Nice, look what I found on JKII.net!


HomeLan Fed seems to have obtained the first evidence that an expansion is planned for Jedi Knight II. Until LucasArts makes an announcement though this is in no way guaranteed, but it does seem likely. You can listen to the conference call on Activision's web site. Our thanks goes out to Mixnmojo for the news.


... Execs at the company mentioned in passing that a sequel to last year's Quake III engine powered first person shooter Star Wars: Jedi Outcast was in the works to be released in their fiscal 2004 time frame (April 2003-March 2004). Since this was mentioned in an Activision conference call, it suggests that the sequel will once again be a collaboration between Activision and LucasArts. HomeLAN contacted original Jedi Outcast developer Raven Software (which is owned by Activision) but was refered to Activision's corporate offices for an official response. The Activision rep has so far not gotten back to us with a statement. A spokesperson for LucasArts would not comment on what the Activision execs said today when asked by HomeLAN.

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Don't see you in the swamp to often Z.


I found in a article of the Insider, and LEC interview, the artist Tom Lang is working on a yet-to-be announced project, and it said he was responsible for expansion pack, MotS.


Could he be in charge of the expansion for JO? This is what I got out of it. LEC rarely does secret projects like this, but there is a lot of evidence out there that supports the fact JO's expansion is in the works yet.

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Don't like to double post, but I doubt this will all fit with my last message. This is from another thread by me, for you Katarn family, daughter suggesters above. (ZBomber, kliptork)


Here is a fanfic story I've been fiddling around with and it'd make a great sequel/ expansion/ mod.


You're still Kyle. It is 10 years after JO. You reside on Sulon with your wife, Jan, and your 10 year daughter (no name yet...) and 6 year old son Morgan, where you are a combat instructor.


Brakiss's Shadow Jedi (Reborn) come and lay waste to your home. While trying to fight them off and get to your saber which is in your bedroom (you're somewhere in Sulon's wastelands for some reason, no excuse yet...), Brakiss comes and kidnaps your daugter. You and Jan take the Claw and the rebuilt Crow (a wedding gift courtesy of Lando) and set course for Yavin to get Luke's help. You then learn the Shadow Academy crisis and you and Jan pledge your support to assist.


There are a few named "bosses" to take out, Shadow Academy students and a few mercs (no good reason why they're there yet, to find force-sensitive kids?). Your main goal is to find your daughter. Just for a really nice, dark, sad plot twist, it turns out she has been turned already and to beat the game, you must take her out or turn her to the light. I won't say how my story ends. I don't know yet!


But good story like this to implement this stuff is good. A few bosses with guns while you only have Force powers (opening levels/ mission) would be cool.

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Originally posted by Jedi220

Despite this being old news...


Yeah, JK3 better be good...


...or else...


*shakes fist at LA*




Well, better than JO at least. Not a fan of those SW-like (bland, repetitious, dull, gray) textures. let's not do that again and have better outdoor areas...

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A story posted on HomeLan Fed yesterday describes a very interesting piece of conversation that took place during a fiscal quarter conference call at Activision. They mentioned a sequel to Jedi Outcast was in the works, to be released somewhere between March 2003 and April 2004. The game would still be based on the Quake 3 engine, and Activision would still be the house LucasArts works with to produce the title. If you follow the link to the HomeLan Fed site up there, you can actually hear a recroding of the conference where this was mentioned.


While we all had the sense that Activision would only do well to produce another title based on such a hit as Jedi Outcast, this is the most solid lead we've seen about it (at the time of this posting, HomeLan Fed was still attempting to confirm this story). The fact that they're referring to the project as a sequel, and not simply an expansion pack, is very encouraging.


HomeLan Fed

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You thought those puzzles were bad? Have you played Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, or Mysteries of the Sith? Now those are some tuff things to play.


And a part of the DF/ JK series is that it isn't all about guns. A good bulk of the series is puzzles (some less well-done then others, such as the stupid comm array). If you want to go around wreaking havoc upon enemies non-stop, get a PS2 and buy Bounty Hunter...

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Why dont people want to play as kyle. If it wasnt for him the series wouldnt exist. AND it doesnt matter if hes old, EVERYONE would love to play as Yoda, and hes god knows how old. Maybe the develpoers could have a completely original idea and kyle turns to the darkside (AGAIN?) becuase of the Valley of the Jedis power. The game could be about leaving the light side, turning nasty, turning on your master and have a sad ending, with the death of kyle in the last cutscene. You could fight luke or something and just as youre about to beat him you pause to laugh but get pushed back, luke pulls down a wall behind him and crushes him. AND just had another idea. Jan could be in jedi training (who cares if shes too old) and as kyle is "Crushed" he gets back out and jumpes at luke igniting his saber, Jan uses force push and he flies down a very long whole. Cool Eh?

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Originally posted by kliptork

maybe they have a daughter

and you can play with her

sorry i had to do this..... LMAO!!!!!

and i meant Batllefeild 1942 demo sorry i mixed the name up..... i get an error saying "Couldent find SOUND.dll" or something in both games, oh yeah i cant run Unreal 2003 demo either..... but thats another story and a thing i might be able to fix by myself

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Yeah - great... errr...


Ever the voice of reason (aka - Bubble Burster), this is a little sudden is it not. Why jump straight in with a sequel?


I had only recently heard that it was confirmed that a MOTS style companion mission expansion was to be released... I take it that was wrong, and the item in question was a full sequel...


I know it was Com Raven who broke the story officially, and that the main source seems viable, but I am not questioning the info - I'm questioing the sequel - why not let us savour JKII:OC a little longer... I was REALLY looking forward to some expansion action.

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Originally posted by Lord Glorfindel

I think if there is a JK3, it should be about Kyle fighting the Yuuzhan Vong, instead of the Remnant, cause I am getting tired of killing stormtroopers, and the Yuuzhan Vong have very unique technology that has yet to be put into a game of any type. And it would be cool if you got Mark III armour, like how u got Tusken Clothing in MOTS


If you're a fan of the NJO, then you've read Star By Star. That book had some of the sweetest battle scenes i've ever read. The Vong would be the ultimate villians : Evil, unmerciful, almost invincible. I'd see no problem in starting the game off as a reg jedi at the Academy. Eventually the Vong attack, you're forced to leave. Bla Bla Bla, you get the idea.


Things Jk3 would need: More Fluid Graphics (more shaders), A more customizeable environment (i want to rip down doors with my saber), More control over saber (blocking bolts, etc), Better Combat System (I want sabers hitting sabers, none of this "running in circle while trying to hit a part of your body"), Guns, wtf is an imperial repeater? What's a det mine? I want weapons that i've seen in the movies!

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

Guns, wtf is an imperial repeater? What's a det mine? I want weapons that i've seen in the movies!


dude, if you want guns from the movies all you get are stormtrooper rifles, e-webs, the long-arm rifle the clonetroopers use, zam's rifle and a **** load of pistols. go read the essential guide to weapons and technology, most of the weapons from JK2:JO are in there, page 6, blastech e-11 rifle, page 12 blastech t-21 light repeating blaster, page 16, jawa scavenged ionization blaster, page 18 wookie bowcaster, page 24, tenloss dxr-6 disrupter rifle, page 38, golan arms fc-1 flechette launcher, page 40, merr-sonn munitions plx-2m missile tube, page 42, thermal detonator, page 154, blastech class vi automated laser projector a/k/a the trip mine...

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Originally posted by Katarn07

Don't see you in the swamp to often Z.


I found in a article of the Insider, and LEC interview, the artist Tom Lang is working on a yet-to-be announced project, and it said he was responsible for expansion pack, MotS.


Could he be in charge of the expansion for JO? This is what I got out of it. LEC rarely does secret projects like this, but there is a lot of evidence out there that supports the fact JO's expansion is in the works yet.


I'm more of a Swampie than you. :p


I just have been hanging out at the Collecting forum alittle more, sinces its new. (And i wanna be a mod) :p

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