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Kings of Chaos!

Boba Rhett

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All right, a new warlord! :)


My advice, save up lots of attack turn and use them all at once. Maybe 60-80 attack turns. Try to get as much money at one moment as possible. Then spend it on a stockade or long shields.


I also managed to get my defenses and seige up. I now have stockade and battering ram. I should get walled town in a couple days. I also figured out that if you look for it, you can find poeple with over 100k and no fortifications or siege. :D I guess they haven't logged on since the servers came back up...they only have about 28-30 soldiers.

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Originally posted by Praetorian

All right, a new warlord! :)


My advice, save up lots of attack turn and use them all at once. Maybe 60-80 attack turns. Try to get as much money at one moment as possible. Then spend it on a stockade or long shields.


I also managed to get my defenses and seige up. I now have stockade and battering ram. I should get walled town in a couple days. I also figured out that if you look for it, you can find poeple with over 100k and no fortifications or siege. :D I guess they haven't logged on since the servers came back up...they only have about 28-30 soldiers.


It seems you have learned fast, my young apprentice. You have learned the greatest tactic, patience. This game is all about patience. Wait, as Praetorian said, until you have a large amount of attack turns and then attack and quickly build up money and spend it on seige and armory items. The only tactic as important as taht is to pick you battles wisely. Humans make excellent targets because they lack the battle based bonuses that the rest of the races have, and choose someone who has enough gold to make the battle worth your time.


As your commander, Praetorian, I can honestly say that you make me proud to have you in my army. Darth Homer has also demonstrated a great deal of skill in "aggressive negotiating" with teh armies of our enemies. Artoo and Eets have proven valuable allies as well. Togethor I believe we have one of the closest armies out there. We communicate and plan our attacks and retaliations and have help to further each of our armies. Togethor Middle Earth will fall to our strength! :D

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Ok, good idea. Plus, I'm waiting to load up on gold with the game turns and get enough people before I do anything....


I now have a Nation and an Army! Too bad there couldn't be a game where both of them are like into one game....

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Here is my attack report for the past few days.


3/4 whijman 15 Money Taken: 9628 1 1

3/4 Eomyn 6 Money Taken: 2764 0 0

3/6 waffle2 15 Money Taken: 17429 0 2

3/6 gampo 15 Successfully Defended 0 0

3/6 Terazar 15 Successfully Defended 0 2

3/6 skylineGTR 15 Money Taken: 32072 2 0

3/6 xexnaor 15 Money Taken: 26563 1 1

3/6 PsYcHo_5 13 Money Taken: 27064 0 1

3/6 landislau 1 Money Taken: 3116 0 0

3/7 Kenderaela 15 Money Taken: 29874 1 3

3/7 BlindsideTC 15 Money Taken: 22125 0 2

3/7 viper5187 6 Money Taken: 15519 0 1

3/7 Exeter 8 Money Taken: 16886 0 0



I hope to attack again in about 3 days. :mob: Then I should be able to get a Walled Town.


Also, I consider it an honor to be in your army Havoc. I will continue to make you proud. :):D

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Attacks I have made in the last 4 days:


3/3 Guilard 15 Money Taken: 45575 10 1

3/3 freddie_teddy 15 Money Taken: 22451 0 10

3/3 freddie_teddy 15 Money Taken: 18306 5 9

3/3 Strafe 15 Money Taken: 52105 0 0

3/3 Nazghul 15 Successfully Defended 9 9

3/3 Nazghul 15 Money Taken: 113874 8 0

3/3 entyre 15 Money Taken: 32422 0 7

3/3 Kryle 15 Money Taken: 35746 0 0

3/3 alanangel 15 Money Taken: 28535 7 0

3/3 Fallschirmjager 15 Successfully Defended 5 0

3/3 Fallschirmjager 15 Successfully Defended 7 0

3/3 MoNaCh 15 Money Taken: 34243 0 0

3/3 piCeus 4 Money Taken: 6841 0 0

3/4 bumbum25 15 Money Taken: 47575 7 0

3/4 ramm 15 Money Taken: 1442 6 7

3/4 ramm 15 Money Taken: 0 0 0

3/4 jan0907 3 Money Taken: 7927 1 0

3/4 Drak3n 15 Money Taken: 100572 0 6

3/5 DuSt 15 Money Taken: 41364 7 0

3/5 Cow_Piglet1 15 Money Taken: 56568 0 0

3/5 0003karp 3 Money Taken: 13060 1 1

3/5 gideonneke 15 Money Taken: 35840 5 0

3/6 Luminar 15 Money Taken: 47609 9 9

3/6 Kirschdaddy 15 Money Taken: 54312 8 8

3/6 Nazghul 3 Money Taken: 17753 0 0

3/6 Nazghul 1 Money Taken: 4817 0 0

3/6 Nazghul 1 Money Taken: 5597 1 0

3/6 Nazghul 1 Money Taken: 4641 0 0

3/6 Nazghul 1 Money Taken: 1760 0 0

3/6 s0p^ 2 Money Taken: 9654 0 1

3/6 xxxKuJoxxx 9 Money Taken: 22377 4 6

3/7 oodlum 15 Money Taken: 73395 0 5

3/7 zo ganja 15 Money Taken: 70017 0 0


Attacks on me in the last four days:


3/1 oozingred 5 Money Lost: 47811 2 0

3/1 sharonswt2 15 Money Lost: 152972 14 0

3/3 Huar 1 Sucessfully Defended 0 0

3/3 Huar 1 Sucessfully Defended 0 0

3/3 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 0 2

Message: You made mistake!

3/3 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 0 2

3/3 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 5 0

3/3 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 0 2

3/4 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 4 0

3/4 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 0 0

3/5 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 0 0

3/5 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 5 2

3/6 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 0 2

Message: Never!

3/6 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 0 0

3/6 Nazghul 5 Sucessfully Defended 6 2



You would of thought that Nazghul guy would have given up! ;)


I'm about to make another attack now, wish me luck! :D

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

As your commander, Praetorian, I can honestly say that you make me proud to have you in my army. Darth Homer has also demonstrated a great deal of skill in "aggressive negotiating" with teh armies of our enemies.


Thank you, SIR!!


I like to to call it "Forceful persuasion", but your term has Star Wars refrences in it :D


and aggression is something I'm rather good at...ah, I'm a Sith at heart... :evil1:


I shall decline from posting my attack stats as I'm ashamed of my army's death rate...need to whip these frilly little elves into shape!



y'know....someone should make a star wars version of this game...Jedi/Sith are officers...different races could be Empire, Rebels, Pirates (smugglers?), & Wookies(?)....Stormies or rebel troopers could be in place of the armies...blasters & bowcasters, etc for weapons...that would be awesome... :)

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I would probably have some better defense, but I was already attacked yesterday by three people......


3/7 Liethssoar 1 Money Lost: 88

0 0

3/7 Liethssoar 15 Money Lost: 1101

0 0

3/7 kurk2000 5 Money Lost: 382

0 0

3/7 kurk2000 15 Money Lost: 780

0 0

3/8 dnmur 15 Money Lost: 1121

1 0

3/8 dnmur 15 Money Lost: 760

1 0


the dnmur guy successfully defended his, but the oither guys I got back at

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could someone teach this MacGyver guy a lesson? His army size is like 56.


He has attacked me twice and considerably emptied my "Siege Funds." 2st attack he took about 21,000 gold and his 2nd attack he took 10,300 gold. I finally got the attack bonus siege, I need 60,000 for the defensive Siege weapon. Thanks in advanced.

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