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How do you kiss sit and throw saber differnt?


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Hi i was playing the game today i noticed something differnt people where sitting down and giveing me a kiss and they throw the saber in a differnt way then what people always throw it anyway can you please help me in finding out how to do this thanks for the help

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hahaha.....about /disco


the server you are on most likely was running vulcanus admin mod. the commands are available to you if you type in


/aminfo into the console














there are some more that i forget it think.. but not all servers have all of the tme enabled. for instance I disabled Kiss on my server. I hate to see people running around doing nothing but kissing. gets me annoyed.. lol


Good Luck and Happy Gaming!

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Originally posted by DARK DAN

can you bind this to a key or have to type it in ever time?


you can bind almost any command.


for instance to bind sit. you would type this into the console


/bind (key of your choice) amsit


to bind kiss


/bind (key of your choice) amkiss




hope that helps

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