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all that bowing stuff isnt "fanboy", just lame.


Lame and fanboy go together, Dan mate. We're all SW fans to some degree I have no doubt, I'm a SW fan too, but I'm definitely not a fanboy. Different breed, different whine, different rules.


why not have the game set during the mandelorian wars, to integrate with the forthcoming kotor game? or is that too "fanboy"?


As long as you play a Jedi, and as long as the mood and atmosphere was similar to the Original trilogy, you could set it anywhere. EU tends to be crap however, and I'd rather play as Kyle: it's his series now. DF/JK without Kyle would be like Raiders without Indy, like Tomb Raider without the Croft woman, like... I dunno, like a Thomas Harris serial killer novel without Lecter. It'd be lacking that special something. What Kyle needs is a good plot. :)


Thats not possible because of the setting and everything. None of the SW stories or movies are believable.


Hence the quotation marks, mate. :D "Believable" in that my story ideas conform to initial SW trilogy canon. The original trilogy is really all that's good about Star Wars. Prequels and novels have been pretty crap, really.

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Originally posted by Toonces

Who cares???


It's a thread about ideas/speculation. Nobody forced you to read this thread

Yes thats right no one used grip on me.

But as u can see like smood said:

"I hope I can send this information in to some authority at activision or lucas to look over" this info is supposed to be sent to someone. Now try reading the whole thread, what if dont agree with your opinions, will they make a version just for my needs? cmon be real. They would ask if they wanted some feedback on this.

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SPIDER AL... your entire concept of 'fanboys' is ludicrous and dare I say, stupid. Players of this game aren't your average fps'er you are trigger happy (which are fine people in their own respect). These players are people who enjoy fps's but have come for the STAR WARS theme, idea, and concept. Satisfying these players is what will allow the game to accel.


Originally posted by Spider AL

Jedi Knight games are fast-paced. Live with it.


This is perhaps the most idiotic, ignorant and detesting comment I have ever heard concerning the advancement of a game. Things can change, code can change, have a open mind and who knows what will happen.


If Carmack had your personality we would still be in 2D.

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SPIDER AL... your entire concept of 'fanboys' is ludicrous and dare I say, stupid. Players of this game aren't your average fps'er who are trigger happy (which are fine people in their own respect). These players are people who enjoy fps's but have come for the STAR WARS theme, idea, and concept. Satisfying these players is what will allow the game to accel.


Originally posted by Spider AL

Jedi Knight games are fast-paced. Live with it.


This is perhaps the most idiotic, ignorant and detesting comment I have ever heard concerning the advancement of a game. Things can change, code can change, have a open mind and who knows what will happen.


If Carmack had your personality we would still be in 2D.

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FYI: whoever said the idea about centering the plot around the "mandalorian wars and the time of KOTOR". Well, first off, the story arc of KOTOR takes place 1000 years before TPM supposedly. Unless they changed the story arc, it's nowhere near the time of the prequel movies much less Kyle Katarn's life time. Just some FYI.

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Originally posted by Jeff 42

"NJO is blasphemous to Salavatore fans everywhere."


:rolleyes: What, like Salvatore is some kind of god? The man can't write worth crap. The AotC novelization is one of the most poorly written books I've ever read. The NJO and Salvatore are both terrible. They're good matches for each other.


So, yeah, I agree with the people who think bringing the Vong into the DF series is a bad idea.


You talk about Salvatore like he only writes Star Wars books. Fact of the matter is his *worst* Forgotten Realms books, which are still considered enjoyable reading material, were written during a personal crisis for him. However his earlier and later FR books have been nothing short of inspirational. The Drizzt Do'Urden saga is infinately more readable that most other fantasy books, you see I care for the story rather than literature prowess.


Anywho, Dark Forces IS Kyle Katarn, if you want a different character then ask for a different series. Dark Forces is Kyle's story. Mara Jade had a brief period as the focal character, but ultimately it was still about Kyle.


I would like to see the concept of an epic story return to games though, JK had it, JK2 didn't.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

Anywho, Dark Forces IS Kyle Katarn, if you want a different character then ask for a different series. Dark Forces is Kyle's story. Mara Jade had a brief period as the focal character, but ultimately it was still about Kyle.


Then I say get a new series cause he's getting to old. I want someone new and fresh.

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Kyle could indeed be apart of the Story.. but playing the game from a younger child / padawan of Kyle Katarn may bring a new audience towards the game.


Please don't bring back Desann!

Maybe Tavion can be in the next game, but a Mandalorian-type merc / bounty hunter would be a good boss to fight. Maybe even 3 / 4 encounters in earlier levels.


The timeframe for JK2 does seem good, and different. I personally would like to see an expansion pack instead of an entirely new game.


I personally haven't read much EU, I don't know a lot about EU, so I think bringing too much EU into the JK games would be a bad idea. JK2 leads on after ROTJ, and should continue to do so.


No-one can get rid of the Stormies! Never! :D

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Originally posted by Smood:

SPIDER AL... your entire concept of 'fanboys' is ludicrous and dare I say, stupid. Players of this game aren't your average fps'er you are trigger happy (which are fine people in their own respect). These players are people who enjoy fps's but have come for the STAR WARS theme, idea, and concept. Satisfying these players is what will allow the game to accel.


New Smood, New Smood, so good he posted twice.


Yeah, I thought you were a fanboy. Thanks for proving it. Fanboys know less than nothing about what makes a good game, they're only interested in "let's pretend."


Originally posted by Smood:

have a open mind


Translation: "agree with me or else u lame chicken cheetor!!!11"


Originally posted by Smood:

This is perhaps the most idiotic, ignorant and detesting comment I have ever heard




Go away, or I'll decapitate your leg. :naughty:


Originally posted by happydan:

i cant agree with you that you need kyle for JK games... i think they are running out of story arcs with him. they got in a rut, and are running out of ways to get him out of them...


Running out? Can you run out of imagination and/or creativity? Mark my words, one good writer is all the DF series needs to become even greater.


Originally posted by Reborn Outcast:

Then I say get a new series cause he's getting to old. I want someone new and fresh.


Well hey, I'm all for new series, petition LEC for a new series. I'll still hold out for DF4 though. ;)

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Go away, or I'll decapitate your leg.


lol, your right on all counts heh. about katarn though, i have to say i didn't like his oldness in JO, but thats probably just because of the way they rendered him. the katarn of JK seemed way more athletic and imposing, i like that model alot more then the JK2 one. alot of the characters in JK2 seem kind of feable accually...


and FK|FallenOne, i know that KOTOR is set thousands of years back, i was just saying it would be cool to have a starwars FPS in that time

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Originally posted by JDKnite188

How about involving a story of Morgan Katarn and Qu Rahn! That would be good stuff.


Save me Spider Al!



Thats a pretty good idea. Or we could have Jan and Kyle have a child and that child has to train and all that then Kyle dies or something by some mysterious and his son has to go out and find out who did it... Well its a start.

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Originally posted by JDKnite188:

How about involving a story of Morgan Katarn and Qu Rahn! That would be good stuff. Save me Spider Al!


You don't need me for that mate, William Dietz covered Morgan pretty well in the Dark Forces novelisations... Rahn, hmm if he couldn't defeat Jerec after years of training and Kyle could after two weeks of training, I think he might be a step down from old Kyle in terms of skill and ability...


No, I think if there's another Dark Forces game, it'd have to have Kyle in it. So why don't we try to think about what a separate series could contain?


Hmm, let me think, what would be an original subject for a new Jedi-based FPS series, unrelated to DF... Well there are some easy rules one can think of:


  • Player must play a Jedi.
  • Player must wield a Lightsabre for a large portion of the game, if not all.
  • There must be Sith opponents to deal with, not much point in a sabre if there are no Sith to fight.
  • Wait a minute...


I have an idea. LEC should start another game series about the career of a Sith. It could be set in any time-period then, and he could combat Jedi opponents. That'd be twisted enough to be interesting.


How about a player-responsive character development like in the original JK, where the player's actions dictate the character's alignment? If the player doesn't kill a lot of innocents, the story could evolve so that the Sith is turned to the light side slowly, etc. Things like that. That might be good.

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Guys can you please cut down on the useless suggestions like "Jan should be a skinhead", "Porky's script writers should do Jk2" and repeating the same/similar idea posted previously or just writing blatant 'no-brainer' posts which adds nothing to the thread. This is ultimately known as spam, if some of you can't hold yourself then we, the moderators of this forum, will have to take action.



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