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cutscene "movies"


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Just curious if this has occurred to anyone else: We can build "sets" out of brushes and the hundreds of textures we have available, we have hundreds of "actors" in the form of various models, and we have the ability to position a camera and direct the actors. Anyone thought that it would easily be possible to produce short "movies" constructed of Outcast cutscenes? All you really need are a good plot, some well-scripted sequences and some voice acting! Of course, you'd be a little limited by the loading time of a "level"...I doubt anyone is going to be producing 30-minute shorts, let alone a 2 hour epic.


I might do it myself, if I can come up with a good idea... I'm just wondering if anyone else thought of this.

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I do believe I remember myself thinking the same thing. To just have the cutscenes load right away so it looks like a movie, however I still need some tutorials on making the actuall people move, I already know well enough about the cameras though.



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or make the levels small with level_transitions in them.


Just use the script to trigger them instead of the player..


You could build one sceen per level, so lead times would be really short.../shrug

This is actually the way I plan on doing the intro to my single player map pack...

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I had this idea as well, I've long wanted to have a go at directing, I'm a long-time wanabee director, and I've realised you can do a lot more in the JO engine than I can with a camera, a tripod and hand puppets. You can do a shot in outcast that might take days to set up, with cranes and moveable sets, to do in a film. I guess this is why Lucas and others are moving towards more and more digital effects in films.

Sometimes I think up ideas that are way more suited to a short film than a level because they would involve next to no action, just lots of dialogue and atmosphere. It's a very good idea, I am not confident enough about my ability to control NPCs yet to give this a go. If you're looking for voice actors I'd be happy to contact any of the guys who did Occupation for you. One proviso: Don't pay them, or I might have to.

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It's an interesting idea for a group project actually, you could have some people working on sets, some on scripting, some on the plot and so on. I'm kinda suspicious of any gorup projects myself because so few seem to get completed and there are a lot of people involved, it often only takes one of two to not bother and the whole thing falls apart.

Isn't there a group that has re-created some scenes from star wars using the JO engine, they did the hangar fight at the end of EpII? I haven't seen it, 56k connection, does anyone know if it was any good?

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I saw that, but it was a very poor quality video. Very jerky. I'm sure it looked better in game...still, if a sort of "movie" like that could be made and then converted into an avi or mpeg or something, that could be pretty neat.


I do actually have an idea for a movie to make, but that would be a really ambitious project requiring new custom models and several map locations and lots of voice acting. Oh, yeah, and time to do it all in... If you visit my site, I have some SF short stories posted, I was thinking it would be neat to make a movie out of the second version of Hunter's Justice. Plenty of action for us Star Wars geeks...


Anyways, I'm going to finish a couple more MP maps before I even attempt that. Although, *if* there is a "team" assembled, I might make the short story into a screenplay and divide my time. I was just seeing if anyone else had that idea. :)

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