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Bad Textures..bad....


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Ok, i got a few problem ans some screens to help you help me.


First, This one map it compiles just fine, no errors, no leaks. But when i play it i get to very undissired effects.


This is the first, For some reason i get his strange effect, ITs like the HOM but white and non reflective.






The second problem with that map is this, its were textures arent showing up untill i get close.







And last but not least. The worst of my problems. When i complie this map also get no leaks but i get a few "warning! shader common/caulk not found" Aslo "noShader not found" When its done compiling and i goto load the level, I get "an Illeagel operation has occured" error. and closes jk2.


So i gave it to 2 friends to compile, one came back with the same exact problem and the other (wich used GTK not JKR like me) that compiled it came back as playable but when i went into the game all the textures where way off, they looked like they sombody hit the FIT button on 500x500. theres like 300 door textures where there should only be one. Well look for your self:







This is what it looks like in the editor:





thanx guys.


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What makes it better? The most important is that it is a not closed project. You can report errors, ask for new features and the development team will listen to it even if they don't make what you were asking. :) So constant development is a good thing for us.


It has little extra features compared to JK2Radiant and those make the editing easier, faster.


And there are the plugins coming with it. Very useful things are among them.


And of course q3map2 integration from version 1.2.11.



You can have both editors installed. I have too. But I can't remember when did I open JK2Radiant last time and why. :)

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The first error is simple actually - Assuming that the second pic was taken after REMOVING the glass. If not, make sure the glass is a detail brush - that's how they display when they are left structural.


Cant' help with the second one...


Nor the third....


Well, if I was a baseball player, I'd be batting .333 : MORE than goo enough to get into the hall of fame! :)

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Because you can't see through a structural brush by nature. Remember? Structural brushes keep out the void. If you make a window and leave it structural, then the compiler will make it so if you are standing at one side of it, the other part of the map is not rendered, since it's a structural brush. If you make it detail, then the compiler will see a hole in the wall so it can compile your map well.


Believe Shadriss, the window is making that effect, because there is nothing behind it to draw. I know since yesterday that a HOM effect looks like that through a window.

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i, too, have the last problem. I use Jk2radiant, and i've been working on this map. It's not near done, but at times i have draw skyboxes around it and compiled it to see how it works ingame. I've done it several times, using fastvis, but now it won't compile anymore. i got the error about 'couldn't find shaer textures/bespin/sky', so i changed to another texture. however, it gave me then and still gives me the "noshader" error.

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