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Difference between Ranger and Creature Handler?


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Creature Handler

This profession combines skills from both the combat and creature handling disciplines. A player in this profession can tame and train animals. A tamed animal can be sold to other players who have sufficient skill to control the creature.


This profession combines skills from the creature handling, outdoorsmanship, and combat disciplines. A player in this profession can “solo” as well as find creatures for the food or taming.

Is it just me, or is Ranger just a more advanced Creature Handler?


Can anybody clarify this? Or am I going to have to wait for the professions to be updated in Febtober?

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Similar but Creature Handler has little to no combat training while the Ranger is assumed to mix it up on a regular basis. The CH is a pure crafter where the Ranger is somthing of a mix of this and some combat. The CH is the ranch-hand and the Ranger is the Cowboy...

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I guess I should not say that they are a pure crafter as their description does say that they combine skills from "combat and creature handling" so they should be able to hold their own. The Ranger has some outdoorsmanship skills so I guess that’s one difference.


However the CH's main task is to "tame and train animals" which can then be sold to another player to use as a pet. Using a skill to Make something (the tamed animal) of which you then sell is pretty much a crafter.

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To me it seems the Ranger is much like you ol D&D ranger with tech gear:)


Here are some skill but not sure if exact like in SGW. But you will get the idea.


Handling animals= calming an enraged beast, knowing what kind of food a certain animal prefers..that sort of thing.


Training animals= Like a CH but not as good. Teach it small tricks


Get an animal pet. Using the skills above.








To me it seems like the Ranger is like a Fantasy Ranger with combinations Explorer/CH and maybe other proffesions.. on the tech side:)

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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

My understanding is that to be a good CH, you'll also need to be a Ranger. Being a Ranger will give you the necessary tracking skills to find animals to train and breed.


You could work with a ranger, they capture the animals and then you train them.

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