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Create background music


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What the Elven Prince said before me was great. However if your thinking about putting multiple music files, going from one to the next, than you DONT want to use the worldspawn music thing. You will want to create a target_speaker and make it global, than trigger it off or whatever with triggers and start another one.

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It all depends on what you want to do. If you want to set ambience, then you will want a target speaker, with no triggers. It will affect a radial area. If you want it to be in the background, you mark global (this would be good for ambience that affects the whole level, such as crowd noise).


If you want it to play when you use a trigger, you'd use a trigger_multiple linked to a target_speaker, but the sound will only play so long as another sound is not interfering in it (such as, the player jumps - sound cuts off).

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Originally posted by 000nate

you want to call me a n00b, how would you know! Just because I don't spend my entire time posting instead of mapping doesn't mean I'm a n00b!


Because you spend a lot of time asking these types of questions yourself, and then you just repeat back what others said to you about it. It's like the blind leading the blind.


I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but if you're still learning yourself you shouldn't be instructing anyone else.

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An knowledge of map making doesn't that come from tutorials and forums and other places in the fuirst place? So when you say something on here I'm almost certain that atleast 1 out of every 10 times you say something it was taken from some ones idea one way or another.

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