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C&C Generals Thread


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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

ok, I lied about the game being awesome. As of now I have lowered it to annoying b*tch game (for the time being). Because it is giving me all this crap about "Could not log onto Generals Online." It was my understanding they're using gamespy for their MP games, and I already had an account for it, but I keep getting that sh*t. And am I going to have to type in my age every f*cking time!?


What's this? Gayspy is being used for MP mainly now? How unspeakable! :eek:

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

I think that American players will tend to use America more, while Asian the Chinese.


Not nessarily...... I'm beginning to think the Chinese kick ass. They got the Nukes, hackers, and Overlords. Get a bunch of Overlords with Gattling guns and 1 or 2 with the speakers, the enemy is finished.


Where as the US has the beam, Air Superiority, better supply thingies, and maybe a few other things.


I can't decide which I like better.......

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Probably :p



NL_Ackbar: What did you do? Just create an account and play?


I did, but I can't even connect! I dont got firewall, and I am online when I try to logon......


1. started the game


2. clik on multiplay and then on internet


if you alrady have an acount just klik login and bypass step 3 & 4


3.type in you e-mail ,nickname ,password and birthdate


4. klik created


5.you are online (if you havent set your location set it)


6 klik on a game you want to play or created a game of your own


if you have any more problems there will be a patch out soon

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o wait good new!


the second patch just released!


Command & Conquer™ Generals Auto Patch

1.2 - 2/15/03

* Fixed a system-specific login problem

* Fixed some connection problems in larger games (3v3+)

* Fixed NAT issues with multiple players behind the same NAT


1.1 - 2/14/03

* Improved the online chat lobby lag

* Fixed the ping indicator in the chat lobby

* Added some more lobbies to spread out the load

* Fixed the accuracy of the games info displayed in the chat lobby


this sould clear any problems you had :band1

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Actually, you wanna know what my problem was? If you goto options and and look at the IP/ LAN options, and there are those numbers. For some reason, I have 2 of them for IP. I'm thinking it has something to do with my DSL. But it had the wrong number selected. I had to switch to the other one and it works fine now. I figured it out by myself too.


They need to work on the auto refeshing. I'd be at the bottom looking for the game and when it auto-refreshes, WHOOOSH, I'm at thge top now. [end complaing rant]




I've played the GLA a couple of times now, and I think they're good. The biological weapons are very strong. And the bomb trucks rule, but I don't like how they have no air......


USA is still my favorite, it has Air Superiority and the "freakin laser."


Then China has the Overlod and the Nuke weapons.


So, my favorites are in this order:


1) USA

2) China

3) GLA

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