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If your a smart Jedi


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Master Yoda, could you please move your foot, it's been rubbing against my face for hours.



Would if I could Master Kenobi, but Anakin has yet again stuck his elbow in my butt. I feel the Dark Side in him I do.



Will you two stop your complaining, I've had Palpatine shooting lightning up my rear for the last two days. Hey, stop that, it's really starting to hurt.



So be it, Jedi!

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After reading this post and other related ones, i wonder why people even bother discussing jedi stuff. Most of the people posting wont become a jedi due to the rareness of it, so why bother getting so worked up about it? It's like saying: "When i become an astronaut and go to the moon, i'm going to play hopscotch, not golf, then i'm going to take a rock back home and call it Bob." It's v.unlikely that it will happen, so let it go.



*If i offended any1 with this post im sorry it wasn't intentional but i had to get it off my chest.

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Well with that attitude it never would happen, The Jedi Path is not going to be for those who say, "well ill try hard."And like it or not, its not going to be for the casual gamer, because a casual gamer doesn't want to work hard for a year or so for the real fun to begin. The people who are going to make it are the hardcore players. The ones that have the time everyday to come home from work/school and sit down and play at least 5-6 hours a day. These are the ones that will make it, not only because their losers but they have extreme determination.... Note: this was not meant to offend anyone, I was talking about myself the whole time =) lol

Have a good one ,

Andba :mon:

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Actually so far Everquest is the only game I played at that rate...im going to haft to remember to eat on this one ;). I do actually go places with friends believe it or not and I do have a job lol, and since I quit playing EQ in Sept. of 02 i've had quite a good social life, I intend to maintain a social life after SWG dont get me wrong, but my imaginary...*COUGH!* my girlfriend will probably stop calling me. lol j/k But yea ill prob. spend somewhere around 5-6 hours a day on SWG. (My MMORPG schedule is usually wake up, head to school, come home, go to work, come home and play for about 5+ hours and then go to bed and do it all over.) :D

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Well, that is impressing. Sounds like something I will do when the game comes out, I'm afraid. :D


Anyway, Andba Crehou:


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