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I think I've lost my touch.

Reborn Outcast

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Ever have one of those days where you can't see to kill anyone or beat this one guys? Are people owning you with snipers and the Blas tech gun? Today was one of those days for me. :( OR maybe one of those weeks... :( I couldn't seem to kill anyone and it seemed like 4 or 5 people were OWNING me. :( My max number of kills in a game this week was 60. :( Others were getting 80-90 and ITS DRIVING ME INSANE!!!


Ever have one of those days or weeks? I think my mood effects my gameplay cause I have been in a bad mood for a while now...

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I think one of my dear old pals back in the old JK days said it best:


"Oh yeah, it's like that. One day you're sucking it up, and the next, you're a madman."


Look at it this way: If you don't stick with it, you're no kind of a player. Players stick with it. That's why they become what they become. It's the same in everything in life.

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I find sometimes when I have a bad stretch I start forcing the issue and try to overcompensate. I play much better when I am relaxed and patient. Then I just take the openings and the kills just happen. Sometimes when I get in a rut I take a day or two off, then come back refreshed and able to play the way I normally do. Works for me anyway :)


At the very least, I have great respect for you coming here and posting, "You know what, I'm having a bad stretch, and my play is not up to my normal standards", instead of "Man, this game needs drastic sweeping changes, 'cause I'm a 1337 d00d and if the game was good I'd own all your asses. These patches made me not have ownage so they all suck and this game is ruined and guns shouldn't own sabers and the Jedi are wrong and I can't pull backstab so why play and I need that because I have to have big time frags because I base my self esteme on winning at this game 'cause I got no friends or girlfriend and you are all newbs and see you made me write a run on sentence." :D


Sorry about that last bit. It was just refreshing to have someone admit that they are having an off day.


Here's to you! :guiness:

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I'm pretty depressed right now. I've been playing 4 hours today (that just about doubles my game time in 2003 :D ).


It started off quite nicely. Armed with a bryar (yeah, ph34r Teh BRYAR!!) I managed to score repeatedly about 40 kills in 20 minutes. I don't care what the l337 people say, to me that's a good result. :)


Anyways, I took a break for a few hours and just now when I logged back on... I CAN'T HIT ****! :swear:


I bet I shot and killed myself off other's sabers more than I landed clean hits!


Give me a fully loaded flechette and a 3 m2 room with 5 unarmed people in it and I swear I will a) waste all my ammo without hitting anyone and b) accidentially die of idle saber damage after taking my hp down with my own spammy shooting.


Hmm..perhaps I'll give it one more try. :D

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Hey thanks Prime!!! I guess I'll go back on and give it a shot!!


Oh and by the way. If anyone wants to play with me from these forums that'd be great!!! I play online as either IgUeSsImLaGgIn OR iGuEsSiMlAgGiN (notice how the capital letters are switched. :D ) Just search for me and we can get together sometime!!! I normally play on the server that I believe is called Cassardia Prime or something like that.

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Lay off of the game for awhile come back and you'll probably do better. Yes I know it sounds stupid, but everyone reaches a burn out point in jk2 and lose skill as a result. I play at my best when I'm only playing every few days for a little amount of time. I play at my worst if I'm playing for more than an hour a day daily the game just becomes boring.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

I think one of my dear old pals back in the old JK days said it best:


"Oh yeah, it's like that. One day you're sucking it up, and the next, you're a madman."


Look at it this way: If you don't stick with it, you're no kind of a player. Players stick with it. That's why they become what they become. It's the same in everything in life.


Both true:(


It`s all about practice.

I remember when i was a great player of Cs, i won tournaments and all, but when i stop playing for a month, i become pt (a player that sucks).


Like u said, is the same in everything in life, if u don´t catch up whith the new moves or tactics u are no longer a good player, adn it seems that you loose the "spark".


I hope i said that clear:D



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