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Does Race Matter?


Does race exist?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Does race exist?

    • Yes, race is based on appearance.
    • Yes, race is based on body chemistry/genetics.
    • No, race does not exist.
    • Other: post what you think.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

But there are also genetical differences between, say, blondes and brown-haired people. And different people of the same "race" can have different cultures (the Spanish and Russians are both made up of brown-haired people and blondes, but how many people hit pinatas on their birthdays in Russia)? Still, both Russians and Spanish are reffered to as "whites".

Now you are making a mistake scientist made many years ago. Categorizing by external appearance. It's not what's on the outside as much as what's on the inside that counts. No other thing that saying applies to more than in classifing a organism.


There is a big difference in blacks and whites for example. Blacks are born with high amount of melanin in there skin. Caucasians only develop this threw tanning. Blacks are already tanned do to there environment the developed in. It is a genetic superiority to whites. Africans still get sun burned, but are much less likely than say someone from Scandinavia. Also Africans tend to be taller than Caucasians, because a taller more slender frame dissipates heat more easily than say a short stalky frame. Eskimos aren't very tall ever wonder why? Africans also suffer more commonly from cycle cell anemia which is a adaptation to malaria.

Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

That's one reason why I dislike races: They generalize too much. A Mongolian isn't nearly the same as a Japanese, and being East Russian is different from being English.

Liking or disliking something that is a fact doesn't make it a yes or a no it's still a fact. "Dagobahn Eagle" Not trying to be rude or anything, but you seem to have the attitude "if you don't like something you can just get rid of anything that suports that idea." The world is a far more complex place than that. Denying something, becouse you don't like the idea isn't going to change anything.

Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

I agree with Shock. Most differences are cultural, not racial.

If that were true than a white couple would have just as much a chance of giving birth to e a black baby as a black couple giving birth to a white baby. There are different races in the human species. Some people like to say human race. They are afraid separating humanity promotes racism. Each race has attributes that give them an edge on the others, because of the environment they developed in. That's why there is difference. The differences shouldn't be frowned on, but excepted as a common treat of humanity. Each race is special.


Kingdom = Amimals

Phylum = Chordata

Class = Mamilia

Order = Primate

Family = Hominidae

Genus = Homo

Species = Homo-sapians or modern humans

A species can further be broken down, but isn't normally in humans, because of the stigma of racism. Saying we are all the same race is like saying all animals are the same. Coral and birds are both animals, but are not the same.

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It is a genetic superiority to whites.

It in no way makes "blacks" superior to "whites", as "blacks" are more likely to suffer damage caused by cold, such as frostbite.


See? It evens out.


If that were true than a white couple would have just as much a chance of giving birth to e a black baby as a black couple giving birth to a white baby.

That's not what I meant.

I meant differences such as language, dialects, eating habits, attitude, etc. Norwegians don't exactly have a gene that makes us like hiking, it's just a society thing.


And have you ever noticed how some (not all) dark people talk differently than others, saying stuff like "you know whut I mean", or "my African brother", or "my white cousin", calling people "foos", and the likes? Some people say this make dark-skinned people unique and thus a different race. My questions are:


1. What about a dark person who doesn't talk that way? Is he or she still to be considered dark?


2. What about a Chinese who was raised by Nigerians and talks that way? Is she Asian or African;)?


See? It's society.


CJ, you appear to think that because we've got different appearances and traits, we're different races. But not everyone from the same "race" have the same traits.


For example, people in mountainous regions have generally bigger lungs than people from low-land regions. So a Russia from a high-raising mountain peak near Siberia probably has bigger lungs than a Dane from Jutland (not enough to make a big difference, but it makes breathing slightly less laboured in mountain regions). They're still the same race, aren't they? We don't say the "Scandinavian race" and the "Russian race".


There are different races in the human species. Some people like to say human race. They are afraid separating humanity promotes racism.

Partly that, but also because we seriously believe it as a fact.


Darwin might have said creation by God didn't exist partly because he was afraid of going to Hell, but it sure wasn't the main reason why he said so. The main reason was he found fossils and such and developed a theory based on that evidence.


Saying we are all the same race is like saying all animals are the same. Coral and birds are both animals, but are not the same.

But that's different species, not different breeds/races. I'm not a different species from that Chinese-American girl down the road.

I know what you mean, friend, but you're not using the right analogy here.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

It in no way makes "blacks" superior to "whites", as "blacks" are more likely to suffer damage caused by cold, such as frostbite.


See? It evens out.

Yes and I also stated that it evens out in my post. Just not so exactly.

Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

1. What about a dark person who doesn't talk that way? Is he or she still to be considered dark?


2. What about a Chinese who was raised by Nigerians and talks that way? Is she Asian or African;)?

It seems you are confusing culture and race. My culture is how I talk and act. My race is what I am. I'm a mix breed lol though. If you are black you are black just, because you were not raised in the stereotypical culture of that race doesn't make you less of what you are.

Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

CJ, you appear to think that because we've got different appearances and traits, we're different races. But not everyone from the same "race" have the same traits.

Some people in the race of Caucasians have blue eyes and have black hair as apposed to blond hair. These are all differences in the same race. Not all Caucasians have blue eyes and blond hair. That is a form of subtle variation. I think you need to learn what are the characteristic of a race and the characteristics of the race itself. A Caucasian person can have black hair and brown eyes doesn't make them African or Asian. They are still Caucasian. Eye and hair color are sub traits of a race not necessarily the characteristics of a race. Also race has nothing to do with how you act that is culture. That's the way you were raised to think. Nobody can raise you to be a different race. Each race is genetically different there is no argument here it is a fact. A cheetah acts and even has some of the same characteristics as a dog, but it is still a cat.

Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

For example, people in mountainous regions have generally bigger lungs than people from low-land regions. So a Russia from a high-raising mountain peak near Siberia probably has bigger lungs than a Dane from Jutland (not enough to make a big difference, but it makes breathing slightly less laboured in mountain regions). They're still the same race, aren't they? We don't say the "Scandinavian race" and the "Russian race".

All you just did was to explain a more obvious and short term form of evolution. People living in higher elevations well develop over time larger lungs to coop with the thinner air. They will do this over a short period of time say a few hundred generations for it to become a obvious trait. Over an even greater amount of time say a few thousand generations these people may become a different race. Over a little more time a different species of homo-sapien. Homo-saipien-mountainous lol


Over a large amount of time each race of man if left uninterrupted would develop into a separate species. Eventually the minor differences that make up the races would be more developed in till we had to many differences compared to similarities to be the same species. Homo-erectus is the common ancestor to homo-sapiens, homo-neanderthalensis, and homo-heidelbergensis.

Just as Homo-sapiens could some day be a common ancestor to future species of humans. The races are the first steps towards thoughs separate species.


There is only a 3% difference in a chimpanzee's DNA to a Human's DNA. Are you a chimp? 3% is a very small difference. So lets include them in this HUMAN RACE as well.


The problem we are having is that you are confusing Nationality, Culture, and Race as the same thing. From what I can tell your talking about actions I'm talking about blood. My nationality is American that is the country I was born and raced in. I was raised in a stereotypical white culture and my race well I'm going to go with Caucasian, because I have too many physically white traits to be considered Native American, but for the most part I'm about a even split 40/60 lol. Your nationality has no effect on your type of culture. As you can be an American and be raised in a Chinese culture. Your culture has no effect on your race. A person can be white and raised in a black culture. They are still white. Culture is mental and race is genetic.


I personaly think we are all are just hairless talking monkeys. Some of us with delusions of grandeur.

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There is only a 3% difference in a chimpanzee's DNA to a Human's DNA. Are you a chimp? 3% is a very small difference. So lets include them in this HUMAN RACE as well.

Actually, they are different species, not different races, so I don't think I can.


Whites and Blacks are the same species like fundamental religious people and martians are the same species:p, while humans and gorillas are not the same species.


What I'm saying is more like: Yes, we are different, but no, I don't think we're different enough to be called races.


*Should I delete this thread and bump the one Shock linked to? Opinions?*

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

What I'm saying is more like: Yes, we are different, but no, I don't think we're different enough to be called races.

We are enough alike to be called the same species, but not enough alike to be the same race. It's simple fact. We are not the same race.


There have never been ONE race of man and as long as there is not some kind of genocide, and all but one race is wiped out. There will always be more than ONE race. There is no way you can say a Caucasian, a African, and a Asian are the same race. There is to many "GENETIC" differences to be called the same race just as there is to many genetic differences for chimpanzees to be the same species as Humans.


The Definition

race1 n. 1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics. 5. Biology. a. A population of organisms differing from others of the same species in the frequency of hereditary traits; a subspecies.


If you find a skull of a person in the middle of the woods from a crime scene not only can you tell its sex, but you can tell its race by its shape. Each race has certain characteristics unique to them that makes them too different to be the same race. If we were all the same there would be no blacks, whites, or Asians or whatever. We would all have the same base characteristics and look for the most part the same.


We are all Humans, however; we are not all the same race. Does it really matter only if you're racist. What matters to me is what is in your head. I can fined reasons to hate you for who you are not what you are. I don't need something as petty as race. I have more respect for most other animals than I do a lot of humans.


From what I can tell you think if you take away all the name stamps like African or Caucasian than there won't be racism anymore. Just like you think if you tell people they can't call them selves Nazis than there won't be Nazis anymore. Anyway if it makes you happy for the time being to think all humans are the same race that is your freedom; however; wrong it may be. Freedom of speech it seems. ;) I'm not getting paid to teach human biology, evolution, and race recognition.:o If only I were that qualified. I would have presented a better argument than I did from more than my own personal knowledge.


It's good to know you're not racist anyway.;)

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That merge thing was pretty neat. Made me think I posted in the wrong thread for a second. And if I'm so easily confused with Shock, I think I might take advantage of this opportunity. But that begs the question, will it be for good, or for evil? Stay tuned next week to find out, same Shock time, same Shock channel.

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