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Was wondering if they might have gamecards(Small plastic things with a number on them that you pay for in order to play for a set amount of time) available at the release? Would be a godsend for those of us with...finance problems. Although, it would allow minors to play the game and it seems like most people feel that they k-Okay, I'm contradicting myself. Anyway, I'd appreciate any answers/speculations. :)

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Originally posted by Repta

Was wondering if they might have gamecards(Small plastic things with a number on them that you pay for in order to play for a set amount of time) available at the release? Would be a godsend for those of us with...finance problems. Although, it would allow minors to play the game and it seems like most people feel that they k-Okay, I'm contradicting myself. Anyway, I'd appreciate any answers/speculations. :)

well this subject has been talked about some months ago..... we dont know... i think it also depends on the fee.
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  • 1 month later...

Based on the mass-marketing that Sony is doing for this game ( by doing things such as making it a point that the folks with a 56k modem will be able to play), I find it very difficult to believe that they wouldnt offer a pre-pay card in the U.S. Only speculation on my part of course :)



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