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MI5 should use CMIs graphics, not GRIME


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I say bring back Tiller.


(From http://brimstone.scummbar.com/btchatevent.php)

Also if I were to do it I would want the backgrounds to be in 2d, 24 bit high color, 800 x 600 and the characters in high poly either pre rendered or real-time 3d. And it would have to be point and click. There is no need to pilot around in an adventure game. It was a nice experiment in Grim but it causes the player to work too much. Point and click is just a hell of a lot easier.

Sounds good to me.
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I agree with Dincht. 3D point and click and my gob will be shut for ages (except to gawp at the graphics, that is.) Unfortunately, and i hate to say this, but Escape from Monkey Island severely lacks in character graphics. And you have to be a total perfectionist to line Guybrush up with everything. But in a way I prefer using the keyboard - it gives you a sense of freedom and adventure. Grrr. I'm severely twisted, can't make my mind up!!!! Yikes!!!! :eek::rolleyes::D:o:);):p:confused:

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if they make a MI%, i wuld really like 2 see it as mi3 style, cause i didn't like how number 4 was 3d, it sumhow took away from the comedy.nothing will ever be as commical as number 3, number 3 had the best animation, and id like tos ee more of it

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I could care less about 3D. Well drawn 2D art is infinitely preferable - and as an added bonus, looks much nicer as a screenshot on the box ;)


Another CMI style game would be perfect, though a slightly tweaked interface would be nice. I hated how the dubloon would pop up over whatever you were trying to interact with.


I can't speak for you guys, but in the first two games, I used to use a combination of the keyboard shortcuts and mouse. I'd like that option to be there, so I could press say "P" for push, or "U" for use, and then click on whatever I wanted to push or use or talk to. Bringing back a few more verbs would be nice too.


and they should BRING BACK THE ABILITY TO PUSH 1-4 for conversation choices, goldarn it!

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if they make a MI%, i wuld really like 2 see...

Now then. You have made Two Mistakes.

:tsk: ) You put 'MI%'. I'm sure you meant MI5.

:tsk: :tsk: ) You said 'if'. NEVER say 'if' when referring to something good, only use the word 'if' for negative things. Always say 'When' for good things. [Or at least that's what I do!]

Dance if you want a MI5!!!!!


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I'm all for going back to the 2D style of background and characters they had in CMI. I thought the background art was beautiful in EMI, but the characters left something to be desired.

The only time you could really see expression on the characters faces was in the cutscenes. But CMI, on the otherhand, had wonderful character expressions and animation.

Like I saw in an interview with one of the makers in "The SCUMM bar", the gaming world has been taken over by graphic games like Quake and Doom, and now there is no room for a little game with a good interface. Everything has to be a visual eyefeast, but I say that they should build a good, 2D point and click with visuals much like CMI, and anyone who is a fan of the series will be glad to see the old CMI graphics back.

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Yeah, i agree... something tells me it has something to do with the 3D engine.. ?!


Now then. You have made Two Mistakes.

) You put 'MI%'. I'm sure you meant MI5.

) You said 'if'. NEVER say 'if' when referring to something good, only use the word 'if' for negative things. Always say 'When' for good things. [Or at least that's what I do!]


And uh.. xElaineMarleyx are you a mother? Har! *ahum* J/K

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Nothing bad about the background graphics in EMI, they were great, but the characters were too lifeless and actiongamealike, as said.

You are soo right... i think they should concentrate on facial expressions in the new game.

they should use C.M.Is backgrounds so they dont spend so much time on them.

:toothrot: heh heh!

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true, each game had it's own background music apart from efmi which just reused cmi's style of musice. i hated jambalaya island and parts of lucre island (music i'm talking about). yes, the backgrounds were nice, but didn't quite fit in with what we want from monkey island. i like the cmi backgrounds the best.

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This new game Lucas Arts are promising us had better be a point-and-click! When I first started playing Escape from Monkey Island, I was disappointed to find that Guybrush had an annoying habit of walking round and round in circles!!!:mad:. Still, somehow I fixed that problem, but then I was faced with a newer problem: Lining Mr Threepwood up with people and objects!!! Grrr! Point and click was sooooo much easier!!!

(P.S. I'm really sorry if I went off-topic. I got a bit carried away there... :Pout1:

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I... am stuck for words! ( For once in my life!!! :lol: )

If Lucas Arts were to go the way I want them to, they would make MI4 with MI3's graphics, the original reggae-theme, a couple of funny songs, a choice of point and click or keyboard controls, PLUS a choice of characters!!! ( :sign2: Oh, and don't forget the EXTENDED UNBREAKABLE CONTRACT!!! :sign2: )

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