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Looking for a SP wookie

Koo Koolen

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I would like to replace Kyle in SP with the wookie model.


I wanted to change it by editing the asset0.pk3 file but since the wookie is a model and not a skin I didn't manage to make the pattern.


So I'm asking for someone who know where to find such a mod or someone who could do it.


It must be great !


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It likely has to do with the different way parts of a model are turned on and off in SP and MP. In MP there will be a .surf file like model_default.surf. In there will be what parts of the model are turned on and what parts are turned off. What parts of the model are missing?


I'll try and give you an example of how you might fix this. suppose in the .surf file there is:


surfOff "torso_bandolier torso_bag"

surfOn "head_hat"


This will remove the bandolier and bag and show the hat in MP. If you want to do the same in SP, open up the associated .skin file, in this case model_default.skin. There should be an entry for torso_bandolier, torso_bag, and head_hat. To turn our bandolier and bag off, replace those lines with the following:





Turn turn on our hat you need to indicate where the texture can be found, so on the line where it says head_hat, you should have:


head_hat,<directory where the texture is><texture name>


Anyway, this is off the top of my head, but I think that should work. If you have any problems, let me know.

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Thanks Prime I made it !


In fact, what you wrote explain how to deactivate extra parts of the model, that's it ?


It works but I would like the game to load it anyway. Moreover, there's still the problem with sounds...


But if you don't how to do it, it doesn't matter....I can play with wookie that's cool.


But if I manage to do it perfectly I will put my mod on jk2files, thanks to you, so that everybody can enjoy playing as a wookie.

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Originally posted by Koo Koolen

In fact, what you wrote explain how to deactivate extra parts of the model, that's it ?


It works but I would like the game to load it anyway. Moreover, there's still the problem with sounds...


But if you don't how to do it, it doesn't matter....I can play with wookie that's cool.


But if I manage to do it perfectly I will put my mod on jk2files, thanks to you, so that everybody can enjoy playing as a wookie.


That explanation is how you turn on and off parts of a model, yes. However, the important thing is that those parts have to be able to be turned on and off. This is not possible with all parts. You can usually find out what will work by looking at the model in modview.


I'm not sure what you mean by, "It works but I would like the game to load it anyway". You would like the game to load what anyway?


What Psyk0Sith says is correct in regards to sounds. make a directory called sound\chars\kyle\misc and put the wookie sounds in that directory. Add this directory to your .pk3, and your wookie will sound like a wookie.


If you want to do something really cool, you can make it so that your wookie is much taller than the other characters. Then you won't have a wookie that's the same height as everyone else. If you want to do that, do the following:


- first, open up assets0.pk3 and extract the npcs.cfg file.

- then open that up in notepad or something and go down to the first entry called "munro"

- you will see a bunch of parameters there. Somewhere in there add the line "scale 120". This is what to scale the model to, in terms of a percentage. In this case, I've told it to scale the wookie to %120 of it's original size. You can play around and see what percentage you want to use.

- after you've made that change, add that file to your .pk3 file. Then you should have your wookie towering over everyone else, like he should!


If you have any problems, let me know...

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