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locations of SWG servers


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Have the locations of the SWG servers been released? The list says "east" or "west", but nothing further. I would be interested in playing on a server close to my home so hopefully some real-life meets could happen. I was guessing that the east coast servers would be at the uunet location outside of DC, but who knows.... If anyone knows any information on this, please reply.




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Hi im Wraith 8 your local Moderator.

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Here you have your welcome gift to the forums :D:

*gives a large box full of Chocolate Gnorts*



but a list with WHERE they are has not been released.. and i dont think they will do that. does it really matter THAT much?


I hope to see you around more :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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Thank you both for the welcome!


It doesn't really matter that much, but personally I would play on the server that is located nearest my home. And I'm guessing that alot of people would do the same thing..... So I figured that any in-game groups could have real life meets, and location helps make that a bit easier.

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Originally posted by DeeperSubstance

Thank you both for the welcome!


It doesn't really matter that much, but personally I would play on the server that is located nearest my home. And I'm guessing that alot of people would do the same thing..... So I figured that any in-game groups could have real life meets, and location helps make that a bit easier.

LOL... ok the associates are throwing a real life chat :D... where should we meet? :D doesnt work for us :p we are spread over the world. and the closest to my home... uhmm.. its all on the east coast for me :p... but ofcourse your right.. it would be easier.
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