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I Need Help Yet Agian


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ok i have every thing on how to make a map down but......i maid a map and i saved every time i did some thing big and i have every thing in it that i need and then i compile it and here is when the fun starts it finnishes compileing and then i go to check it in game and it says po_hanger not found (po_hanger is my map)

can any 1 helpoh nad i had it working beofore but it dont work any more:( :(:mad::swear::newbie::wornout::snipe1::dev6::chop1:

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Ok - first off, if you don't get a response right away, there's no need to post a second comment. It's not that no one knows the answer, it's most likely that no one is HERE to answer it. Just remember that in the future.


Now, how are you trying to load up your map? Are you trying to load it thru the console? And are you positive that po_hanger is the name of your bsp file?

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po_hanger.map is your source map file and is unplayable.

po_hanger.bak is an editor created backup of the .map file.


po_hanger.bsp is the compiled (playable) version.

This is the required file to play your map.


You should not need a slash(/) before the command: map


e.g. map po_hanger


If you have no po_hanger.bsp file or it loads the wrong map, then check the junk.txt file for indications of a compile error.

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well i got it working now but there is 3 problems how do you make a force feild sheild actuly look like a froce feild and what is the recomended light amount number and how do you take a screen shot so i cna show you guys my first map even maid

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Force fields:




Screenshots: I use F12 to make screenshots. In the console type in "bind F12 screenshot" without the quotes. From then you can take a screenshot any time by pressing F12.


Anyway, I recommend the using of the forum's search function. There are many answers you can find for yourself without asking a question. Can be quicker than waiting for someone.

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ok after 3 days of working on the map here are some screen shots


pic above:hangershot0004.jpg

pic above: hanger control system




pic above: this is a not so very good shot of a good freind of mines room elf she likes lord of hte rings so i put that there there are other rooms but i am tyerd and i am hiting hte sack cya latter oh nad tell me what you think

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