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i wanna be a pirate

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Okay, I'm not quite sure if I understand. What do you mean by chat site? Do you intend to host a chat room there, or what? Be more specific.


Also, what is this thread doing in the Forum Help and Feedback Center? You already started an identical thread in the Monkey Island forums, and this really doesn't have anything to do with Lucasforums. Lastly, are you really in that much of a hurry that you are required to abbreviate some of your words? This is a forum, after all, and not a chat room. Take some time with your posts, man. We need to be able to understand your posts.

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thx z. yeah, my neck hurted back then. but thats not y i abbreviate, i just do. i dont know y u ppl have such a thing about abreviating. sheesh, cant u understand that u=you, y=why, etc ?


anyways, i posted it in the LF community cause i dont take u as workmates and LF as a workplace, i take u all as friends that can help me when im needed. this doesnt have anything to do with LEC, i posted here cause, i though this is more public than the MI forums, and i posted there cause i know smart ppl like brief and murta hang around there and im not sure if they hang around here. gee, u wanna check my ID too? ;P



OK, i ll try to explain it. i wanna build a website outside LF, where ppl can come in and open chatrooms to play an RPG. it will be a special kind of chat site (each chat page, will have to have a dice roller, etc.), but i need to learn how to build a chat site to build this website. for instance, i need to find out wot is a "programmed server" (apparently i need one of those to get a chat site going)


i was hoping any of u could help me here, linking me to a "how to build a chat site" page or something, i dunno.


hope that clears everything, thx.

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There isn't a 'build a chat site toolset' to my knowledge, so you'd have to write one.


If I were you, I'd write the client interface in java and the chat and random number generator in c or c++ depending on whatever you're more comfortable with. You might wanna just go for java serverside as well, since it has built in networking, unlike the other 2 languages.

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Here's an idea but it prolly ain't a very good one...


Get yourself some paid hosting that allows you to have multiple mySQL databases.


Get Invision Power Boards http://www.invisionboard.com


They're about to release version 1.1.1 Which includes a chatroom with built into the forum.


You could have a chat/forum kinda thing going on... bad idea? Yeah prolly is... *walks away*

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