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MI4: Configuring the keyboard


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okay, when i say manual, i don't mean the online manual, byut the one inside the CD case. but if your still having problems, basically, make sure the num lock is off. then


8 = forwards

4 = turn left

6 = turn left

2 = move down


to run, press 8 twice as if a double click and hold down on the second press. i can't remember fully, but i think 0 allows you to open your inventory, + lets you pick something up and if something is in your hand then + lets you put it in your inventory. enter is basically enter and i think del lets you skip through lines of dialogue. but just experiment with these as some may be wrong (i may be getting the keys mixed up with those of grim fandango) but it should all work.


but i agree with feral, not only is it hard to play the game without the arrow keys, but a lot of basic functions of your computer will nhow become a lot harder so the best thing to do is have this keyboard fixed if possible, or just buy another one (they're not too expensive these days and compatibility isn't usualy a big problem).

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