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Avatar Requests/Discussion


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Hereyou go again Berreta:




and finally...




Originally posted by Jedi Apprentice

Can someone explain to me how to make one of these avatars with the moving Matrix background?


Alright, i'll try to keep it simple. This is how i do it but there are other ways to do it.


First, you need a program that makes animated .gif, for example Adobe ImageReady (which i use) or Jasc Animation shop (which is also very good and used to use!)


Then you need a pic of a matrix background and whatever pic you want on top of it.


What i do is i crop the matrix background to something like 70px by 140 px, then i take the bottom part (70x70) and copy it to the top of the background so you now have a 70x210 matrix background strip with the top and bottom exactly the same.


Now try to make the top part, which you just copied, and the original strip match better. You want it to look like it authentic. but don't modify the top 70x70 square, you want it the same as the bottom 70x70 square!.


Then you have to erase the parts that are to be transparent on your other pic, for eaxmple : gray fox in the avatar above. And put it on another layer.


Then animate the background by moving it downwards until you reach the top of your matrix strip. Make sure the first and the last pics of your animation ARE NOT the same otherwise your animation is gonna look weird.


Then you need to save it to a .gif and you are done


hope this helps..

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